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The overwhelming majority have no magic talent.

Few talents have magic talents, but they are limited to one line and two lines.

Three elements are very rare, four elements are less, as for five elements…absolutely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

And the people who correspond to the 5 kinds of magic talents that Supreme Law needs… more and less!

Of course, there are other reasons, such as having a talent but not being able to contact training, or dying halfway… etc.!

This series of reasons lead to the fact that the Great Perfection that can comprehend the Supreme Law is extremely rare. Looking at the entire world, it is definitely not more than a palm!

Dodora sighed: “It is said that there is no way to the sky. Heaven gives ordinary creatures the opportunity to train into the Great Perfection Overgod, but this opportunity is too slim!”

“It’s really slim, it’s almost impossible to succeed!” Monray also nodded: “It can be seen that God of Time is really great!”

“Do you think?”

Dodora lightly snorted, a look like I told you God of Time is awesome, but you don’t believe me, what can I do about it?

Monray laughed: “Dodora, you see that I am now as good as Great Perfection, shouldn’t it be time to hand over the wealth of God of Time to me?”

“You haven’t passed the test…”

Dodora refused without even thinking about it. Monray interrupted it: “Ice on the cake is not as good as provide timely help. When I become Overgod, and you give me the wealth of God of Time, I may not appreciate your kindness!”

This is the truth. No matter how awesome God of Time is, it is just a Middle Level Ancient God that just rivals Lower Overgod. How much wealth can he have?

At most equal to Lower Overgod, these wealth is a lot for Monray now!

But as Monray continues to improve, these wealth will depreciate indefinitely. If Monray becomes an Intermediate Overgod or even High Overgod one day, he will lose sight of the wealth of God of Time…

For the icing on the cake, it is better to provide timely help. Now it is the most suitable time to give it to him!

Dodora is a clever man, and he understands the key at once, said ill-humoredly: “Okay, you brat dare to threaten me now!”

“Threat? What do you mean!” Monray waved his hand: “It’s just a fact that’s all!”

“Hmph! Don’t fool me!”

Dodora rolled the eyes: “Although I was very upset by your brat threats, I admit that what you said really makes sense! So…”

Monray’s eyes lit up.

“So, I decided to give you the wealth of God of Time!”

Dodora gave a weird smile: “But before handing it over to you, I want to tell you that God of Time can control Law of Time, and what he is best at is treasure hunting and emptying the treasure house! So, his wealth is beyond your imagination! “

“Hehe, the more the better!”

Monray’s eyes are brighter.

Dodora twitched his lips, the lawn under his feet cracked a hole, and a hidden grid appeared, in which was a delicate small box.

Monray grabbed the box in his hand, the impatient opened it, and there was a space ring quietly inside. Monray picked up the ring and released the divine sense…

“I go!!!”

Monray was stunned.

“How about it, are you scared?”

Dodora looks like a tricky trick.

Monray babbled for a long while, looking angrily towards Dodora: “Dodora, you play with me!”

“What is playing with you? This is too much!” Dodora was also angry.

“You are not too much?”

Monray took out the wealth in the space ring, and there was only one irregular crystal emitting 5 rays of light!

Monray was angry: “God of Time’s wealth is just a piece of Law fragment? You’re messing up!”

“Uh uh uh……”

Dodora was stunned, annoyed: “Looking at my memory, how can I forget such an important thing? It’s time to fight! It’s time to fight!”

“What else do you have to say?”

Monray’s face was ugly, and he felt completely fooled by Dodora.

“Listen carefully!”

Dodora’s face became serious: “The wealth God of Time left you is indeed more than this Law fragment, but the other wealth is not with me!”

“Not with you? What do you mean?”

Monray was stunned.

“Back then, God of Time was chased by the powerful existence, worried that the wealth he had collected all his life would fall into his hands, so he hid it in batches!”

Dodora said solemnly: “Wealth is divided into 3 batches and hidden in 3 places. Each batch is worth the lifetime accumulation of an Intermediate Overgod!”

“so much?”

Monray glared.

“Do you know why God of Time was hunted down?”

Dodora hummed: “Because God of Time not only steals High Plane Seed, but also takes advantage of a crisis for personal gain, emptied the treasure house of existence, and that existence is High Overgod!”


Monray suck in a breath of cold air: “God of Time dared to steal High Overgod’s wealth? Isn’t he too courageous?”

“So, he fell!”

Dodora is a little sad: “You brat must learn your lesson, don’t end up the same way!”

“Don’t worry, I am very afraid of death. Before I have enough strength, I will never take the initiative to provoke more powerful existence than me!” Monray shook his head: “By the way, where are the three batches of wealth hidden?”

“The other two are very far away, let’s not talk about it for now!” Dodora said: “The Opis Mountains closest to you hidden in Lightning God World!”

“Lightning God World!”

