You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The 3 parties said hello, and the test started directly.

The rules of the test are very simple. 3 parties can send an unlimited number of powerhouses to fight in a melee, and in the end only 36 winners need to be left.

The rules are simple!

One word: melee!

Of course, although the number is not limited in theory, there are only a few who are truly eligible to participate in the melee, and the weak will only die!

“Melee? Tsk tsk, worthy of Demon, even screening quotas is so simple and rude!” After hearing the rules, Dodora couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Demon World, it’s that simple!”

Monray smiled and said: “The strong ones persisted until the end, the weak ones were killed midway, or voluntarily withdrew until 36 people were left!”

“Everyone is a Middle Level Great Demon God, and the difference in strength is not very big. As long as you are vigilant, you can get out safely at the worst, and the probability of being killed is not big!” Dodora thought.

“That’s true!” Monray nodded: “The last time I fought, only 3 unlucky ghosts died!”

“Only three? As expected!”

Dodora shook his head, and suddenly his eyes rolled: “I don’t know how many will die this time?”

“If I can, I hope to die!”

Monray licked his lips, his eyes couldn’t hide the heat. One Middle Level Great Demon God is worth 1 Divine Crystal, and 600010000 is 10 Divine Crystal.

100 heads is 60100000000……

300 heads is 180100000000!

Kill all these Middle Level Great Demon God. It seems to be enough to be promoted to Great Perfection!

Monray can’t hold back the Primal Power within the body. It’s ready to go!

“Everyone, it’s up to you next!”

Nether Demon Sovereign swept to Monray and other 108 Perfecture Lords, as the final inspiration: “Boundless Plane is the base camp of Boundless Sovereign King before it became Overgod. Boundless Sovereign King has been in business for countless years, and there are countless treasures hidden in it!”

“There are many Supreme Treasures such as Ancestral Demonic Artifact and Demon Ancestor bones. Whether you can enter them and bring these treasures out is up to you!”

Hearing Ancestral Demonic Artifact and Demon Ancestor’s bones, the eyes of the Prefecture Lords were hot, and it was hard to conceal their inner desire.

If you can get these treasures and successfully refining in Boundless Plane, their strength will change like Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

Back to Nether Continent at that time, maybe they have the strength to compete with Three Sovereigns, right?

“His Majesty Demon Sovereign, don’t worry, we will do our best!” All the Perfecture Lord quickly assured.

“very good!”

A strange color flashed in Demon Sovereign’s eyes, and he was very satisfied with everyone’s attitude: “Go!”

“Yes, His Majesty Demon Sovereign!”

108 Perfecture Lords flew towards the sky.

At the same time, many powerhouses of Fallen Empire and Hell Three Heads Kingdom also rose into the sky. After flying to the high altitude, the three sides stood in the shape of a product.

Look at each other, with swords drawn and bows bent!

“it has started!”

“The fierce battle is about to begin!”

The Demon who came to watch the game were excited collectively, each and everyone’s eyes were burning with anticipation in their eyes.

“The melee is about to begin!”

The sexy and enchanting Hell Three Heads Kingdom Empress Euphemia full of smiles said: “Do you think this time, which side has the most people left?”

The Fallen Empire said indifferently: “It’s not clear which country has the most, but it must be the Nether Demon Kingdom with the least number. There is no doubt about that!”

“Cack, don’t tell me, Isaiah will be upset!” Euphemia chuckled, clutching her sexy red lips.

Netherworld Demon Sovereign has been ridiculed like this before, but this time, instead of being angry, it said with a smile with a deep meaning: “It’s useless to say more, wait and see!”

Seeing the face of Netherworld Demon Sovereign, Euphemia and Alec were slightly taken aback. What’s wrong with Isaiah? Why is it different from before?


The battle in the sky broke out.



“Boundless Plane is ours!”

The three men and horses crashed together, and a great battle of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering began.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

In an instant, the sky above the head was beaten into a black hole, and within a radius of 100000000 million 10000 kilometers, it was completely filled with raging energy and space turbulence.

This scene is like the end of the world. The Demons watching the battle are trembling in fear, and they have the urge to run away. If they stay, they are really worried that they will become a fish in the pond!

There are a total of more than 3 Middle Level Great Demon Gods from the three parties. All of them have gotten red eyes. Anyone who dares to approach should launch an attack first.

No, just after the melee at first, Monray was besieged by a Lightning Demon Great Demon God and a Wind Demon Great Demon God. The former was bathed in thunder and lightning, and the latter rushed aggressively against the wind.

“Brat, are you new here?”

“Jié jié jié, die for the uncle!”

2 Demons looked at Monray and knew that Monray was a rookie. He couldn’t help but become very keen to kill, and immediately killed Monray!

“Am I considered a soft persimmon?”

Monray stroked his nose.

“Jié jié! The newcomer is a newcomer after all, so I am scared to be silly, let the uncle die!”

A thunder whip appeared in the Lightning Demon Great Demon God’s hand, and a whip came over. This thunder whip was different from ordinary lightning, but destroyed the black thunder.

Destroying the Black Thunder is a subordinate God specialized in Lightning Demon, and only Lightning Demon trained to the Great Demon God realm can awaken, and the power is extremely terrifying.

This Lightning Demon Great Demon God is confident. With this whip, the average Middle Level Great Demon God will not die or be half disabled. Can a newcomer bear it?

However, what followed completely exceeded its expectations. Facing the destroying thunder whip of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, Monray caught the thunder whip in his hand as soon as he caught it.


