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In the end, Monray chose to bring Three Heads Empress under his command, and Fallen Emperor completely killed it!

In this world, no one can kick Monray in the face without dying!

“This guy is also very rich!”

Monray looked at the space ring of the Fallen Emperor and was very satisfied with the treasures in it. After checking it, Monray looked towards Three Heads Empress again: “Give me your space ring!”

“Yes, Master!”

Although Three Heads Empress was reluctant to give up 10000 points, it still obediently offered its own space ring, allowing Monray to exploit, search, and exploit…

After some collection, Monray returned the space to Three Heads Empress. Three Heads Empress divine sense swept away, and saw the empty space ring, almost spewing blood.

Too bad!

I left it with a few pieces of Demonic Crystal, and the rest was gone. This is Huang Shiren!

“This bastard!”

Three Heads Empress’s heart is bleeding, I can’t wait to smash Monray to death with a hammer to vent his hatred.

However, it can’t. Divine Soul Source is controlled by Monray and dares to provoke Monray. There is only one word in the end: death!

“You scold me?”

Monray faint smile.

“No…no!” Three Heads Empress shook the suburbs with fright, and quickly shook his head to deny.

“Just this once!”

Monray glanced at it: “Go, bring me the Nether Demon Kingdom, Fallen Empire, and your Hell Three Heads Kingdom treasure house! Remember, if you dare to be greedy for a treasure, I will let you know, Huaer Why is it so red!”

“Yes, Master!”

Three Heads Empress trembled and went to execute the order.

“Dignified Three Heads Empress, it ended up like this!” Dodora looked at the back of Three Heads Empress and couldn’t help saying: “Sad and sigh!”

“Powerhouse is respected in the world, everything can happen, just get used to it!”

Monray found a place to sit down, and while waiting for Dark Sky to turn on, he eliminated Divine Soul of Middle Level Great Demon God and earned money.

“Ding! Kill 1 Ice Demon Great Demon God and get 630010000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Hell Cerberus and get 625010000 Divine Crystal!”


The system hint continued to sound, and the Divine Souls in the Demonic Spark were wiped out. Monray’s wealth continued to skyrocket. When Monray just wiped out more than 300 Divine Souls in the demons, the cliff in front finally moved.


A faint black light suddenly radiated from the center of the cliff, and a black portal with ten zhang high and ten zhang wide appeared, like a curtain on a stage.

“Dark Sky is on!”

Monray Mind shook, even looking towards the black canopy in the middle of the cliff, at the same time, the onlookers eating melon Demon were also in a commotion.


“Dark Sky is finally on!”

“Who can enter this time?”

“Middle Level Great Demon God has all been killed, and even the Netherworld Demon Sovereign, Fallen Emperor, and Three Heads Empress are also 2 deaths and XNUMX acknowledge allegiance. Who can enter this time…”

“This is Dark Sky!”

Dodora appeared on Monray’s shoulder, his eyes radiating bursts of light, and the opposite was the Plane that led to the Boundless Sovereign King who had been refining!

The 4 words Boundless Sovereign King alone are enough to make it yearning!

“Dodora, are you sure that Boundless Plane does not have a Plane Lord?” Monray suppressed his excitement and confirmed again.

“I’m not sure, but the probability should not be great!” Dodora said with a smile: “My instincts are always accurate, you have to believe me!”

“10000 is not allowed this time, am I not in danger?” Monray rolled the eyes, this is a major event of life and death, trust intuition?

What a child’s play!

“Relax! If Boundless Plane really has a Plane Lord, I can also keep you safe, you forgot, but I can Realm Breaking Teleportation!”

Dodora faintly smiled: “As soon as the worst is gone, what can Plane Lord do to me?”

“Under the Imprisonment of Middle Level Planar Power, can your Realm Breaking Teleportation escape?”

Monray was a little surprised.

“Realm Breaking Realm Breaking, do you think cracking a joke?”

Dodora hummed: “Unless the power of Overgod, Middle Level Planar Power can’t stop Realm Breaking Teleportation!”

“Listening to you, I feel relieved!” Monray couldn’t help but relax.

“Okay! Stop talking nonsense, can you get in?” Dodora couldn’t help but urged.


Monray stood up and plunged into the black light curtain.

“Go in!”

“The Lord is in!”

“He didn’t care about us!”


There is no fool for the demons. Almost the moment Monray entered Dark Sky, they rushed towards Dark Sky by chance.

In the past, Dark Sky was controlled by the 3 Great Empires. They didn’t have the role of idle Demon like them. They could only join in the fun watching the game.

However today!

When the opportunity comes, who will let it go?

“My! The quota is mine!”

“Fuck off!”

“Who dares stop me, whose life I want!”