Monray suddenly wrinkled frowned: “It’s actually a bit troublesome in Lightning God World, but fortunately, as long as I change my face, I should be able to quietly take away this wealth!”

“This is not a big problem for you!”

Dodora nodded and said, Monray has that many Bloodline, as long as the top secret has to enter the Lightning God World, who can recognize him?

“When this Boundless Plane trip is over, I will go to Lightning God World and bring back treasure!”

Monray’s eyes flickered. The accumulation of equivalent to Intermediate Overgod in his life is too much. He will not miss it anyway!

“Before you go, you must first comprehend Law of Time!” Dodora pointed to the Law fragment: “Three batches of wealth are hidden in the turbulence of time. If you do not master Law of Time, you will not get wealth!”

“Understand Law of Time?”

Monray couldn’t help looking towards the fragment of Law, exuding five-color rays of light. This is obviously a fusion fragment of Five Elements Law. Monray can see that it is exactly what Law of Time corresponds to [Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light, Darkness] 5 kinds of law fusion fragments!

“This five elements Law fusion fragment is the key to unlocking wealth. Only when you fully understand the 5 series Fusion Law and realize the Law of Time, can you have the three batches of wealth!”

Dodora slowly said.

“As long as there is a fragment of Law, everything is easy!” Monray laughed and gave an order: “system, plunder the Fusion Law of Five Elements in this fragment of Law!”

Of course he can slowly comprehend the Law in this fragment of Law, but that is too slow. Let’s plunder it directly. Monray believes it can be plundered because Super Plunder can plunder 10000 things!

“Ding! Looting target: Fusion Law of Five Elements fragments! Target substance: Fusion Law of Five Elements!

system coldly said: “Ding! Looting price: 6Divine Crystal! May I ask whether to loot?”



A strange energy enveloped the fragments of Law. In the blink of an eye, the five-color rays of light in the fragments of Law disappeared silently, and the fragments of Law turned into white powder, like white sand, slipping from Monray’s fingers.

At the same time, a flood of information containing the Fusion Law of Five Elements poured into Monray’s mind, flashing like a movie…

Monray quickly realized.

Speaking of his accomplishments in Law Comprehension, Monray is a wonderful thing. All 10 basic laws are understood. For this point, he is the only one in the world.

In addition, he comprehended dozens of Fusion Law of Two Elements; 4 Fusion Law of Three Elements; and 2 Four Elements Fusion Law.

However, Monray has not come into contact with the Fusion Law of Five Elements before comprehended so many kinds of laws. Now that I have encountered it, I have to understand it.

“Quick! The important treasure is over there!”

“Hurry up, don’t be caught by others the early bird the worm!”

At this time, a group of uninvited guests arrived. They were hundreds zhang tall, wearing golden armor, elephant-headed human bodies, holding giant axe and copper hammers.

All exudes fierce and violent aura, just like a giant elephant.

“What about important treasure? Where is the important treasure?”

This group of Elephantman swiftly came to the front, did not see the important treasure, but saw Monray restored to human form, this group of Elephantman suddenly became angry.

“Damn it! Hurry up and get caught by the early bird catches the worm!”

“Kill him! Take back the important treasure! Then leave here immediately!”


At this time, Monray is comprehending Law intently, and his aura is not visible, just like an ordinary person, without the slightest sense of power.

So, Elephantman started!

They smashed the giant axe and the heavy hammer, fiercely slew Monray towards Monray. If they wanted to have a quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, they quickly killed Monray, and then left here quickly.

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

Heavy weapons such as giant axe and heavy hammers greeted Monray in a rush. They didn’t hurt Monray at all, but they awakened Monray.


Monray is immersed in the mysterious Fusion Law of Five Elements. As long as you understand this Fusion Law of Five Elements, you can spend gold up to 100%!

By then, he will fully understand the Fusion Law of Five Elements and own the Great Perfection Realm!

Great Perfection Divine Body +Great Perfection Realm!

Monray will become the real Great Perfection!

What a wonderful thing!

As a result… he was awakened!

Monray has the idea of ​​destroying everything and destroying the world, “Damn bastard, the good thing that dares to disturb me, damn it! Damn it all!”

The violent aura burst out like a huge wave. Amid the loud noise of hong long long, the elephantman who attacked him were directly shocked.

“pu ——”

All Elephantman as if was struck by lightning, spurted blood and panicked to the extreme.

“Ok… so terrifying aura!”

“Damn! We kicked the iron plate!”

“Run! Run away! He is too strong!”

They can train to this realm, no one is an idiot. After feeling the aura emanating from Monray, all Elephantman knows that Monray is not something they can compete with!

So, ran away!

“Want to escape? Die for me come!”

The Domain of God spread, and immediately Imprisonment all the Elephantman, Monray slapped his slap and took pictures one after another like a fly.

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

All Elephantman burst open…

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