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Looking at this sudden scene, the powerhouses from the major Plane were all confused. When did the Boundless Giant have a Master?

and many more!

What did the old man just say?

The new Master has already met Sir Ruler, he is the successor hand-picked by Sir Ruler, and he is naturally our new Boundless Giant Master!

“Is it…”

Different Plane powerhouses shook all over, and then looked towards Monray.

“Has he seen the Boundless Sovereign King?”

“Boundless Sovereign King is still alive?”

“Damn! The Boundless Sovereign King is still alive!”

There was a commotion in powerhouses, the shadow of the famous tree, the Boundless Sovereign King but the Supreme Ruler, if he did not die, they would be dead!

“No! The Boundless Sovereign King must have fallen, otherwise we would have died prematurely, and besides, this guy will not become the new Master of Boundless Giant!”

“Yes, yes! That makes sense. What he saw must be the Divine Soul fragments of the Boundless Sovereign King. After all, it is the Supreme Ruler. Even if it falls, there must be Divine Soul fragments left!”

“That makes sense …”

The different Plane powerhouses were long relaxed, and then they looked towards Monray again: “So, he inherited everything from the Boundless Sovereign King?”

“That said, he must know where the king’s treasure is?!”

“The King’s Treasure…”

The powerhouses from the major Plane suddenly flashed green eyes, looking at Monray like a hungry wolf that has been hungry for half a year, with greed in their eyes.

“Brat, do you know where the king’s treasure is?”

An Eight-Winged Angel yelled and asked: “If you are acquainted, say it immediately, otherwise, this King will let you taste the most painful punishment in the world!”

“Yes! Tell us where the king’s treasure is, we can be merciful and spare you a dog! If not, don’t blame us for being vicious and merciless!”

“A bunch of idiots, why don’t you have to kill him directly, and then search for souls, isn’t it simple?”

“Search for the soul?”

“He is mine, don’t grab anyone with me!”

Just as the crowds were discussing spiritedly, a black streamer suddenly flew out of the crowd and shot towards Monray like lightning, reaching the extreme speed!


“Despicable Dark Demonic Dragon!”

When all the powerhouses saw this, they suddenly stopped getting angry, but they didn’t dare to neglect, they even spread out and shot at Monray, for fear of taking a step behind them.

“Protect Master!”

Great Prophet loudly shouted.

“Yes, Great Prophet!”

Oreo and a group of Boundless Giants stopped in front of Monray, glare like a tiger watching his prey, looking at the shooting Dark Demonic Dragon and the major Plane powerhouses.

“You step back!”

Monray waved his hand to signal Oreo and the others to step back.

“But Master …”


Monray is beyond doubt.

“Yes, Master!”

Oreo and the others retired obediently after hearing this, but stared at the major Plane powerhouses, ready to take action to protect Monray at any time. They didn’t think Monray, the new Master, could block Foreign Demon.

“Brat, you are mine!”

Dark Demonic Dragon looked at Monray getting closer and closer, his eyes were hot. It had already made up its mind and would swallow Monray in one bite!

Then leave here decisively.

After getting rid of these annoying competitors, find a safe place to slowly concoct Monray and find out the location of the king’s treasure!

“The king’s treasure is mine, don’t want to grab it with me!!!” Dark Demonic Dragon shouted in his heart!


50 meters, 30 meters, 10 meters…

“Brat, come to me!”

Dark Demonic Dragon suddenly opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Seeing this scene, the powerhouse complexion that came after greatly changed: “Damn it! It wants to swallow this brat!”

“The greedy guy is too hateful!”

“Quick! Stop it!”

“Damn it! It’s too late!”

After all, Dark Demonic Dragon is High Level Great Demon God, how fast it is, especially taking the lead, leaving a long distance with the strong behind.

All the powerhouses could only watch it swallow Monray in one bite, and could do nothing.

