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With a team of 1000000 people and coming from different camps, the commands are naturally impossible and uniform, and the Domain of God is also difficult to stack perfectly.

The consequences of this are disastrous!

Monray hasn’t gotten started yet, and all the strong will give each other Imprisonment in place, unable to move even a little bit, trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off, the sadness is extreme!


Naturally, Monray would not miss such a good opportunity. Holding Death God Scythe in his hand, he started massacre one after another, one after another head soaring into the sky.

“Bastard! Put away the Domain of God!”

The powerhouses yelled angrily. Fortunately, at the moment of life and death, the orders were finally ordered to withdraw the Domain of God, and the Imprisonment disappeared.

The body resumed movement, and the powerhouses furiously slew Monray, trying to vent all their anger.


“Kill him!”

“Kill this bastard!”

“The king’s treasure is ours!”

“Now I still think about the king’s treasure!”

Monray couldn’t say anything with a smile, and slowly uttered three words: “Time Freeze!”


A weird time fluctuation spreads around Monray, blinking covering hundreds of thousands li, Time Freeze within this range.

All powerhouses are still!

The fallen corpse and blood are still!

The broken void, the raging turbulence has stopped!

Everything is like pressing the pause button, all staying in place, paused!

“this is……”

Great Prophet, Oreo and the others, and Elf Goddess and the others who did not do anything, looked at the still void with a look of astonishment, and instantly lost their voice.

“Imprisonmented the entire void, 1000000 powerhouse in an instant, his Domain of God is so strong?”

“No! This is not Divine Realm!”

“Not Divine Realm? What is that?”

“I don’t know, it’s not Divine Realm anyway!”

“Your Fate is already doomed!”

Monray slowly raised his right hand. He could have used mass destruction skills to kill everyone instantly, but he didn’t.

Monray wants to kill everyone with one blade after another. He likes to enjoy the fun of abuse and the powerful feeling of controlling everything!

“pu ——”

“pu ——”

“pu ——”

one after another head flies up.

Blood was thrown away in a cavity.

The spectators looked at Monray, who was slaughtering wantonly. They were cold and panicked to the extreme.

The only excited person in the audience was Dodora, who cried and laughed excitedly.

“Have you seen? This is Law of Time! This is the powerful Law of Time! wu wu wu, Law of Time is the most powerful…”

one minute passed.

The slaughter continues.

Ten minutes passed.

Still continue suddenly.

Half an hour passed.

Monray finally stopped.

The 1000000 powerhouse died, and turned into a headless body separated from its head.

The scene of 1000000 headless corpses floating in the void is really shocking, especially this 1000000 headless corpse is a super powerhouse such as High God Middle Stage, High God Late Stage, Middle Level Great Demon God, High Level Great Demon God, and the shock is even more shocking. incomparable.

The only good news is that at the last moment of life, 1000000 powerhouse has no pain, no fear, no fear, and left silently.

When time is suspended, their thinking is also in a suspended state, naturally there is no feeling at all, and it can be regarded as 10000 lucky in misfortune.


Monray waved his hand and sent all the headless corpses into Tower of Time. As long as these corpses were swallowed, the golden tree would surely grow a wave.

Then, Monray put away another 1000000 heads, and later pulled out their Divine Spark, Demonic Spark, Soul Spark, and killed their Divine Soul to earn the reward they deserved.

After doing this, Monray returned to the top of the mountain.

“See Master!”

Great Prophet and Oreo and the others hurriedly bowed and saluted, their eyes looking towards Monray were full of shock and admiration, slaughtering 1000000 Foreign Demon, how powerful is this?

You know, they just led the crowd to fight a fierce battle with 1000000 Foreign Demon, knowing that Foreign Demon is powerful and terrifying. They thought it was dangerous today. Who would have expected Monray to kill 1000000 Foreign Demon as soon as he shot it. It’s incredible!

“You are guarding outside, I want to refining the Plane Core of Boundless Plane!” Monray commanded and walked into the Sovereign King Temple.

“Yes, Master!”

Great Prophet and the others bowed, and then surrounded the Sovereign King Temple tightly, while looking at the only Foreign Demon with a hostile look!

Elf Goddess wait for a Goddess!

“I… what shall we do now?”

A Goddess tremblingly asked.

“What else? Find a place to stay obediently, stay for 20 years, wait for Space Gate to open, and then leave this nightmare place!”

“Right right! Leave!”

All Goddess had no objections, they were terrified, how could there be courage to go crazy? Now I just want to stay for 20 years and leave safely.

As for the king’s treasure… let it go to hell, they don’t dare to think about this terrible thing anymore, they don’t want to die here!

“Sister Ukana, thank you so much just now, if you didn’t tell the truth, we might have fallen right now!”

“Thanks to Ukana today, you guys…”

Goddess from other Plane looked towards Lava Goddess, Elf Goddess and the others with gratitude, and their eyes were full of gratitude and gratefulness.

“Everyone is Nature God Race, of course we can’t just watch you die!”

Lava Goddess sighed and looked at the Sovereign King Temple faintly said: “However, this guy is really amazing, he is so strong!”

“Yeah, that’s a 1000000 powerhouse, among them High God Late Stage, High Level Great Demon God no less than 1000, they were slaughtered by him…”

Goddesses has complicated eyes.

