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The cold wind was fierce and the smoke billowed.

Over the lofty volcano, Monray and Perfecture Lord Cato face each other at a distance, with swords drawn and bows bent, and not far away, other Perfecture Lord, Imperial Prince Princess, and Royal Ministers are closely watching the battle.

“Prefecture Lords, who do you think the two of them will win?” a handsome young man with black hair and black eyes asked.

He is the Eldest Imperial Prince of the Nether Demon Kingdom, and the most pure Netherworld Divine Phoenix from Bloodline. He is strong, not weaker than the many Perfecture Lords present.

“Prefecture Lord Kado and Perfecture Lord Cato are equal in strength. If this person really defeats Perfecture Lord Kado by strength, he will definitely win!”

A Perfecture Lord replied without thinking.


All other Perfecture Lords are nodded.

Everyone knows that Kado and Cato are brothers, and they are equally powerful. If Monray can defeat Perfecture Lord Kado, it will definitely defeat Cato.

There is no doubt about this.


The Perfecture Lord’s conversation turned, and the words were full of suspicion: “This new Ice Demon Prefecture Lord looked very eye-catching. If I remember correctly, my Nether Demon Kingdom, and even the entire Nether Continent, seem to have changed from There is no such an expert!”

“Cyrillic Prefecture Lord, you mean…”

Eldest Imperial Prince raised his brow and asked astonished.

“Prefecture Lord Kado is also a veteran Middle Level Great Demon God, and the rising star is not his opponent!”

Cyrillic Prefecture Lord said with a smile: “Perhaps Perfecture Lord Cato is right. This guy did use some improper means to defeat Perfecture Lord Kado!”

“That makes sense!”

“This brat looks so tight, it should be the younger generation who has just emerged in recent years. How can junior a trifling be the opponent of Perfecture Lord Kado?”

“Looking at the entire Nether Continent, there are only a few experts that can kill Perfecture Lord Kado, not including this guy who emerged from nowhere!”

“According to everyone, this new Ice Demon Prefecture Lord is not the opponent of Perfecture Lord Cato?” Eldest Imperial Prince raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Most likely!”

“He can kill Perfecture Lord Kado, probably by using some improper means!”

“It must be like this…”

At the moment when the Prefecture Lords were discussing, the battle between Monray and Prefecture Lord Cato had begun. Only the Perfecture Lord Cato roared, raging:

“The juniors of base and shameless, I want to avenge my big brother Kado, and I want you to pay a heavy price for your despicable behavior!”

The tone barely fell, and only a fire light shot past, the Perfecture Lord Cato had already reached Monray, and then there was a terrifying punch.

“Dead! Hybrid!”

A hole was directly penetrated into the void, and the fist slammed into Monray’s head along the hole, obviously to blow Monray’s head with a punch.

“Can he stop it?”

At this moment, all the Perfecture Lord, Imperial Prince Princess, and Princes and Ministers all looked towards Monray, wondering if Monray can block this fist?

“You want to kill me with this little power? You value yourself too much!”

Monray shook his head slightly, stretched out his right hand and grabbed it lightly, “click–” Monray grabbed the punch of the earth shattering.


Prefecture Lord Cato startled, the Prefecture Lord, Imperial Prince Princess and the others who watched the battle were also started, everyone was completely shocked!

Catch the attack of Perfecture Lord Cato?

“It’s my attack!”

Monray shook his body and appeared behind Perfecture Lord Cato like a ghost, flicks with the finger and flicked on the back of Perfecture Lord Cato’s head lightly.

“ka-cha -“

Like a bullet piercing a watermelon, and like a steel ball piercing an egg, only a crisp sound was heard, and there was a blood hole in the middle of the eyebrows of Perfecture Lord Cato.

Prefecture Lord Cato froze all over, his eyes were bigger than bullseye, with an incredible look.


It hadn’t finished speaking, and the look in its pupils gradually dimmed, and then fell straight toward the ground.

With a wave of his hand, Monray set the Prefecture Lord Cato in the air, and then in front of many Prefecture Lord, Imperial Prince Princess, and the prince ministers, he cut out the Demonic Spark of Prefecture Lord Cato and killed its Divine Soul.

“Ding! Kill 1 Flame Demon Great Demon God and get 600010000 Divine Crystal!” The system sounded.

“Not bad!”

Monray smiled satisfied, then took off the space ring of the Perfecture Lord Cato to check it out.

At this glance, Monray’s smile even worsened: “tsk tsk! Worthy of being the Perfecture Lord, the treasures you carry with you are so rich!”

“System, collect all items that can be collected!”

Moments later, wealth skyrocketed by 400010000 Divine Crystal!

In addition to the 600010000 Divine Crystal just now, it is exactly 1100000000 Divine Crystal, and the 1100000000 Divine Crystal that was used to increase the fusion of the Metal Source Divine Body was made up in a blink of an eye.

Elated !

After doing this, Monray threw the body of the Perfecture Lord Cato to the golden tree, and then looked towards the many Perfecture Lord, Imperial Prince Princess, and the royal ministers, but found that these guys were all shocked, looking at him like a monster.

The scene…a dead silence!

Obviously, everyone was scared!

“Monray, these guys are scared by you!” Dodora chuckled teased.

“No way, it’s all due to being too strong!” Monray laughed and flew towards them.

“He’s here!!!”

There was a commotion among the demons.

