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What is the concept of 1 million zhang?

1 million zhang = 3000 kilometers!

The linear kilometer from Harbin to Yunnan is just over 3000 kilometers. It can be seen how high Monray is now, plus the two colors rays of light emitted by the golden and green rays, it seems to be surrounded by sunlight and the weather is 10000 1000!

If you look at it from a distance, a proper important treasure is born, a natural phenomenon, which not only attracts the native creatures of Boundless Plane, but also other Plane experts.

All the powerhouses came to this side without stopping, and only hated that they had lost 2 legs!

Monray didn’t notice this. He was feeling the change of Divine Body. The strength of Divine Body was obviously stronger than before, and the life force was more active by 1000 to 10000 times.

“Very powerful coercion!”

“What an exuberant life force!”

Dodora was so shocked that he flew out of Tower of Time, his eyes could not hide his shock: “Your brat actually broke through and became the Great Perfection, it’s unimaginable!”

Monray thought: “Dodora, my Divine Body is comparable to Great Perfection?”

“This coercion can’t be wrong!”

Dodora repeatedly nodded: “Although I have seen you brat mysteriously improving the ability of strength, but watching you grow to the present point, I still can’t hide the shock!”

“Hahaha, are you not used to it yet?”

Monray looked towards the properties panel!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <36%>, fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline [Young], Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline [Young], Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline [Young], Ancient Life Tree Bloodline [Infant], Frozen God Race Bloodline [Infant], Death God Bloodline [Infant])

wealth points: 225100000000 Divine Crystal

Constitution: Metal Source Divine Body (Great Accomplishment), Wood Source Divine Body (Great Accomplishment)

Mind: High God (Middle Stage)

Divine Power: 200Divine Crystal

Law Comprehension:

three elements fusion: Darkness, Light and Wind (0.1%), Metal, Wood and Earth (0.1%), Metal, Wood and Lightning (0.1%), Metal, Darkness and Ice (0.1%), groundwater gold (0.1%) )

Four elements fusion: Ice, Metal, Darkness and Fire (0.1%), Earth, Water, Fire and Light (0.1%)

Innate Divine Ability: Teleportation, Darkness (闆? elementalization, teleportation, Absolute Zero, Nirvana Rebirth, Nine Nether Mysterious Ice, Eye of the Death God (Ultimate), Netherworld Divine Fire (Ultimate)

“My current personal attributes can be said to be very luxurious!”

“Ancient God-level Immemorial Human Bloodline, Ancient Life Tree Bloodline, and many other bloodlines!”

“Metal Source Divine Body and Wood Source Divine Body!”

“A tyrannical body comparable to Great Perfection!”

“There is also the rich wealth of 225100000000 Divine Crystal, good Law Comprehension and many Divine Ability!”

“I’m stronger!”

Monray couldn’t help but remembered his shabby personal attributes when he first got system:

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race

Wealth: 0

constitution: ordinary person (0.5/10 0)

Mind: ordinary person (110)

Other: None

Comparing the two, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. There is no comparability at all!

“At that time, I was properly fighting 5 scum!”

“But less than 10 years!”

“I have stood on top of the gods and have the strength to compete with the Great Perfection High God!”

“Along the way, as if dreaming!”

“However, it is not enough, not enough!”

“I want to be the strongest existence in the universe!”

Looking at the property panel again, there are still more places to spend money. You must know that for every improvement, you need to count 100000000 Divine Crystals!

For example, there are several types of Bloodline for strengthening, each of which requires 100100000000 Divine Crystal. The 225100000000 Divine Crystal that I own now only has enough for strengthening 2 kinds of Bloodline!

Another example is strengthening constitution…

“System, how much Divine Crystal do I need to strengthen my body?” Monray asked curiously.

“Ding! The current constitution of the host is comparable to Low Level Ancient God, and after strengthening, it will be comparable to Middle Level Ancient God. Expected strengthening price: 1 trillion Divine Crystal!”

“1…10000 100000000?”

Monray took a cold breath: “It’s really exaggerated! But it’s understandable. After all, Middle Level Ancient God can compete with the existence of Overgod!”

Great Perfection is also called Ancient God!

This is a magical realm, because the powerful Ancient God is comparable to Overgod!

The simple Ancient God is definitely not Overgod’s opponent, but the Ancient God who understands the Supreme Law is completely different and can completely compete with Overgod!

Such as Overgod of Time!

Although Overgod of Time understands a bit of Law of Time, it can wrestle with the weakest Overgod. The weakest here is Lower Overgod!

If Overgod of Time gets deeper and deeper in Law of Time, his strength will become stronger and stronger, and he can compete with Intermediate Overgod!

