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“That’s strong? Where can I go!”

Monray sneered: “Before you came to Firmament Continent to kill me. Let’s calculate this account today. This will be your land of burial!”

“Kill me? You die first!”

Ambrose appeared true body, turned into a head of 800,000 feet long, with golden light shining all over, like a golden dragon in the bright sun!


It’s Immemorial Golden Dragon King!

In Dragon Race:

Ancient Dragon, comparable to True God!

Ancient Dragon King, comparable to Lower God!

Immemorial Dragon, comparable to Intermediate God!

Immemorial Dragon King, comparable to High God!

Ambrose is comparable to High God Late Stage, a proper High Level Immemorial Dragon King!


A surging Dragon Might spread out, spreading to a radius of 10000000 million kilometers, and all the creatures in this range were shocked!


Ambrose roared to the sky, and the rolling sound wave exploded. The void of the Boundless Plane couldn’t bear it, and the broken Peeling shattered every inch.

In a flash, the 1000000 kilometers centered on Ambrose became a black hole. Ambrose stood proudly in the center of the black hole. A pair of huge eyes stared at Monray. Murderous intention 4 overflowed and hatred!

“Insect, I want to smash your corpse for 10000 paragraphs!”

Ambrose lifted the dragon claw, which was larger than Mount Everest, and snapped it with one claw. There is a tendency to shoot Monray into meat sauce.

“Retreat! Everyone quickly retreat!”

Lava Goddess pretty face changed drastically and shouted loudly: “Get back to a safe distance immediately!”

One Goddesses swept away one after another, they were just Middle Stage High Gods, facing Ambrose who played True Fire, they didn’t dare to get too close. Once 10000 were to bring disaster to innocent people, it was really dead and dead!

“Ambrose is serious, he is completely irritated!” Lava Goddess pretty face grimly: “This brat is in trouble, he will be killed!”

“Ai, I hope he can be safe!”

Elf Goddess sighed faintly, and flew quickly into the distance.

“haha, come well!”

Looking at the dragon claw that Mount Tai slapped down from the top, Monray did not evade, and the whole person quickly inflated like an inflated balloon.

“what happened?”

The Goddess who swept far away only felt a huge black shadow shrouded from behind.

They turned their heads in amazement and saw a giant able to support both heaven and earth perpendicular to the world!

Step on the ground, head to the sky, 800,000 feet tall, and 100 arms are fierce and strong!

What shocked all Goddess most was that this giant burst out ten thousand zhang rays of light, which was even more dazzling and dazzling than Ambrose’s true body!

“100…Hundred Arms Giant?”

The Goddess all gasped.

“No! This is not an ordinary Hundred Arms Giant! Feel his aura carefully!”

The expression of Lava Goddess is very wonderful, horrified, confused, incredible… all kinds of expressions flash from time to time, and the heart is extremely complicated.

“Metal Source Power!”

“This is the aura of Metal Source Power!”

Steel Goddess was shocked and looked towards Elf Goddess: “Diana, this is the aura of Metal Source Power? He has Metal Source Divine Body?”


Elf Goddess is also incredible: “He does have Metal Source Divine Body, but what I didn’t expect is that his Metal Source Divine Body is actually Great Accomplishment!”

“Really Metal Source Divine Body!”

Steel Goddess muttered to himself: “And it’s the Metal Source Divine Body trained to Great Accomplishment! It’s incredible! It’s incredible!”

“Metal Source Divine Body of Great Accomplishment!!!”

Other Goddess are equally bleak.

Source Divine Body is rare. For the entire Nature God Race and Nature Goddess Pantheon, only Elf Goddess owns Wood Source Divine Body, but it is also Small Accomplishment.

However, now, a Metal Source Divine Body trained to Great Accomplishment appeared in front of them. How shocking was this? How incredible?

“How did he do it?”

Elf Goddess murmured.


On the other side, Monray raised his right fist and greeted the dragon claw that was tapping down. With a loud bang, the aftermath exploded and dragon’s blood was thrown away.

“ao wu! ”

Ambrose let out a cry, his dragon claw was hit with 1000 sores and 100 holes, spraying out large drops of golden dragon’s blood!

“Metal Source Divine Body!”

“You actually have Metal Source Divine Body!”

Ambrose growled in disbelief.

“Did you know now? It’s late!”

Monray laughed loudly: “Today I will show you the power of Metal Source Divine Body!”

“Metal Element Divine Spell: Ultimate Alchemy!”

A dazzling golden beam dropping from the sky instantly fell on Ambrose’s body. As soon as it touched, the area began to golden!

This is true goldenization, or in other words, the originalization of Metal Element, which means that the part of Ambrose directly becomes Metal Source Power!

As far as Monray is concerned, Divine Body itself is composed of Metal Source Power, and the originality of Metal Element has no effect, but Ambrose is different!

He is a body of flesh and blood, and once the Metal Element is original, the Divine Body is completely abolished!


Ambrose turn pale with fright, the dragon tail quickly avoided the golden beam dropping from the sky.

“Give me honest!”

