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“No !!!!”

Ludwig froze in place, his eyes were full of unwillingness and despair. He could not imagine that he dignified Bahamut’s Behemoth God Race Elder, the powerful High Level Immemorial Behemoth King, would actually die in this place in this way!

How sad?

He is unwilling! ! !

“Dare to bark in front of me, act recklessly!” Monray pulled out Ludwig’s Divine Spark and space ring, then threw his body to the golden tree in Tower of Time.

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Immemorial Behemoth King and get 9.2100000000 Divine Crystal!” The system hint sounded.

9.2100000000? Not bad!

Monray smiled with satisfaction, then took out Ludwig’s space ring and searched it again, earning another eight-nine 100000000 Divine Crystal, elated!

After doing this, Monray looked towards the other Behemoth and Angel.

“Does anyone still want important treasure now?”

Monray asked indifferently.

All Behemoth and Angel were scared a long time ago, and their heads were shaking like a rattle.

“No! No more!”

“We don’t want important treasure anymore! Just now we were blindfolded and offended Lord, and hope that Lord has a lot, let us make a living!”

“No? I have already prepared the important treasure. You didn’t want it. It was a waste of my pains, damn it, damn it all!”

Monray is coldly snorted, countless golden and green flames lance appear out of thin air, and then turned into a rain of arrows hiding the sky and covering the earth and shot out.

“No !!!!”

“Lord spare your life…”

After a round of arrows rain, whether it was a few Behemoths or nearly 20 Angels, all became sieves, even the top Burning Angel Rod Gabriel was no exception.

Cut out Divine Spark.

Recover dead bodies.

Destroy Divine Soul.

Loot the ring.

Monray is familiar with a series of programs, and Monray has a net income of 40100000000 Divine Crystal, which is another profit!


Monray very pleased in one’s mind and found that a group of people were looking at him, all with horror and horror in their eyes. It was Elf Goddess and the others.

Obviously, they were also attracted by the natural phenomenon of “important treasure born”.

Monray smiled and greeted Elf Goddess, then Teleportation left, looking at his leaving back, a group of Goddess long and relaxed, all of them had lingering fears.

“Madman! This guy is a madman!”

“First kill 28 people in Heber Dragon God Race, and now kill 100 people in Angel God Race plus 31 columns, and 29 people in Bahamut’s Behemoth God Race!”

“Is he not afraid of becoming a public enemy of God World and inviting crazy revenge from the major Divine Race?”

“Bold and brave! Completely crazy and ridiculous! This man is a madman…”

A group of Goddess were frightened.

Three Great Divine Clans!

That’s a huge monster standing at the top of the Lightning God World pyramid with Overgod oversee!

Who dares to offend?

No one dares!

Not only did Monray offend him, he also slaughtered the Three Great Divine Clans’ pillars. How bold is this to make such a crazy move?

“Diana, is he really only 25 years old?”


Law Comprehension:

two elements fusion :……

three elements fusion :……

four elements fusion :……

Five elements integration: Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness (0.1%)

“System, improve the integration of [Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness] Fusion Law of Five Elements!”

“Ding! To increase the integration of 1% five elements law, 1.2100000000 Divine Crystal is needed!” system coldly said: “Is it improved?”

“In other words, 100 Divine Crystal is needed to increase to 120100000000%? Not to mention, increase!”


Wealth shrank instantly by 120100000000 Divine Crystal!

At the same time, a torrent of surging information poured into Monray’s brain like a flood that broke a bank, madly impacting Monray’s Fire of Divine Soul.

Fortunately, the Lightning God has a powerful soul, and its storage and computing capabilities are far beyond what it used to be. Otherwise, it would really be impossible to bear it and be shocked into a stupid mental retardation.

For this reason, Monray also felt dizzy, as if spending 3 days and 3 nights in the Internet cafe, Mind was exhausted to the extreme.

“Damn! The amount of information is so vast that I can’t bear it anymore!” Monray turned pale with fright, and shouted: “system, strengthening Divine Soul!”

“Ding! The current Divine Soul of the host is comparable to High God Middle Stage, and after strengthening, it will be comparable to High God Late Stage. Estimated strengthening price: 9100000000 Divine Crystal!”

system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”


Upon an order, a rush of golden energy poured into the sea of ​​consciousness and rushed to the Fire of Divine Soul. When the two sides touched each other, the Fire of Divine Soul seemed to be poured with a bucket of gasoline, and the fire surged instantly.

Double, double, triple…

At the same time, Monray clearly felt that the sense of exhaustion was getting weaker and weaker, his consciousness became clearer and clearer, and his paste-like brain gradually became clear…

“Hu ~~~”

Monray rubbed the temple: “No wonder only the Divine Soul of the Great Perfection Level can fuse 5 kinds of Laws, the amount of fusion information is too much!”

Monray rested quietly, after a long time, when the rest was almost done, then he started to check the Law information in his mind!

Did not let Monray disappointed, the five elements Law has been perfectly integrated!

This is true fusion!

It is not as simple as 5 ropes twisted together, but regardless of each other, regardless of you and me, no longer showing the perfect fusion of 5 colors!

In the end a brand new…golden, or a brand new golden law is formed!

This new golden Law is different from the dazzling, dazzling, flamboyant, and sonorous of Law of Metal. Instead, it is filled with an eternal, immortal, indifferent, and noble aura.

