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Fire Phoenix Divine Race, like Titan God Race, Giant Elephant Divine Race, Behemoth Divine Race, Nature God Race, is also one of the many Divine Formation Ten Deities Races!

The base camp of Fire Phoenix God Race is located in Flame God World, but the footprint of Fire Phoenix Divine Race is spread all over the world, and the power is amazing.

Netherworld Divine Phoenix Needless to say, as a powerful race that dominates Hell, no matter how powerful or frightful it is, it is not in the least under Fire Phoenix Divine Race.

It stands to reason that Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Fire Phoenix Divine Race are both phoenixes. The Bloodline is similar, and the relationship should be close, but this is not the case at all!

These two races are enemies of life and death!

Netherworld Divine Phoenix hates Fire Phoenix Divine Race, Fire Phoenix Divine Race can’t wait to kill Netherworld Divine Phoenix and then hurry up!

As long as the two sides meet, they will definitely fight, and a terrifying battle will erupt!

No, after Netherworld Divine Phoenix, who was besieging Eight Horned Fire Lin, discovered the approaching Fire Phoenix Divine Race, he even stopped the siege and looked towards the incoming Fire Phoenix Divine Race with hostility.

“It’s you evil depraved people!”

“False Fire Phoenix!”

As soon as they met, they rubbed violent sparks and looked at each other hostilely!

“Tsk tsk, these two races actually ran into it!”

Dodora said with great interest: “Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Fire Phoenix Divine Race meet, you won’t stop if you don’t do it, there is a good show!”

“Dodora, which of these two races is stronger?” Monray asked with a smile.

“Both are Fire Attribute Divine Beast, Netherworld Divine Phoenix owns Netherworld Divine Fire, and Fire Phoenix Divine Race’s Indestructible Phoenix Flame is no less inferior to Netherworld Divine Fire!”

Dodora tsk tsk said: “In my estimation, most of both sides suffer!”

“They are all powerful Divine Beast!”

Monray exclaimed, but found that two groups of people had already been working together. They shot vigorously, the flames splashed 2, the blood was thrown, and the feathers were flying…

“I didn’t even have foreplay, so I just started, what a grudge?” Monray was stunned: “I thought it would be at least a moment!”

“These two races are just this virtue, just get used to it!” Dodora smiled and watched the play: “tsk tsk, it’s been a long time since I saw such an intense scene!

The scene is indeed very grand. 60 Divine Beasts fought fiercely. It was heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. The void with a radius of 1000000 kilometers was beaten into a black hole. The black and red flames filled the radius like ten thousand li like fog. It was really destroying heaven. extinguishing earth, just like the last days.

This horrible scene frightened the Eight Horned Fire Lin who was entrenched in the volcano, and at any rate was comparable to the Divine Beast of the High Level Great Demon God. He was so scared that the turtle shrank in the lava and did not dare to show up.

“Really cruel!”

Monray saw an Indestructible Fire Phoenix grabbing the neck of a Netherworld Divine Phoenix. The sharp beak was pecking at the opponent’s head desperately, wishing to peck the Netherworld Divine Phoenix’s neck directly!

“It’s like these two races hit each other!” Dodora said with a smile.

Monray was slightly nodded, and after watching for a while, he broke his hand. He is very poor now and has no time to delay here, so he has to make money quickly.


Monray spit out a word.


The Domain of God spread instantly, and the void was imprisonmented, and the heads Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Indestructible Fire Phoenix that were fighting together instantly froze in place.

“go with!”

Monray flicks with the finger, the sky full of golden and green lance shot, harvesting all the lives of Netherworld Divine Phoenix and Indestructible Fire Phoenix, the corpse goes to the golden tree as usual, and the Divine Spark goes to Monray.

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Netherworld Divine Phoenix and get 670010000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Indestructible Fire Phoenix to get 665010000 Divine Crystal!”


“And you, Eight Horned Fire Lin!”

Monray has not forgotten the Eight Horned Fire Lin, hiding in the lava lake, and took its life away.

In the next few days, Monray ran around 4 and fought in various areas of the Boundless Plane.

Boundless Giant Beast…kill!

Different Plane guest… kill!