Monray appeared at the dragon’s head, with 100 arms bowing from left to right, a bombardment, the smashed Ambrose dragon scales shattered, and the seven orifices bleed.

“Ultimate Alchemy!”

Monray grabbed Ambrose’s head, and a golden beam fell straight down, directly covering Ambrose’s huge dragon head.


Ambrose struggled desperately, but was caught by Monray, his struggle was useless!

No matter how hard he uses and how to move, he can’t shake the slightest, and can only watch his entire head completely covered by golden light…


After the Metal Element is completely localized, Monray is satisfied with the nodded, and the Metal Element is completely localized, and Ambrose is abolished.

“Your Excellency Ambrose, you should have never dreamed that it will fall to this step today, right?”

Monray transformed back into a human form, standing on Ambrose’s dragon head, and said with a light smile.

“I’m a ghost and I won’t let you go!”

I can’t speak, but Ambrose can communicate with Divine Soul, which contains endless hatred.

“A ghost? There must be a chance too!”

Monray sneered: “Don’t worry, I will let you the soul flew away and scattered. By that time, you won’t even have a chance to be a ghost. How about revenge?”

The Ambrose dragon body trembled, and a bone-chilling chill came to my heart. If I changed to someone else, maybe I was afraid that his identity would not hurt him.

But Monray…

Ambrose has no confidence at all!

“What? I am afraid?”

Monray chuckles: “Didn’t expect dignified Heber Dragon God Race Elder, do you know you are afraid?”

“You … what do you want?”

Ambrose roared in a low voice, feeling endless humiliation and aggrieved.

“Not so good, just want to ask you!”

Monray said: “Are you desperate now? Are you scared? Are you very upset? Are you regretting coming to Boundless Plane?”

This is what Ambrose said before. Monray gave it back to him. Ambrose felt the hatred after hearing it!

“Why? Not talking? Pretending to be dead?” Monray raised his eyebrows: “believing or not I will make you really dead!”

Really dead?

The Ambrose dragon body trembled, and roared: “Your Excellency, I am Heber Dragon God Race Elder, you can’t do this to me!”

At this moment, he has nothing to do. He just wants to use the reputation of Heber Dragon God Race to scare Monray, hoping that Monray refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, let him go, as for dignity and so on, he I can’t take care of it anymore!

“Scare me with Heber Dragon God Race?”

Monray shook his head: “If I remember correctly, it seemed to have killed a group of Titans just now, and the leader was like Greg Theodore!”

“You killed Greg?!!!”

The Ambrose dragon body shook.

“of course!”

Monray indifferently said.

“Madman! You are a madman!”

Ambrose’s voice is hoarse: “Greg is Lord Gaianus’ child, Lord Gaianus will never let you go!”


Monray incorporates Greg’s memory, and naturally knows who Gaianus is-the only Great Perfection of Theodore Titan God Race!

Great Perfection !

A rarer existence than Overgod!

Although the strength of the Great Perfection of the overwhelming majority is not as good as Overgod, it is not inferior to Overgod in terms of identity, status and deterrence!

Greg · As a child of Gaianus Theodore, he has an extremely respected position in Theodore Titan God Race!

From Ambrose’s point of view, Monray actually killed Greg, it was bold!

“Monray, you have completely offended Theodore Divine Race, stop offending me Heber God Clan!”

Ambrose’s voice is low and low: “If not, you can’t bear the anger shared by Theodore Divine Race and I Heber God Clan!”

“Offending one is offending, and offending two is also offending. What’s the difference?”

Monray shook his head slightly: “It’s almost the same, you should be on your way!”

Ambrose trembled and shouted: “What do you want to do? You can’t kill me. I am Heber Dragon God Race Elder. If you kill me, Heber Dragon God Race will not let you go!”

“Get on the road, you won’t be alone!”

Monray took out Death God Scythe and was about to cut off Ambrose’s dragon head. Ambrose was so frightened that he screamed frantically.

At this moment, he saw Lava Goddess and the others not far away, and shouted for help: “Ughina, save me! Diana, please help me…”


A Goddesses flew over.

Lava Goddess frowned: “Your Excellency, Ambrose is Heber Dragon God Race Elder after all. You can’t kill him, you can’t bear the consequences!”

“You want to plead with him?”

Monray raised an eyebrow.

“This is not a plea, but a warning!”

Lava Goddess coldly shouted.

“Warn me? What are you?” Monray glanced at her, coldly said, “Get away, look an eye-catching!”

“impudent !”

Lava Goddess was furious.

“What? You want to die too?”

Monray appeared in front of Lava Goddess instantly, Death God Scythe withstood her white neck, and could cut off Lava Goddess’ head at any time.


“Let go of Lava Goddess!”

“Monray, no!”

A Goddesses exploded in an instant.

“Monray, don’t hurt Lava Goddess!”

Elf Goddess shouted.

“Never mind! In the face of Elf Goddess, I won’t kill you, just keep me away!”

Monray was coldly snorted, punched the abdomen of Lava Goddess, Lava Goddess as if was struck by lightning, spurted blood and flew out.

Afterwards, Monray picked up the knife and cut off Ambrose’s dragon head!

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