“After the perfect integration of Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness five elements Law, a brand-new Law was born. This golden law is Law of Time?”

Monray thoughts move, a strand of golden Law chain appeared at the fingertips, exuding mysterious and unfathomable time aura.

Dodora kept an eye on Monray, and after seeing the golden Law chain at his fingertips, he flew directly out of Tower of Time.

“Law of Time!”

“This is Law of Time!”

Dodora couldn’t suppress the surprise and joy in his heart, and almost cried with excitement: “how many years, I finally saw Law of Time…”

“Dodora, this is Law of Time?”

Monray whispered softly, unable to hide his excitement.

“Space is king, Time is lord, Life and Death don’t appear, Destruction is the sovereign!”

Dodora was extremely excited: “The Master once integrated Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness five elements Law, and successfully gave birth to Law of Time. It is this kind of low-key and restrained eternal gold. I will not admit it!”

“Law of Time…”

Monray whispered and glanced at the properties panel, the Law Comprehension column really changed.

Law Comprehension:

two elements fusion :……

three elements fusion :……

four elements fusion :……

Five elements integration: Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness (100%)

Supreme Law: Law of Time (0.1%)

Law of Time has been added to the property panel!

“System, how much Divine Crystal does it take to improve the Law of Time?” Monray asked excitedly, and the Ancient God who fully understood Supreme Law would be comparable to High Overgod!

High Overgod!

I can’t stop thinking about it!

“Ding! To increase the Law of Time by 1%, you need 50 trillion Divine Crystal!” System replied coldly.

“”5…50 trillion? “”

Monray suck in a breath of cold air!

“1% needs 50 trillion Divine Crystal? Heaven, 100% must not be 5 quadrillion!”

Monray smiled bitterly. Even though he had guessed that spending gold Supreme Law was a sky-high price, he still did not expect that the price would be so outrageous!

1 trillion = 110000 100000000!

5 quadrillion is 0/5000 ……10000 100000000!

5 quadrillion Divine Crystal!

Monray is now only 165100000000 Divine Crystal, not even a fraction of 5 quadrillion!

spend gold?

Krypton ass!

Make money now!

“However, after realizing Law of Time, I am very satisfied now!” Monray spits out one mouthful of impure air, his eyes full of joy.

“Really didn’t expect you to realize Law of Time so soon!” Dodora’s eyes were complicated, but he couldn’t hide his joy: “However, congratulations!”

“Haha, thanks to the fragments of Law left by God of Time!” Monray was very happy: “Thanks for the great God of Time!”

“Thank you, you don’t have to!” Dodora shook his head: “I just hope that you will do something for me when you fully understand Law of Time in the future!”

“Resurrect God of Time?”

Monray raised an eyebrow and asked.

“how do you know?”

Dodora looked astonished. It had never told Monray about this!

“Guess!” Monray laughed: “Don’t worry, if I can really resurrect God of Time, I will definitely resurrect him!”

“Thank you!”

Dodora said sincerely.

“you are welcome!”

Monray waved his hand.

“Monray, shouldn’t you become a god?”

Dodora suddenly asked: “Take the Law of Time you comprehend as the nourishment, split a time Divine Avatar, this Avatar will have the strength to compete with Lower Overgod!”

“Becoming a god?”

Monray stayed for a while, and then said for a long time: “I have realized Law of Time, I really should become a god!”

“With the Divine Avatar, I can transform Power of Faith, but I don’t think it’s time to become a god!”

“what do you mean……”

Dodora brows slightly wrinkle.

“I will become a god when I fully grasp Law of Time!” Monray has his own worries.

What should I do if Divine Avatar does not enjoy the benefits of the system after 10000 is split into Divine Avatar? How does Law of Time spend gold?

So, wait a minute!

It has no effect anyway!

“With you!”

Dodora did not persuade, Monray is already better than it and has its own opinions!

“It’s time to go out and make money!”

Monray took a deep breath: “I am very poor now, a complete pauper, I need Divine Crystal, many, many Divine Crystal!”

He is really poor!

5 The terrifying number of quadrillion Divine Crystal is like a mountain in Monray’s heart. He just wants to make money now, making a lot of money!

“set off!”

Thinking of this, Monray decisively came to the place where Space Gate appeared, planning to hunt down the experts who came to Boundless Plane from Lightning God World.

But the sad thing is that Space Gate has disappeared, which means that all the people in Lightning God World have entered the Boundless Plane and do not know where they are scattered.

“Damn it! It’s late!”

Monray cursed secretly, then released divine sense, searching for a target that could be hunted.

“En? Someone is fighting in that place!”

Monray Teleportation directly over, and what appeared in front of him was a huge volcano!

The majestic volcano ejected hot lava and thick smoke.

And over the wanton rolling lava, a fierce melee is taking place.

A group of dark Netherworld Divine Phoenix is ​​besieging a red, Qilin-shaped monster with 8 horns and 6 legs under its belly!

“This is Eight Horned Fire Lin, a kind of Fire Attribute Divine Beast, Nine Horned Fire Lin as an adult has the strength to compete with High Level Great Demon God, very powerful!”

Dodora explained.

“No wonder this group of Netherworld Divine Phoenix will besiege Nine Horned Fire Lin, it turned out to be Fire Attribute Divine Beast!”

Monray was slightly nodded, and when he was about to shoot, another group of people killed him.

“Fire Phoenix Divine Race?”

PS: 1 trillion = 110000 100000000.

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