Even… against High Overgod!

To be precise, the strength comparison between Ancient God and Overgod is this:

Low Level Ancient God (0)锛淥vergod!

Middle Level Ancient God (fur) == Lower Overgod!

High Level Ancient God (half) == Intermediate Overgod!

Supreme Ancient God (complete) == High Overgod!

Here, 0, fur, half, and complete indicate the level of Ancient God’s understanding of Supreme Law, “锛?#8221; means weaker than the meaning, and “==” means comparable!

Strictly speaking, Ancient God is the training realm that Void Gods must experience!

From low to high are:

Ordinary, Sacred Territory, Demi-God, True God, Lower God, Intermediate God, High God, Low Level Ancient God, Middle Level Ancient God, High Level Ancient God, Supreme Ancient God!

As for Overgod…

Hehe !

It’s just a group of lucky people who got the Overgod Spark that’s all. Because of the integration of Overgod Spark, Overgod jumped to the top of all Gods and forcibly added “Overgod” this realm on top of Void Gods!

But in fact, Overgod cannot be trained. No matter how the gods train, they can only become Ancient Gods. They cannot become Overgod. Only by integrating Overgod Spark can they become Overgod!

“My current body is comparable to Low Level Ancient God, that is, the ordinary Great Perfection High God. If it is strengthened again, it will be Middle Level Ancient God!”

Monray muttered to himself: “Middle Level Ancient God, comparable to Lower Overgod! tsk tsk, Lower Overgod, this is the existence that truly stands on top of the gods!”

Therefore, although the price of 110000 100000000 Divine Crystal is outrageous, it is completely understandable. After all, Overgod!

Of course, understanding and understanding does not mean that Monray is willing to pay so much money. Perhaps, by comprehending Supreme Law, it will be much cheaper.

“Dodora, how many Great Perfections are there in the vast universe?” Monray suddenly asked.

“not much!”

Dodora shook his head slightly: “The vast world, the real Great Perfection will not exceed 100, and it is rarer than Overgod!”

“The real Great Perfection?”

Monray doubts!

“The real Great Perfection refers to the realization of 5 basic laws, and the complete integration of the 5 basic laws into the only High God!”

Dodora emphasized: “This kind of Great Perfection will not exceed 100! Of course, there are more False Great Perfections like you!”

“False Great Perfection?”

Monray face full of black lines.

“The so-called False Great Perfection is a High God with Great Perfection battle strength but no realm!”

Dodora said with a smile: “For example, those whose body is comparable to Great Perfection, those who have Overgod Artifact suits, or the existence of other battle strengths comparable to Great Perfection!”

“All in all, Void World has many False Great Perfections. They don’t have a Great Perfection Realm, but they have battle strength comparable to Great Perfection!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray slightly nodded, and asked: “How many Great Perfections are there who understand the Supreme Law?”

“This is too rare!”

Dodora shook his head and said, “I just said that there will be no more than 100 real Great Perfections. Among them, there are even fewer who understand the Supreme Law!”

“In addition to Supreme Law Comprehension, it is very difficult, because the talent led them to comprehend the five basic laws that are wrong is also an important reason!”

Monray is silent!

There are 10 basic laws, and 5 of them are selected for fusion. There are a total of 252 fusion methods, which means that there are theoretically 252 Great Perfection!

But there are currently only five fusion methods that can be integrated into the Supreme Law:

Law of Time: Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness.

Law of Space: Metal, Wood, Earth, Water and Fire.

Law of Life: Earth, Wood, Lightning, Light and Water.

Law of Destruction: Lightning, Ice, Metal, Darkness and Fire.

Law of Death: Metal, Darkness, Ice, Wind and Earth.

It is not known whether there is a Supreme Law in other fusion methods.

Because no one has tried, after all, there are less than 100 real Great Perfections!

But it is not difficult to imagine that the fusion method of overwhelming majority will definitely not comprehend the Supreme Law, if it could, it would have been comprehended long ago!

As a result, many Great Perfections can’t comprehend Supreme Law at all, because the five basics of their integration, Law simply, are wrong…

It is worth mentioning that God needs a talent to understand Law, and it’s useless to comprehend it without the corresponding Law talent. It’s not that you can comprehend what Law you want to comprehend!

It can be seen that it is difficult to become a Great Perfection, but it is even more difficult to realize the Supreme Law. Not only does it require hard work, but also talent!

In other words, it takes… luck!

Due to this series of reasons, there are very few Great Perfections of the Comprehended Supreme Law. It is very rare for a talented person like God of Time who has 5 kinds of Law talents: Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness, and fully comprehends and integrates. Up!

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