The Demons are completely crazy. In order to compete for the next 35 places, they have launched a bloody and cruel competition…

Of course, Monray can’t see these. After entering Dark Sky, he walked into a space tunnel. Unlike the Space Crack from Radiant Continent to Nether Continent, this space tunnel is very stable, like a five-color light. Fantasy corridor.

Walking in it, I can’t feel the raging space turbulence, nor can I see the vertical and horizontal spatial wind, it is very stable and quiet, just like walking in a tunnel in a previous life.

“Monray, this space channel doesn’t seem to be formed naturally!” Dodora quickly came to a conclusion: “It’s more like a man-made one!”

“Man-made?” Monray was surprised: “Manpower creates a space tunnel? Who has this kind of power?”

“Very few!”

Dodora sighed: “I am a little convinced now that Boundless Plane is really the Plane that the Boundless Sovereign King used to refining!”


Monray speeded up. After about ten minutes, he finally came to the end. The rays of light flashed in front of him, and he came to a brand new world.

Gray sky, gray ground.

Gray plants, gray mountains.

Everything in my vision is dim gray, even the rushing river and the endless wilderness are gray.

“What a monotonous world!”

Monray couldn’t help commenting.

“Don’t look at the surface!”

Dodora said: “You can feel the magic element and World’s Law of this Plane carefully!”


Monray felt it carefully, and immediately startedled: “The magic element is actually richer than Nether Continent, at least ten times richer, right?”

“There is also World’s Law, which is too clear. For training in this kind of place, I am afraid that a pig can also be trained to become a Sacred Beast!”

Because I just came from Nether Continent, Monray’s reference object is Nether Continent, not a Low Level Plane like Firmament Continent Plane!

Because of this, Monray was shocked.

The magic element of this Plane is at least ten times stronger than Nether Continent, and World’s Law is much clearer than Nether Continent…

“The same Middle Level Plane, is the gap so big?” Monray was a little unbelievable.

“This is normal!”

Dodora said: “There are no two Planes exactly the same in this world. Even if they are both Middle Level Planes, there is a huge gap!”


Monray also didn’t struggle with this issue, and then continued to explore this brand new Middle Level Plane. Except for the magic element and World’s Law, gravity, spatial stability, and divine sense are not much different from the Nether Continent.

After having a preliminary understanding, Monray intends to do further understanding in order to discover more useful information. The easiest and direct way is naturally to find the native residents of this Plane.

The divine sense spread out, covering a radius of 10000000 million kilometers. Everything within this range was invisible, and clearly appeared in Monray’s mind.

“Weird! Why are all Boundless Giant Beasts?” Monray frowned secretly: “Forget it, let’s find the Boundless Giant Beast and check the news!”

Thinking of this, Monray directly Teleportation to the recent group of Boundless Giant Beast groups!

Boundless Giant Beast is the name given to the wild beast of this World by the powerhouse of Nether Continent. The essence is not much different from wild beasts and Magic Beasts of other Plane. They are all beasts.

Appearing in front of Monray is a group of giant beasts of cattle. They have a ten thousand zhang high body. They have 6 feet under their abdomen, 9 single horns on the head, hair like steel needles, and their roots stand upside down.

The number is about 100, not a lot, but the strength is strong, the weakest is the Great Demon King, the king is more comparable to Demon God.

“A group of bison giant beasts are so strong, they deserve to be Boundless Plane!”

Monray exclaimed, and with a volley catch, he grabbed the most powerful house in the bison herd and prepared to read his memory.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, a Space Gate suddenly appeared in the void not far away, and a group of powerhouses swarmed out of the Space Gate.

The height is ten thousand zhang, the muscles are knotted, or they are bathed in thunder and lightning, or are wrapped in flames…


Seeing this group of people and feeling the aura on them, Monray instantly judged the identity of this group of powerhouses, which are a group of Titan giants.

Or, Titan God Race!

“This is Boundless Plane?”

“The air is so dirty!”

“The magic element is too thin!”

“And World’s Law… so vague!”

Obviously, the Titan giants came to Boundless Plane for the first time, each and everyone looked at Boundless Plane, and their words were full of disdain and picky.

“Don’t complain, try to figure out the specific information of this Plane!”

Called the first Titan who was surrounded by purple thunder and lightning.

“Yes, Elder Greg!”

The other Titan giants said they understood, turning their heads and looking around, then they saw Monray not far away, their eyes lit up.

“Huh? Someone here?”

“Is it the native of Boundless Plane?”

“You can find useful information from him!”

“Eric, bring him here, remember, don’t kill him!”

“Yes, Elder Greg!”

A Flame Eric shrouded in flames greeted him, and then flew towards Monray.

“Brat, come over to this Uncle!”

Flame Eric 2, whose name is Eric, does not say anything, but grabs Monray like a chicken.


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