You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

As the great expert of High God Late Stage and Heber Dragon God Race Elder, Ambrose has a very lofty position in Lightning God World!

For existence like him, he is the only one to kill others. Who dares to kill him?

But now, his head was cut off and killed on the spot. His death was extremely miserable!

This scene is truly like a super earthquake, which broke out in the hearts of many Goddess, and the shocked Goddess was pale and horrified!

What a brave person is this to dare to behead Ambrose?



hard to accept!

However, Monray, the party involved, seems to have done an insignificant thing, pulling out Divine Spark, destroying Divine Soul, looking through the space ring, recycling dragon corpse… Calm completely crazy and ridiculous! ! !

“Madman! He is a madman!”

A Goddesses screamed frantically in their hearts. At this moment, they suddenly saw Monray walking towards them, all colors changed, and instinctively backed away.

“You…what do you want to do?”

Ocean Goddess tremblingly asked.

“Don’t be afraid, I want to talk to Elf Goddess!” Monray motioned them to don’t be impatient, and then looked towards Elf Goddess, said with a smile: “Your Excellency Goddess, I am glad to meet you here!”


Elf Goddess has complicated eyes.

“You gave me the Plane Core of Firmament Continent Plane. I haven’t had time to express my gratitude to you, it is really sorry!”

Monray smiled apologetically, then took out a green armor and a green long sword: “These two weapons are for you, thank you!”

The green armor is made of bizarre alien animal scales, exuding the surging life aura, while the long sword transmits a heart-palpitating chill.

Although Elf Goddess can’t see these two Divine Artifact levels, she can feel that no matter which one is more precious than the Divine Artifact she has!

“No! This is too expensive!”

Elf Goddess shook his head and resolutely declined: “A trifling Plane is nothing but these two Divine Artifacts. I can’t afford it!”

Seeing her face resolute and beyond doubt, Monray reluctantly put away the two Divine Artifacts.

Elf Goddess breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in confusion, “Why are you here?”

“I found a Space Crack in Radiant Continent, which leads directly to a Plane. After I came to the Plane, I learned about the Boundless Plane and came here!”

Monray explained with a smile.

“so that’s how it is !”

Elf Goddess is slightly nodded, his face is a bit complicated: “Your progress is too fast, if I remember correctly, are you 25 years old?”

25 years old? ? ?

Have you made a mistake?

The other Goddess were shocked when they heard it, with a ghostly expression on their faces. They trained as High Gods. Which one is not training for a few million years?

This guy… less than 25 years old?

What a joke!

But what broke them is that Monray actually admitted: “Just 25 years old!”


A group of Goddess suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, especially Lava Goddess’s face turned red. I was defeated by a kid who was less than 25 years old?

“I have the current strength before the age of 25. I really don’t know how you train!”

Elf Goddess smiled bitterly, feeling like living on a dog.

“Frankly, I haven’t become a god yet!” Monray touched his nose: “I just have a slightly stronger body that’s all!”

“Not a god yet? How is this possible?”

A Goddess is a giant shock again, but Elf Goddess said: “You haven’t become a god yet, I thought you would choose to become a god!”


Monray shook his head.

A group of Goddess don’t know what to say, they have such strength before they become gods, then how the hell did you train?

training Divine Body?


Who doesn’t know that training Divine Body is 1000 times 10000 times more difficult than comprehension and Fusion Law?

All in all, a group of Goddess was completely shocked, and it felt like a dream.

“When I noticed you back then, I knew you were a freak, but I didn’t expect that you would be more perverted than before!”

Elf Goddess smiled bitterly: “What do you plan to do next, break into the Boundless Plane?”

“I came to Boundless Plane to play!”

Monray nodded with a smile, suddenly some sorry said: “Your Excellency Goddess, I have a presumptuous request, and I hope Your Excellency Goddess will be fulfilled!”

Elf Goddess was stunned: “You say it!”

“I want a drop of your blood!”

Monray’s eyes were burning, and he said with a look of anticipation, Elf Goddess has Wood Source Divine Body. Of course you can’t miss it if you encounter it today.

“What do you want my blood for?”

Elf Goddess was staggered.

“I have great use!”

Monray pretended to be mysterious and smiled: “Don’t worry, I don’t want your blood for nothing!”


Elf Goddess is puzzled, but it’s just a drop of blood, nothing at the worst.

Monray took the blood and took out 3 pieces of Divine Artifact. In addition to the previous armor and Divine Sword, there was also a ring with Divine Soul fluctuations.

“These 3 Divine Artifacts are a set, physical defense Divine Artifact, attack Divine Artifact, and Divine Soul defense Divine Artifact, and they are all High Level High God Artifact!”

3 matching High Level High God Artifacts!

A group of Goddess changed their colors, looking towards the 3 pieces of Divine Artifact, the gaze was full of shock, the matching High Level High God Artifact is comparable to the Great Perfection Divine Artifact!

The value of the city!