After a few days, Monray did not know how many lives were harvested, and the wealth points soared at a crazy speed, reaching an astonishing 1000100000000 Divine Crystal.


This is an exaggerated figure!

But compared to the astronomical figure of 5 quadrillion, this little money is obviously not enough!

Monray didn’t dare to slacken off and continued to hunt. Of course, he has a higher vision now. The lives below High God are too lazy to hunt and don’t have much money.

After all, ordinary High Gods are only 30010000 Divine Crystals, and weaker lives are cheaper. Hunting them is a waste of time.




Monray is like a hardworking old farmer, tireless, tireless hunter, this is beautiful the golden tree in Tower of Time!

Although the golden tree grows slowly, after swallowing countless powerful corpses, the golden tree grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No, it has grown from the first 2 meters to the current height of more than 20 meters!

10 times the growth rate!

But what makes Monray helpless is that in addition to the richer life force, the golden tree is as usual, and there is not much difference.


On this day, Monray appeared above a tribe. The stone-piled building looked very rough and heroic, and the building was very tall!

This is a Giant Tribe!

But sadly, this tribe was slaughtered, corpses everywhere across the field, ruined walls, collapsed houses, blood all over the place, and a mess.

“Another Giant Tribe has been slaughtered!”

Monray looked down at the messy tribe and couldn’t help but shook his head slightly. Boundless Giant, like Firmament Continent’s Human Race, had different levels of strength.

The powerful Boundless Giant is comparable to the High Level Great Demon God, but the weak Boundless Giant is comparable to the Sacred Territory. The most powerhouse of small tribes is also around Intermediate God, and the medium-sized tribe has High God…

This is obviously a small tribe. Clansman is rare and weak. Facing a different Plane powerhouse like a wolf and a tiger, there will be ghosts without being slaughtered!

“In this cruel world, being weak is the original sin, and being weak will be slaughtered!”

Monray sent the corpses in the ruins into Tower of Time, and then continued Teleportation. After a while, Monray came to another tribe.

This tribe was also slaughtered. More than 10000 giants in the whole tribe were killed, not even a single person survived!


Just as Monray was about to recover the body, he heard a faint cry for help.

Monray hurriedly followed the prestige and found a faint life aura under a pile of straw.

“There is still a live mouth?”

Monray was a little surprised, and with a wave of his hand, the straw turned into dust, and a Little Giant appeared.

To say that he is small is that he is actually more than 2 meters tall compared to an adult giant.

This is a giant kid!


However, there was a fatal wound on the child’s abdomen, from the left chest to the right hip, almost splitting the child in half.

But the magical thing is that tiny purple currents continue to emerge from this fatal wound, constantly repairing the wound and hanging the life of the child.

“this is……”

Seeing the purple current on the child, Monray has a very familiar feeling, and Dodora has whispered: “God of Time above! This, this… This is the Lightning Source Divine Body!”

“Sure enough, it is Lightning Source Divine Body!”

Monray was shocked. As the Source Divine Body Owner, he is very sensitive to Source Strength. At the first sight of the purple current, Monray realized that this is definitely another Source Strength. Didn’t expect it to be Really!

“Monray, this kid is definitely a genius, save him!” Dodora immediately suggested.

“it is good!”

After all, it is the Source Divine Body Owner. Monray didn’t want to watch him fall, and immediately took out a branch and squeezed out the Life Essence in it.

Then sent to the giant kid’s mouth!

This branch is the Ancient Life Tree branch obtained by Monray before, which contains the surging Life Essence, and the effect of repairing the injury is much stronger than that of Tree of Life.

Sure enough, after taking a few drops of Life Essence, the wound on the child’s stomach kept squirming, and then healed at a speed visible to naked eye.

In just a few minutes, the wound completely recovered completely, as if it had never appeared before. The child opened his eyes and saw Monray.

“Don’t… don’t kill me! wu wu…”

The child was frightened, with a look of horror in his eyes, wu wu sobbed.

“Don’t be afraid, kid, Uncle is not a bad guy!”

Monray smiled with a smile that he thought was full of kindness, then took out a divine fruit and smiled like a big bad wolf: “Come on, eat the fruit, Uncle won’t hurt you…”

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