Lightning Demon Great Demon God opened his mouth wide and couldn’t believe his eyes, so caught it?

“Give me over!”

Taking advantage of its stunned effort, Monray pulled Lightning Demon Great Demon God over as soon as he pulled the thunder whip.


Monray flicks with the finger, a finger is at the center of the brow of Lightning Demon Great Demon God.

“pu ——”

A light sound, a Blood Sword burst out from the back of Lightning Demon Great Demon God’s head, and a blood hole with the size of a finger appeared on the back of his head.

Lightning Demon Great Demon God stiffened, the expression in his eyes gradually dissipated, and finally he was completely killed.

Monray pulled out its Demonic Spark, threw its corpse into Tower of Time, and looked towards Wind Demon Great Demon God, who was already standing on the spot in shock.

“It’s dead, you go on the road too!”

Monray Teleportation reached Wind Demon Great Demon God, a gold dagger appeared in his hand, and it lightly slashed Wind Demon Great Demon God’s throat.

“pu ——”

The Blood Sword was thrown, and a good head rose into the sky. Monray waved his hand and sent the tossed head and corpse into Tower of Time.

“Who is he?”

Several 100 Great Demon Gods fought in a melee, and the battlefield was extremely chaotic. Monray killed 2 Great Demon Gods not at all in a row and caught the attention of Great Demon God in the melee, but some spectators noticed.

“I’m going! This guy is so cruel! 2 Middle Level Great Demon God was killed by him like this?”

“Who is he? Too strong!”

“Isaiah, if I remember correctly, he should be yours?” Three Heads Empress Euphemia is not calm, his face is a bit ugly.

Lightning Demon and Wind Demon Great Demon God, who were just killed by Monray, came from their Hell Three Heads Kingdom.

“Not bad!”

Nether Demon Sovereign slightly smiled, very satisfied with Monray’s battle strength: “He comes from Ice Demon Prefecture, and is our new Ice Demon Prefecture Lord of the Nether Demon Kingdom!”

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord!”

Euphemia said solemnly: “Didn’t expect your subordinate to have such a guy, but I underestimated your Nether Demon Kingdom!”

“Look? Where is this?” Netherworld Demon Sovereign shook his head and chuckled, “Look, my Ice Demon Prefecture Lord will give you a big surprise!”

“hmph! ”

Euphemia disinclined to pay attention to Demon Sovereign and turned towards Monray in the sky.

Fallen Emperor Alec also pays attention to Monray, instant kill Middle Level Great Demon God, this kind of strength is too terrifying, even if it is not High Level Great Demon God, it is not far away.

“1.2100000000 Divine Crystal is here, elated!”

Simply earned 1.2100000000 Divine Crystal, which completely inspired Monray’s greed.

In his eyes, these Great Demon Gods who fought together are no longer Great Demon Gods, but piles of gold and silver mountains waiting for him to harvest!

Don’t take it forever, and accept it!

If you keep so many Divine Crystals, Heaven will never stand it!

“Ga ga, brother is here!”

Monray made a bold move.

“shua ——”

A Teleportation came to a Blood Demon, took out the Blood Demon’s heart, and then squeezed it to explode.


Hell Cerberus, who had been fighting with Blood Demon, was shivered in shock when he saw it, and the gaze looking towards Monray was full of shock.

Killed its opponent instantly with one punch?

What kind of strength is this?

Hell Cerberus trembling in fear, he was ready to run, but before he ran far, Monray appeared behind him, flipping his hand and punching him.


Hell Cerberus’s head was directly smashed to pieces, blood mixed with white and red brains splashed, Cerberus was killed on the spot.


Three Heads Empress Euphemia jumped angrily. Hell Cerberus, killed by Monray, is its descendant. Now it was killed by Monray. How could it not be angry?

“Euphemia, don’t be impatient, this is just the beginning!” Demon Sovereign was full of delight.


Euphemia gnashing teeth, if the Netherworld Demon Sovereign is no longer here, it will definitely pounce on and kill Monray without the slightest hesitation, what Quota Battle, what rules, all stand aside!

“This bastard!”

At this time, Fallen Emperor Alec suddenly burst into swearing, and it almost ran away.


Euphemia was taken aback for a moment, and even looked up, and saw Monray killed another Fallen Angel and pulled out a Demonic Spark from its brain.

Seeing this scene, Euphemia breathed a sigh of relief, and most of the previous anger dissipated, and the opponent was unlucky, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

However, at the next moment, it was angry again, and Monray actually looked at Hell Cerberus again and killed him…

“Idiot! Get away!”

Euphemia even loudly reminded, one-on-one, where is Hell Cerberus Monray’s opponent?

“Euphemia, you broke the rules!”

Isaiah reminded coldly.

“The rules of fart! This Sovereign is the rule!”

Euphemia angrily said: “If this bastard dares to kill my subordinate Great Demon God, this Sovereign will definitely let it die without a burial site!”

“Isaiah, the main purpose of today is to screen places, not to kill opponents!”

Alec coldly said: “Remind your subordinate, let him stop killing! Otherwise…”


Nether Demon Sovereign is secretly angry, but it understands in his heart that if Monray continues to kill, the characters of Euphemia and Alec will definitely make a big move. If the two of them join forces, it can’t stop it.

So, just accept it when you see it.

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, stop killing and defeat the opponent!” Nether Demon Sovereign forcibly endured the suffocation in his heart and reminded Monray.

“hmph! ”

Euphemia and Alec lightly snorted, secretly thought counts you as acquaintance!


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