“No! Too expensive, you can take it back!” Elf Goddess repeatedly declined.

“Your blood is very important to me. It is more valuable than 3 pieces of Divine Artifact!”

Undoubtedly, Monray stuffed 3 pieces of Divine Artifact to Elf Goddess and Teleportation left. With blood in hand, it’s time to plunder Wood Source Divine Body!


Elf Goddess yelled twice, but Monray had already disappeared without a trace. She looked at Divine Artifact, and it was neither taken nor lost, which was a bit embarrassing for a while.

“Let’s put it away first, Diana!”

Lava Goddess sighed.


Elf Goddess shook his head slightly and put away the 3 Divine Artifacts.

“Diana, who is this guy?”

“Diana, is he really less than 25 years old?”

“Diana, he is so good to you, is he interesting to you…”

A group of Goddess immediately surrounded Elf Goddess, and chirp chirp twitter began to inquire.

“Things are not what you think!”


10000000 million kilometers away, Monray had already issued the order to plunder.

“Ding! The plunder is successful, is it fusion?”



A strong Wood Element Source Strength gushes out, spreading to Monray’s body, 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and even every corner…

After half an hour, the integration was over.

Monray clenched his fist, his strength was stronger, his defense was stronger, his life force was more surging and his cells were more active.

Looking at the properties panel again, to Monray’s expectation, two properties have changed.

The integration of Ancient Life Tree Bloodline has increased from 26% to 36%, an increase of 10 100 points, which Monray did not expect.

However, it is not difficult to understand!

The Ancient Life Tree Bloodline is a Plant after all. It is perfectly reasonable to integrate Wood Source Divine Body to enhance the integration of this Bloodline.

The second change is the constitution item.

Constitution: Metal Source Divine Body (Great Accomplishment), Wood Source Divine Body (1%)

There is nothing unexpected about this change.

“1% fusion? System, increase to 100%!” Monray issued an order.


Wealth shrank by 1100000000 Divine Crystal!

Monray suddenly burst into a surging Wood Element Source Strength, exuding a strong life force, and the surrounding plants grew like chicken blood and grew crazily.

Look at Monray again, surrounded by green light, Wood Element Source Strength frantically blends into the cell, blends into the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, blends into every corner of the body.

This is the macro aspect.

Looking at the microscopic view again, the golden cells previously composed entirely of Metal Source Power, golden gradually vacated half of the space and let green replace them!

One cell, half golden, half green, looks like a billiard ball in two colors of gold and green!

like gold but not gold, like green but not green.

It is not only full of sharp killing aura, but also exudes strong vitality.

Monray extend the hand palm, two pinches of flame appeared in the palm, one pinch of golden and one pinch of green.

The former is sharp and sharp, while the latter is full of vigor and temperament completely different!

Moreover, with Monray thoughts move, the 2 pinches of flames merged together without any accident, half golden and half green, both sharp and vigorous!

“Power looks bigger!”

Monray easily extinguished the Netherworld Divine Fire and looked towards the attribute panel. The integration of Ancient Life Tree Bloodline has increased again, from 36%→66%, a full increase of 30 100 points.

This improvement is amazing!

To know that Ancient Life Tree Bloodline, as the Ancient God Bloodline, requires 1 Divine Crystal for every 1100000000% increase in fusion. Now an increase of 30% means saving 30100000000 Divine Crystal for Monray!

Great bargain!

“I feel that my Divine Body has improved a lot. I don’t know where I am?”

Monray wondered: “system, strengthening how much Divine Crystal do I need for my Divine Body?”

“Ding! The current Divine Body of the host is comparable to High God Late Stage, and after strengthening, it will be comparable to Great Perfection High God. Strengthening price: 40100000000 Divine Crystal!”

system replied coldly.

After hearing this, Monray was a little disappointed. After feeling Wood Source Divine Body Great Accomplishment, his Divine Body still did not reach the Great Perfection Level!

However, the strengthening price has dropped from the previous 120100000000 Divine Crystal to 40100000000 Divine Crystal. It can be seen that Monray’s Divine Body has indeed increased significantly!

Monray was about to order strengthening, and suddenly saw 66% of the integration of Ancient Life Tree Bloodline, and couldn’t help but move in his heart: “If I increase the integration of Ancient Life Tree Bloodline to 100%…”

“System, increase the integration of Ancient Life Tree Bloodline to 100%!” Monray immediately issued an order.


Wealth shrank instantly by 34100000000 Divine Crystal!


A surging green mist instantly spewed out from Monray within the body, and Monray’s whole person uncontrollably changed into an Ancient Life Tree form.

Then, Monray is like sitting on a rocket, growing crazily!

8 150,000 feet, 900,000 feet, 9 120,000 feet, 9 150,000 feet…

Monray quickly broke through the 1,000,000 zhang mark and became a towering giant tree capable to support both heaven and earth. The green mist rose, surrounded by two golden and green awns, shining a radius of million li.

“A terrible aura!”

“There is an important treasure born over there, go over there!”

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