You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“It’s you!!!”

“It’s you!!!”

Ambrose and Elf Goddess were lowly cried at the same time, and there was a flash of astonishment in their eyes. No one didn’t expect Monray to appear here.

However, at the next moment, the expressions of the two people are completely different, and Ambrose’s expression becomes extremely hideous, and he laughs cheerfully:

“Travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily! didn’t expect, didn’t expect, I will run into you here, heaven helps me!”

“Elder Ambrose, do you know him?” Elf Goddess asked suspiciously.

“Knowing? More than just knowing!”

Ambrose grinned: “This brat used to rely on himself as the Plane Lord, destroying my Avatar, stealing my wealth, searching for my Divine Soul, and having absolutely irreconcilable vengeance with me. I will not give up unless I kill him!”


Elf Goddess pretty face changed slightly: “Elder Ambrose, can’t it, he should be just an Intermediate God, how can he destroy your Avatar?”

After surrendering Plane Core to Monray, Elf Goddess never paid attention to Firmament Continent again, and she knew nothing about what happened after that.

The battle between Monray and Ambrose is naturally unknown, but in Elf Goddess’s perception, Monray is really just an Intermediate God!

“Intermediate God? When brat fought with me, the breakthrough became High God, and he was the Plane Lord, so I lost!”

Ambrose gnashing teeth: “At that time, I swear to God, must smash his corpse for 10000 paragraphs to vent his hatred! But I also understand that if this brat keeps hiding in the Plane, I can’t help him!”

“But I absolutely didn’t expect to be able to meet him here. It seems that Heaven is helping me!”

Speaking of which, Ambrose looked towards Monray, the joy and excitement in his eyes were undisguised, as if Monray was regarded as a prey and a grasshopper in his palm, he could die at any time!

“Brat, are you desperate? Are you scared? Are you annoyed? Are you regretting everything you have done?”

Ambrose said with a smile: “But it’s a pity, it’s too late, there has never been Regret Medicine in the world! Come on! Get him down for me!”

Elf Goddess continued: “Elder Ambrose, he is my friend, I have something to say!”


Ambrose was taken aback for a moment, didn’t expect Monray to be a friend of Elf Goddess’s friend, but he must kill Monray, no one intercedes.

“Your Excellency Diana, this lowly species has an absolutely irreconcilable vengeance with me. I must kill him, so don’t speak for him, he is not worthy!”

Ambrose is indisputable. Although he also admires Elf Goddess, this admiration is nothing compared to killing Monray. Besides, Tower of Time is still in Monray’s hands…

“Elder Ambrose…”

Elf Goddess still tried to intercede. She side Lava Goddess frowns saying: “Diana, you have been in Divine Race Holy Land training all these years, how did you become friends with him? If it’s just a general acquaintance, there is no need to intercede for him! “

“Yes, Diana, there is no need to offend Elder Ambrose for an ordinary friend!”

Other Goddess spoke up one after another, persuading Elf Goddess, Ambrose is Heber Dragon God Race Elder after all, his status is extraordinary!

“Your Excellency Goddess, I appreciate your kindness!” Monray also said: “Forget it if you ask, I don’t take this old lizard seriously!”

Elf Goddess was stunned, but the other Goddess’ eyes flashed with dislike, don’t you put Ambrose in their eyes? Who do you think you are!

“Hahaha, really an arrogant lowly species, it still has a hard mouth when you die, but I like your hard mouth, the harder the better!”

Ambrose laughed: “I used to see you being arrogant, I would be angry, and I wish to smash your body for 10000 paragraphs, but now, I am very happy!”

“It’s like watching a grasshopper jump and jump in my hands. It jumps very joyfully and jumps hard. As everyone knows, I can pinch it to death at any time! Haha, this feeling is really great! “

“Stupid dick!”

Monray shook his head: “Since you want to do it, hurry up, I’m still in a hurry!”

“In a hurry? Hurry and reincarnate!” Ambrose grinned, “Come on, take him down!”

“Yes, Elder!”

A first-born Black Horn youth responded loudly, and then rushed directly at Monray. He was a Darkness Giant Dragon, a properly High God Middle Stage.

“oh! ”

Elf Goddess didn’t say anything more, she knew that Monray was over and fell into Elder Ambrose’s hands, and there was no possibility of survival.

“It’s a pity, a genius with Metal Source Divine Body is about to fall…”

“Lowly species, I dare to offend Elder Ambrose, it’s really a courting death!” The Black Dragon youth coldly snorted did not put Monray in his eyes at all!

He is the Darkness Giant Dragon of the High God Middle Stage, a High God who has just been breakthrough a few days ago is not a fart in his eyes!


Monray didn’t evade, letting the Black Dragon youth grab him, and when his right paw fell on his shoulder, Monray shook his shoulder lightly.


