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As soon as Monray said this, it was no less than the explosion of a 10000 100000000-ton hydrogen bomb. All Demon’s brains roared, and they couldn’t believe their ears!

Dominating the Nether Continent countless years, the unstoppable Nether Demon Sovereign died?

How can this be?

“No! Fake! His Majesty Demon Sovereign is one of the three supreme powerhouses of Nether Continent. How powerful is it, how could it be dead?”

“Yes! Fake…”

Demons can’t accept it.

“You… did you really kill it?”

The voice of Three Heads Empress trembled.

“I will not only kill it, but also you!”

Monray appeared in front of Three Heads Empress like a ghost, Eye of the Death God suddenly opened, and the golden beam suddenly fell on the center of Three Heads Empress’s brows.

“Hide away !!!”

At this crucial moment, Fallen Emperor suddenly came out, put his foot on Monray’s face, and kicked Monray flying directly.

Three Heads Empress feels like walking away from the gates of hell. Just now, Divine Soul was shrouded by Eye of the Death God. The feeling of “unable to move” is really terrible!

“Be vigilant if you don’t want to die!” Fallen Emperor coldly said: “Anyone who is not careful, we will end up just like Isaiah!”

“Alec, many thanks this time!”

Three Heads Empress gratefully glanced at the Fallen Emperor, and then looked towards Monray, a monstrous killing intent burst out among the beautiful eyes: “You damn it!”


With an angry roar, Three Heads Empress turned into a big dog with a length of 800,000 feet, bathed in blood-colored flames, and with 3 heads!

It is the true body of Three Heads Empress-Hell Cerberus!


At the same time, an extremely violent, bloodthirsty, and brutal aura swept all directions, and all the melon-eating Demon who came to watch the battle was scared to the point of shivering, crawling on the ground, and unable to stand up!

“die for me !”

Three Heads Empress opened 3 bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spouting 3 torrents of energy.

A red flame.

A thick black smoke.

A green acid solution.

3 A torrent of water swept through the void and rushed towards Monray almost arbitrarily, trying to burn Monray to ashes, smoke it into bones, and corrode it into liquid.

However, in the face of the aggressive three-color torrent, Monray avoided Teleportation and kept his eyes on the Fallen Emperor.

“Dare to kick my face, very good, very good!” Monray’s face was ugly, and his murderous intention was wanton.

Fallen Emperor expressionless, a black long sword appeared in his hand, and 8 pairs of black wings flicked slightly, turning into a black streamer to kill.

Its speed is incomparable, faster than Three Heads Empress and Nether Demon Sovereign. In a flash, it hits Monray and cut it down with a single sword.

“Sin Judgement!”

The dark long sword exudes an incomparably evil aura. The sword has not reached the edge, but the evil intention is directed at Monray’s mind, disturbing Monray’s Divine Soul.

“The sword is a good sword, but it’s a pity…”

Monray didn’t evade, and disappeared abruptly at the moment the Black Sword was cut down. Fallen Emperor complexion changed, and he was about to leave without thinking.


An indifferent voice sounded in his ears, and a sharp pain came from the abdomen. Fallen Emperor looked down and saw that a blood-colored blade penetrated its abdomen and stuck in the heart.

“This blade is in your hands!”

The Fallen Emperor was shocked. It had just been patronizing Eye of the Death God, but it did not expect that this blood-colored blade would actually fall into Monray’s hands!


Should have thought of it long ago!

“Under the same realm, no one is my opponent!”

Monray stood behind the Fallen Emperor and said separately: “Teleportation with Eye of the Death God, plus this bloody blade, how do you play with me?”

“So it was Teleportation!” Fallen Emperor was shocked: “Didn’t expect you to have such terrible Divine Ability! But…”


The Fallen Emperor suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, disappeared into the same place in a swift smoke, and then restored to its previous appearance outside several hundred meters.

“Dark Elementalization!”

Monray was taken aback for a moment, and couldn’t help but wonder: “Dodora, does Fallen Angel also have this Innate Divine Ability?”

“The low-level Fallen Angel doesn’t have this ability, but it has it after training to Eight-Winged Fallen Angel!” Dodora explained.

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray slightly nodded.

“Euphemia, shoot together!”

Although the Fallen Emperor escaped, the blow just now made it feel dead: “Don’t hide yourself anymore, try to kill him with all your strength!”

“it is good!”


Of course, I dare not hide it anymore. The power of Monray has deeply shocked Three Heads Empress. If it hides it again, it will definitely die and be ugly.

“Death Roar!”

Three Heads Empress opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and roared up to the sky, the violent sound wave hong long long swept out, and slammed towards Monray.

As canine creatures, the roar is very loud, let alone Hell Cerberus, their barking has become the Innate Divine Ability.


The violent sound waves instantly flooded Monray, Monray’s ears were instantly deaf, his brain buzzed, and his consciousness fell into a temporary blank.

“good chance!”

The Fallen Emperor waved the Black Sword in his hand and wiped it directly towards Monray’s throat. Although this black giant sword is not as good as the bloody blade of the Nether Demon Sovereign, it is also a Perfection Demonic Artifact with unmatched sharpness.

The Fallen Emperor believes that as long as one hit, Monray’s throat can be cut, Monray’s head can be cut off, and he will be killed by one blow!

“pu ——”

Black Sword slashed at Monray’s throat. This time, Monray obviously did not escape. Not only did Fallen Emperor smile, he finally succeeded!