However, just when everyone thought Monray was going to be swallowed in one bite, an incredible scene happened:

A giant heavy hammer suddenly appeared in Monray’s hand, then he lifted the heavy hammer and smashed it at the Dark Demonic Dragon fiercely that he had swallowed.


The dragon’s mouth of Dark Demonic Dragon came into close contact with the heavy hammer. Everyone only heard a crisp sound of broken bones and muscles, and then saw the dragon’s mouth of Dark Demonic Dragon being smashed into meat sauce, even with hideousness. The dragon head was also smashed into pieces.

Poor Dark Demonic Dragon, who was infinitely YY the moment ago, was killed on the spot without even a scream.


This scene shook all the powerhouses behind. They slammed the brakes and looked at the Dark Demonic Dragon whose head was smashed. They couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air!

Dark Demonic Dragon is a powerful existence comparable to High God Late Stage and High Level Great Demon God. There are few people stronger than it!

Such a powerhouse was hit by Monray with a hammer. What kind of strength is this?

For a while, everyone looked towards Monray with dread. If they can kill Dark Demonic Dragon instantaneously, they can instantly kill any of them!

absolutely not careless!

“The new Master actually has such strength?”

Boundless Giants such as Great Prophet and Oreo were also surprised. The power of Monray surpassed their imagination and was much stronger than they expected!

“Who else?”

Monray shook the heavy hammer, shook off the blood and minced meat on it, then remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, looking at the major Plane powerhouses, and asked leisurely.

Zhongqiang did not respond, they were all shocked by Monray, and they did not dare to act rashly!

“Everyone, no matter how strong he is, there is only one person, and we have so many people!”

An Immemorial Behemoth King suddenly shouted: “Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. A hungry tiger is also afraid of wolves. I don’t believe that so many people can’t take him down!”

“That’s right! With so many of us, he must be no opponent!”

“The King’s Treasure is on him. As long as we kill him, we can get the King’s Treasure. That is the accumulation of the Boundless Sovereign King’s life. How can we miss it?”

“Such an opportunity, absolutely not to be missed! Once the opportunity is missed, you have to wait 30,000 years!”


The crowds moved at the same time. They were like tigers descending from the mountain, slaughtering Monray from all directions, and all kinds of attacks fell down without money.

“Protect Master!”

Great Prophet hastily shouted.

“Return all!”

Monray indifferently said: “Don’t make trouble!”

With that said, Monray replaced the heavy hammer with Death God Scythe and killed it with Death God Scythe!

There are so many enemies that there is no need to aim at all, and one can be killed by hacking at will.

What’s more, Monray’s speed is far superior to others, coupled with Teleportation Divine Ability, it is like tiger entering a flock of sheep, and like Uchiha Madara rushing into the ninja coalition army, it is not a battle at all, but a one-sided slaughter!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

blood splashed, head thrown high.

Powerhouse is constantly being killed!


“He’s too fast!”

“I can’t hurt him at all!”

Although the battlefield was chaotic, it couldn’t hide from the eyes of the powerful. They were a little anxious seeing dozens of people being slaughtered by Monray. If this goes on, they will definitely be killed by Monray one by one.

“Domain of God! Quickly release the Domain of God to restrict his actions!” someone shouted!

“Right right! Domain of God!”


One after another Domain of God spread out, instantly covering a radius of ten thousand li, so many Powerhouse Domain of God superimposed on each other, the imprisonment force generated is enough to suppress everything.

However, how can the Divine Realm of so many people stack together perfectly?

So tragedy happened!

Monray was not occupied by Imprisonment, but Zhongqiang gave themselves to Imprisonment!

“Damn! I can’t move!”

“I can’t move either!”

“Bastard! Whose Domain of God is this…”

“Trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off!”

Monray almost laughed and pissed. Of course he would not miss such a good opportunity. So, a feast of slaughter called leek harvesting began!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

“Bastard! Put away your damn Divine Realm!”

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