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Piff was angry and blood splashed 3 feet.

The emperor was angry, bleeding and drifting.

Monray was furious, heaven falls and earth rends.

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

Elephantman heads were photographed into meat sauce, in a flash, and 30 groups of blood mist appeared in the sky, and the blood was scattered and bloody.

“A group of trash!”

Monray waved away the body of the Giant Elephant, buckled Divine Spark out, and then killed their Divine Soul amidst all the horrified prayers of the Elephantman!

“Ding! Kill 1 Giant Elephant and get 9.2100000000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Giant Elephant and get 640010000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Giant Elephant and get 625010000 Divine Crystal!”


Giant Elephant Divine Race is also one of the Ten Deities Races in the world, and its status is equal to Giant Dragon God Race, Titan God Race, Angel God Race, Frozen God Race.

Monray may have been jealous before, but now he doesn’t take them seriously.

Afterwards, Monray concentrated and continued to comprehend the Law information that kept pouring into his mind.

However, the room leaked in the rain at night, and not long after entering the book, another group of unexpected guests arrived.

Wearing milk-white armor, holding a bright giant sword, and carrying 8 pairs of snow-white wings, the whole body exudes holy and holy aura, all Angel!

And, all Eight-Winged Angel!

“What about important treasure?”

“The natural phenomenon is gone!”

“Important treasure must have been obtained by him!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

Eight-Winged Angels all looked towards Monray, and there were killing intent flashes in their eyes. The natural phenomenon of the important treasure just now is very exaggerated, and the important treasure must be extraordinary!

They were attracted because of this, but now, the important treasure is gone, Monray is here, and the important treasure must be obtained by Monray!

“Brat, hand over the important treasure, but I can spare you not to die!”

The first Eight-Winged Angel coldly shouted, his name is Rod Gabriel, and he is an Elder of Lightning God World [plus 100 Angel God Race], and is also a powerful upper class…Burning Angel!

However, Monray has no birds, and still concentrate attention completely comprehend the Fusion Law of Five Elements.

Rod Gabriel’s face was suddenly ugly, and when he was about to go crazy, an Eight-Winged Angel suddenly said: “Not good, someone is coming!”


Rod Gabriel hurriedly looked, and saw a group of people rushing towards this side, he could naturally see who is the newcomer with his eyesight: “Damn it! It’s Bahamut’s Behemoth God Race! This group of damn smelly monkeys was also attracted. !”

“Bahamut’s Behemoth God Race!” The Angels were in a commotion: “Elder, what should I do now?”

“Important treasure belongs to us, no one should want to take it away!” Rod Gabriel growled: “Protect him well, and in no case can this group of dead monkeys take him away!”

“Yes, Elder!”

The other Angels said loudly, and then surrounded Monray, um, protected.

“It’s you!”

The people of Bahamut’s Behemoth God Race came to the front in no time. After seeing the people adding 100 Angel God Race, they all frowned.

They are hundreds zhang tall, their golden hairs stand upside down like steel needles, and their hard muscles bulge like rocks, full of explosive power!

“It’s you hypocritical birdmen!” The head of Golden Behemoth looked ugly: “So, did the important treasure fall in your hands?”

His name is Ludwig Bahamut, Lightning God World 【Bahamut’s Behemoth God Race】Elder, a powerful High Level Immemorial Behemoth King!

“of course!”

Rod Gabriel coldly snorted: “Important treasure is already in our bag, Ludwig, you are late and leave soon?”

Ludwig’s heart sank slightly. The natural phenomenon that the important treasure was born just now is so huge, the important treasure must be extraordinary, and it was caught by the early bird the worm.

However, since it is here, how can there be any reason to go back empty-handed?

Thinking of this, Ludwig said coldly: “Rod, the movement just now is so big, the treasure must be extraordinary, right? Show it out?”

“Important treasure belongs to us and has nothing to do with you. I don’t want to cast aside all considerations for face and leave!”

Rod · Gabriel coldly said.

“I just want to see, why are you so nervous?”

Ludwig indifferently said: “as the saying goes, you have a share, Rod, you see we are here too, can’t we go home empty-handed?”

“what do you want?”

Rod Gabriel’s face sank.

“Hand over the important treasure, we will share it equally!” Ludwig showed his fox tail: “How?”

“Ludwig, do you really want to cast aside all considerations for face?” Rod Gabriel raged.

“Rod, those who are sensible will immediately hand over the important treasure!” Ludwig said, “Otherwise, I don’t mind leaving you here!”

“Smelly monkey, you are bully intolerably, and want to take away the important treasure, it depends on whether you have this ability!”

Rod Gabriel let out a low growl, and a Divine Sword flashing with holy rays of light appeared in his hand. The blade pointed at Ludwig and the cold glow shot.

“I haven’t seen it for many years, but the wings are hard! Okay, I will have fun with you today!”

Ludwig waved to the other Behemoths to disperse, and then rushed out: “Come on Rod, let me see if you have grown over the years!”

“bully intolerably !”

Rod angry roar greeted him with his Divine Sword waving. Monray suddenly opened his eyes when a great battle was inevitable.

“Are you finished?”

Monray’s voice was not loud, but it clearly spread to everyone’s ears, whether it was a group of Angels or a group of Behemoths, they all looked over.


Rod Gabriel and Ludwig, who were about to fight together, stopped at the same time, looking towards Monray with a surprised look.

Monray was angry right now, like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time. He glanced coldly at Angel and Behemoth:

“If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation today, just stay here forever!”

“Brat, what kind of thing do you dare to talk to us like this?” Ludwig coldly snorted: “Is the important treasure on your body, hand it over immediately, otherwise, Laozi will eat you!”

“Eat me? You are not afraid of breaking your teeth!”

Monray sneered.

“courting death !”

Ludwig was coldly snorted, and the terrifying aura spewed out. Several Eight-Winged Angels who were stopped in front of Monray were lifted off directly, and he stepped out to reach Monray in one step.

Then, he raised the furry giant palm and patted Monray’s head. If he changed to an ordinary person, he would definitely be slapped into a slap.

However, looking at the giant palm that was photographed by Mount Tai from the top, Monray did not dodge or hide, letting the giant palm hit his head.


With a muffled noise, an incredible scene happened. Monray stood in place, his head intact, and Ludwig’s giant palm was directly blown out.

“How can this be?”

Feeling the numbness from the palm of his hand, Ludwig’s eyes widened, like a ghost, his eyes were full of horror and incredible.

He slapped with all his strength, but he couldn’t shake Monray’s head at all? What a joke!

“Just this little power?” Monray sneered: “It’s not enough to tickle me. You want to eat me? You are not afraid of being laughed out of!”

For being so mocked, Ludwig was already furious, but at this moment, Ludwig was sweating from his back and his heart sank.

“You…who are you?”

Ludwig asked in a low voice, with a bad feeling that he might have kicked the iron plate today.

“Dead people don’t need to know!”

Monray shook his head slightly, appeared in front of Ludwig like a ghost, stretched out a finger and gently poked Ludwig’s brow.

“puchi -“

A blood hole appeared!

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