“Everyone, no one should doubt my strength now, right?” Monray asked with a smile.

The Prefecture Lords were a bit embarrassed, especially the Cyrillic Prefecture Lord who commented heavily on Monray before, and they wanted to find a place to sew in.

A rising star?

Improper means?


Instant kill Prefecture Lord Cato at your fingertips. How many can you do in the Prefecture Lord?

How can such a terrifying strength use improper means?

“Didn’t expect the new Ice Demon Prefecture Lord to have such strengths, which can be described as the blessing of Demon Country. I believe the Imperial Father must be very happy to know!”

A hearty smile appeared on Eldest Imperial Prince’s face: “Everyone, the Imperial Father is about to be summoned, let’s go back to the Chamber of Deputies first!”


When everyone returned to the previous palace, Monray had planned to find a place to sit down, but Eldest Imperial Prince arranged him in the top position.

The other Prefecture Lords didn’t say much about it, and obviously all recognized Monray’s strength.

Demon World powerhouse is respected, Monray is stronger than them, and of course its status is respected.

Not long after everyone sat down, the Demon Sovereign of the Nether Demon Kingdom appeared. When it sat there, it put great pressure on the Perfecture Lord present.

“I have seen His Majesty Demon Sovereign!”

“You needn’t be polite!”

Demon Sovereign signaled everyone to take their seats, and his gaze swept across them one after another, and soon fell to Monray, who was sitting on the top of the bottom, and was slightly surprised.

Eldest Imperial Prince saw this, and even leaned forward to whisper in a low voice. When Demon Sovereign heard it, the divine glow in his eyes skyrocketed, slowly opening the mouth and said: “Instant kill Prefecture Lord Cato, the new Ice Demon Prefecture Lord strength Yes, my Nether Demon Kingdom is fortunate!”

“Demon Sovereign overpraised!”

Monray slightly nodded.

“This time, the opening of Dark Sky is imminent, and I heard this kind of good news, indicating that my Nether Demon Kingdom trip to Dark Sky will be a great harvest!”

Demon Sovereign seemed to be really happy. He looked towards Monray and said: “Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, I beg you and the Perfection Lords for this trip to Dark Sky!”

“Demon Sovereign, you are polite, I must do my best!”

Monray is slightly humble.


Demon Sovereign encouraged it again, and then took everyone to Dark Sky. Every time Dark Sky is turned on, the 3 peerless powerhouses such as Demon Sovereign will not enter. The reason is self-evident. I am worried that the Plane Core of Nether Continent will be killed. refining.

Although they will not enter, the treasure brought out by the entrant, Three Sovereigns will never be soft.

In other words, no matter what is brought out, Three Sovereigns can be taken first!

Not giving?

Then go to hell!

No one is reasoning with you here!

Three days later, the entire group arrived in front of Dark Sky.

Dark Sky has not been activated yet, so what appears in front of you is a cliff of hundred zhang high. Nether Continent has countless cliffs and wonders. The cliff of hundred zhang high is nothing but the cliff in front of you, because it is Dark Sky. The land of opening.

For countless years, I don’t know how many great Grand Fiends have come here, wanting to see the elegance of Dark Sky, especially every day when Dark Sky opens, Demons gather.

No, at first glance, densely packed are Demon, they come from all over Nether Continent, and they all want to see the next battle!

“I’m going! Demon is a lot!”

Dodora murmured: “And the strength is not weak, the last time it is Demon God!”

“Dark Sky, which opens every 310000 years, is a grand event sweeping the entire Nether Continent, and countless powerhouses are attracted!”

Monray said with a smile: “They are not qualified to compete for places, the purpose is to watch the Quota Battle of 3 Great Empire!”

“Nether Continent all powerhouses should be gathered here? tsk tsk, so many Middle Level Great Demon God, ordinary Great Demon God, the number is amazing!”

Dodora tsk tsk praised: “Nether Continent’s background is indeed very powerful, and it definitely ranks among the best in the Middle Level Plane I have seen!”

“This has a lot to do with Boundless Plane!”

Monray said with a smile: “Although Boundless Plane is very dangerous, most of the 36 powerhouses that enter each time are often killed, but the things that are brought out are extremely rich! The accumulation of countless years has greatly improved the strength of Nether Continent! “

Just as the two people were chatting, everyone had already come to the cliff, and Chief-In-Charge of Nether Demon Kingdom had already rushed to greet him!

“I have seen His Majesty Demon Sovereign!”

“Get up!”

Netherworld Demon Sovereign waved his hand slightly, indifferently said: “Are people from the other two countries coming?”

“Back to His Majesty Demon Sovereign, Fallen Empire and Hell Three Heads Kingdom have not arrived yet!”

The Chief-In-Charge bowed back, but at this moment, suddenly there were bursts of exclamation around him.

“Come! The other Two Great Empires people are also here! The show is finally about to begin, so excited!”

Monray turned his head and looked around. Sure enough, he saw two groups of horses and horses rushing from a distance, and they soon reached the cliff.

“Isaiah, you came first!”

“How about coming first? It depends on the strength!”

Monray followed the prestigious heading 2 people.

A beautiful woman with red hair and a sexy and enchanting look; a Fallen Angel with eight wings and a cold and majestic face.

It is Continent’s other two supreme powerhouses: Hell Three Heads Kingdom Empress Euphemia Foster and Fallen Empire Emperor Alec Houdini!

“You are here!”

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