However, before he was happy for long, Monray’s throat turned into a black mist. Not only that, even the body below his throat turned into a black mist, only one head remained human.


The Fallen Emperor was shocked.

“Do you think you can Dark Elementalization?” Monray smiled and slowly uttered 4 words: “Eye of the Death God!”

Tone barely fell, the third eye of Monray’s eyebrows opened slowly, Fallen Emperor saw it, and turned into a black mist without thinking about it, ready to run away.

“Hehe, this trick again!”

Monray sneered, a finger pointed.


A golden cold current rushed out from between the fingers, instantly drowning the black mist that the Fallen Emperor had turned into, and ice-sealed it into a golden ice lump.


Fallen Emperor turn pale with fright in the icy tuo, the hard icy tuo not only freezes its actions, but also prevents it from exiting its elemental state.

It… will never go!

“Euphemia, save me!”

The Fallen Emperor shouted anxiously, emitting divine Soul waves.


Three Heads Empress all saw the dilemma of the Fallen Emperor, and quickly roared, and the rolling sound wave suddenly blasted towards the ice tuft that had sealed the Fallen Emperor.

“Hit it! If you can break it, I will let you go today!” Monray didn’t stop it, smiled, and let the Three Heads Empress attack.


The violent sound waves hit the Golden Ice Tuo, but it was like a surging wave hitting a hard rock, and it didn’t hurt Golden Ice Tuo any more!

“Can’t break it?” Three Heads Empress was shocked: “What kind of ice is this?”

“This is called Nine Nether Mysterious Ice, it’s the Innate Divine Ability of Frozen God Race!”

Monray faintly smiled: “Of course, I spent some money to make it evolve into Ultimate Divine Ability, so you can’t break it!”

Three Heads Empress sounds confused, but I probably understand it. First of all, this ice is Nine Nether Mysterious Ice of Frozen God Race, and secondly, Nine Nether Mysterious Ice has become Ultimate Divine Ability.

Nine Nether Mysterious Ice!

Ultimate Divine Ability!

“What the hell are you?”

Three Heads Empress almost collapsed.

“You’re a monster, your whole family is a monster!” Monray stepped forward to the troubled Three Heads Empress.

A finger pointed, Nine Nether Mysterious Ice spewed out, directly ice-sealing the body of Three Heads Empress and the left and right heads, leaving only the middle head without ice.


Three Heads Empress struggled hard, but couldn’t get rid of the shackles of Nether Mysterious Ice at all, and couldn’t break Nine Nether Mysterious Ice. This thing was too hard and beyond its power.

“Your Majesty Empress, how do you want to die?”

Monray touched the dog’s head of Three Heads Empress, said with a smile.

“You…what do you want?” Three Heads Empress lose one’s head out of fear, his voice trembling.

“Originally I wanted to kill you, but Dark Sky will be on soon. If I go to Boundless Plane, this Nether Continent will go wrong!”

Monray eyes flashed: “So, I give you a chance to submit Divine Soul Source submit to me, I can leave you a way to survive!”

Boundless Plane, Monray is going anyway. The question is, what will Nether Continent do after Monray leaves?

Three Sovereigns are dead, many Middle Level Great Demon Gods are dead, but there are still many Middle Level Great Demon Gods hidden in the corners of Nether Continent.

Monray is worried about them!

10000 A guy who secretly refining the Plane Core of Nether Continent while he enters the Boundless Plane is over.

Therefore, someone needs to oversee Nether Continent and help watch Nether Continent!

“acknowledge allegiance ?”

Three Heads Empress’s face changed drastically, but it is the Three Great Powerhouses of aloof and remote, aloof and remote countless years, let it acknowledge allegiance?

How can this be! ! !

“If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, you will die!”

Monray coldly said.

“Acknowledge allegiance! I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

Three Heads Empress was still hesitating. The Fallen Emperor, who was frozen on the other side, spoke first. It Divine Soul sound transmission was very anxious:

“Lord, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance, and I am willing to work extremely hard for you, just like a dog!”


Monray raised his eyebrows and smiled: “There are still smart people in this world! Three Heads Empress, you seem to have missed the opportunity!”

“Alec, you despicable bastard!” Three Heads Empress shouted angrily, and finally let go of his noble gesture: “Lord, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance, and I hope Lord will take it in!”

With that said, it quickly released its Divine Soul Source and sent it to Monray. It was picked by you, and I looked like I absolutely cooperated.

“Aiya, it’s a bit difficult now!”

Monray looked at the Three Heads Empress and the Fallen Emperor. They were very entangled: “Two people want to acknowledge allegiance. Which one should I choose?”

“Choose me! Lord, choose me!”

The Fallen Emperor begged: “I am Fallen Angel, strong and loyal to Lord. Lord told me to go west, and I will never go east. Lord let me go to Blade Mountain, and I will never go down the fire sea! Lord’s will is My direction…”

“Alec, you filthy, evil and cunning Fallen Angel, who doesn’t know that you Fallen Angel is the best at lying and breaking vows!”

Three Heads Empress scolded, “In terms of loyalty, we canine creatures recognize the number two. Who dares to recognize the number one? Lord, I am Hell Cerberus. Once the master recognizes, I will never violate it for life!”

“Moreover, the bastard Alec just kicked Lord you in the face. It’s a rebellious thing! Lord, you should choose me…”

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