The same is true for Elf Goddess, but she is still worried about another thing. The origin of the 1000000 powerhouse is not bad. Monray slaughtered them to death, which is regarded as offending to many Divine Race, Demon, Immortal Race!

These huge monsters will never give up. Monray will be greeted with violent revenge, and the revenge will not be too late.

The day when Space Gate reopens 20 years later will be the day when revenge comes.

“Ai, I hope you take care!”


“Ding! Kill 1 Eight-Winged Angel and get 61 million Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Golden Behemoth to get 9.2100000000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Hell Cerberus and get 605010000 Divine Crystal!”


The system hint sound keeps ringing, Monray is like listening to the heavens, and killing Divine Soul is even more exciting. Eye of the Death God keeps opening, pulling away, and killing…

More than an hour later, all 1000000 God and Demon God were killed. Monray looked at the dazzling number on the attribute panel, just like eating honey, one word: sour!

Host: Monray

Wealth: 64 trillion Divine Crystal

“This wave of profits is full!”

“It’s still the fastest way to earn wealth!”

Of course, Monray has not forgotten the space ring of powerhouses. Although many people did not bring their wealth for insurance purposes before coming to Boundless Plane, there are always exceptions.

After a search, Monray earned another 610000 100000000 Divine Crystal, and the total wealth reached an astonishing 7010000 100000000, which is 70 trillion!

“70 trillion wealth is enough to increase Law of Time by 1%! However, Law of Time is not in a hurry for the time being!” Monray’s gaze fell on many Bloodlines: “It’s time to improve many Bloodlines!”

“System, increase the awakening of Immemorial Human Bloodline!” Monray issued the first order.

“Ding! It takes 1 Divine Crystal to increase the awakening of Immemorial Human Bloodline by 1100000000%. Does it increase?” system coldly said.

“Up to 100%!”

Monray didn’t hesitate.


Wealth shrank instantly by 100100000000 Divine Crystal!

100100000000 Divine Crystal is a huge sum of money, and Monray will definitely feel distressed when it is replaced by Monray, but now, Monray is unmoved.


A huge roar sounded from the deepest part of the Bloodline, Monray only felt an incomparably heavy, tolerant, and gentle energy enveloped his body, and the whole person exuded a divine glow.

At this moment, Monray feels warm all over, as if returning to mother’s embrace, warm, comfortable, warm and peaceful…

This is a comfortable feeling from head to toe, inside to outside, from the deepest part of the Bloodline. This kind of experience is unprecedented. Monray doesn’t know how to describe it, but it is absolutely hearty.

The whole process didn’t last long before it was over. Monray slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils were pitch-black, as pure as a baby’s eyes.

Looking at the body again, the skin is as white and tender as a baby, with no trace of pores visible, and the body is extremely pure and without a trace of dirt. Even the very popular creamy meats and delicate florets in the past life cannot match it.

However, Monray can feel it, regardless of its soft skin and tender meat, but the skin is tenacious, even if Great Perfection attacks wantonly, it will be impossible to hurt.

There are muscles.

The muscles are not strong, they are not bulging like the bodybuilding champion, they are full of looks, but they are well-proportioned, the lines are clear, and they contain endless strength, much stronger than before!

“Immemorial Human Bloodline is fully awakened!”

Monray let out a sigh: “I should be a complete Immemorial Human Race, right?”

“Good fellow, you are actually stronger again!”

Dodora appeared on Monray’s shoulder: “And this Divine Body, it’s so perfect, tsk tsk, your brat is very handsome now, if I were a mother, I would definitely kneel and lick your toes!”


Monray waved his hand, and an ice mirror appeared in front of him. Looking at the person in the mirror, Monray understood the meaning of Dodora’s words.

1.8 metres tall, well-proportioned, handsome, fair-skinned, and flawless, he is really Cypanan, better than Song Yu, as handsome as a god!

“If I return to Earth now, I can definitely capture a lot of brain-disabled girls with this face!”

Monray tsk tsk admired, and then issued a command: “system, strengthening Godeater Rat Bloodline!”

“Ding! Godeater Rat Bloodline belongs to True God Bloodline, after strengthening it will become Ancient God Bloodline-[Ancient Godeater Rat] Bloodline, estimated strengthening price: 100100000000!” system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”



“System, strengthening Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline!”

“Ding! Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline belongs to True God Bloodline, after strengthening will become Ancient God Bloodline-[Netherworld Ancestral Phoenix] Bloodline, estimated strengthening price: 100100000000!” system coldly said: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”



“System, strengthening Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline!”

“Ding! Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline belongs to True God Bloodline. After strengthening, it will become Ancient God Bloodline-[Hundred Arms Giant King] Bloodline. Expected strengthening price: 100100000000!” system coldly said: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”



“System, strengthening Death God Bloodline!”

“Ding! Death God Bloodline belongs to True God Bloodline, after strengthening will become Ancient God Bloodline-[Death King] Bloodline, estimated strengthening price: 100100000000!” system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”



“System, strengthening Frozen God Race Bloodline!”

“Ding! Frozen God Race Bloodline belongs to True God Bloodline, after strengthening will become Ancient God Bloodline-[Frozen King] Bloodline, estimated strengthening price: 100100000000!” system coldly said: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”



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