A huge force erupted, and only heard the sound of ka-cha, the right paw of the Black Dragon youth along with the entire right arm was shaken into meat sauce, and the minced meat splashed.


The Black Dragon youth sends out mournful scream.


Monray slapped it.


As if a heavy hammer hit the watermelon, the head of the Black Dragon youth burst into pieces, and the brain splashed out, and the scene became extremely bloody.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes.

A Black Dragon comparable to Middle Stage High God…was head blown?

How can this be?

Of course, the most shocking is the Ambrose and Elf Goddess who are most familiar with Monray!

“Even though Denton’s strength is average among the younger generation, he is also a Middle Level giant Dragon King, so he was killed by him?”

Ambrose was dumbfounded: “How long does it take for this lowly species breakthrough High God to kill Denton, how did he do it?”

“He actually… unexpectedly…”

Elf Goddess covers his mouth, beautiful eyes are full of look of shock, isn’t Monray Intermediate God? Why is it so strong now?

“Your Excellency Ambrose, are you sure that he just broke through High God?” Lava Goddess frowned and asked with an incredible expression.

Ambrose didn’t answer, but stared at Monray: “Didn’t expect to disappear in a short time, you have become stronger again, but I look down upon you!”

“But, do you think you can get away with it today? Daydreaming! I will kill you with my own hands and smash you into 10000 pieces, making you pay a heavy price for your stupidity and ignorance!”

“I’m afraid to let you down!”

Monray couldn’t deny a smile: “Because, I didn’t intend to let you go! Don’t worry, I won’t kill you at once, I will kill them first, and then let you die in fear and anger!”


Ambrose brazenly killed Monray.

“xiu – ”

His speed was speed to the pinnacle, and a phantom flashed by, and he had already reached Monray. The wind of his fists was powerful, punched out.

“shua ——”

Monray disappeared in the same place strangely, easily avoiding Ambrose’s full punch.

Then he appeared behind a Giant Dragon, and lightly pats the shoulder of this Giant Dragon.


This is a Green Dragon, staring at the battle ahead, before he could react, Monray hit it with a punch.


The head exploded and the brain cracked.


Monray looked towards the remaining Giant Dragon.


“Dragon Ancestor above!”

“He is here!!!”

“He killed Dampier!”

The other Giant Dragon lose one’s head out of fear, and Ambrose’s lungs exploded. Not only did he fail to kill Monray, but let him kill Dampier!

Simply hateful! !

“Dead! Die for me!”

Ambrose roared again and again, almost hysterical: “Domain of God…Imprisonment!”

The Domain of God spread, and the Imprisonment had a radius of ten thousand li. However, the Imprisonment couldn’t affect Monray at all. Monray appeared behind the other Giant Dragon.


The head exploded and the brain cracked.


“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

Ambrose was going crazy, but it was useless, he couldn’t catch Monray at all.





In this way, Monray is shaped like a ghost, taking away a Giant Dragon every time it appears, and harvesting the life of a Giant Dragon every time it appears.

The remaining Giant Dragon was scared and ran away, but it was useless. They escaped as fast as Monray Teleportation, and the more they escaped, the more difficult it was to protect Ambrose.

After ten breaths, all 20 Giant Dragons were killed by Monray, leaving only the red-eyed Ambrose and the stunned Goddess.

“This guy… is a lunatic, he killed all 27 Giant Dragons!”

“Madman! Totally madman! Ambrose won’t let him go! Heber Dragon God Race won’t let him go! He’s over!”

“It looks like a ghost, appear and disappear unpredictably, this is… Teleportation? Nature Goddess above, someone actually masters this kind of Divine Ability…”

A group of Goddess was completely stunned. They haven’t seen fierce people, but those who dare to slaughter Heber God Clan wantonly have never seen them. This is an enemy of the entire Heber God Clan!

“Make another money!”

Nearly 15100000000 Divine Crystal was obtained, Monray was very happy, reappears in front of Ambrose.

At this time, Ambrose was like a gambler who had lost all his underwear. His eyes were blood-red and hysterical.


Ambrose suppressed the monstrous anger and hatred, and saw Monray appear in front of him, without any hesitation, he rushed forward.


This time, Monray didn’t avoid Teleportation, but greeted him with a punch.


2 The fists collided and the violent shock wave exploded. The void with a radius of 10000000 million kilometers instantly became a black hole. Ambrose and Monray in the center of the black hole stepped back at the same time.

“Regardless of the outcome!!!”

Seeing this scene, a Goddesses’ body was shocked. Although Monray had just massacred the Dragon Race youth and showed terrifying strength, none of them expected that Monray had the strength to compete with Ambrose!

“When were you so strong?”

Feeling the dull pain and numbness from his right arm, Ambrose was a little awake, looking at Monray with a surprised and angry face.

“That’s strong? Where can I go!”

Monray sneered.

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