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After all the strengthening is over, Monray feels that his Divine Body has improved to a new level.

Monray doesn’t know how much it has reached, but… it’s really strong!

Monray has a feeling that now he can kill 10 of his former self with one punch. The gap between the front and back is like the difference in the world, and there is no comparability at all!

“The current me, with 6 Ancient God Bloodline, is definitely splitting heaven and earth apart Number One Person. Looking at the vast world, who is awesome?”

Ancient Godeater Rat Bloodline!

Netherworld Ancestral Phoenix Bloodline!

Hundred Arms Giant King Bloodline!

Ancient Life Tree Bloodline!

Frozen King Bloodline!

Death King Bloodline!

In addition, Monray itself is the Immemorial Human Race, which is 7 kinds of Ancient God Bloodline. Looking at the world, Monray is absolutely unique and unmatched!

“System, how much Divine Crystal do I need to strengthen my Divine Body?”

Monray wants to know the strength of his Divine Body, asking system is the easiest way.

“Ding! The current Divine Body of the host is comparable to Middle Level Ancient God, and after strengthening it will be comparable to High Level Ancient God. Expected strengthening price: 10010000 100000000 Divine Crystal!” system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”

“Compared with Middle Level Ancient God? tsk tsk, this is the Divine Body of the lower Overgod level!”

Monray let out a long sigh of relief: “Calm! Calm! It’s reasonable!”

Fusion Wood Source Divine Body!

Wood Source Divine Body Great Accomplishment!

The integration of Ancient Life Tree Bloodline has been increased to 100%!

At this time, his Divine Body is comparable to Great Perfection, which is the realm of Low Level Ancient God!

Subsequently, he merged Lightning Source Divine Body, Lightning Source Divine Body Great Accomplishment, and further enhanced Divine Body;

Today, Immemorial Human Bloodline has been upgraded, as well as many bloodlines of strengthening. Divine Body is another crazy strengthening!

After this series of strengthening, the Divine Body is elevated to the Middle Level Ancient God realm, which is completely reasonable!


Monray praised: “I have improved so many in a row, and the Divine Body is comparable to Middle Level Ancient God. It can be seen that the gap between Low Level Ancient God and Middle Level Ancient God is so big!”

(Note: Middle Level Ancient God ==Lower Overgod)

“Middle Level Ancient God level Divine Body + Law of Time currently understood, now I have completely the capital to carry Lower Overgod!”

Monray murmured: “The only shortcoming is the Divine Soul of High God Late Stage! How can I have shortcomings comparable to Overgod?”

“System, strengthening my Divine Soul!”

“Ding! The current Divine Soul of the host is comparable to High God Late Stage, and after strengthening, it will be comparable to Great Perfection High God. Strengthening price: 120100000000 Divine Crystal!”

system coldly said: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”



Wealth shrunk by 120100000000 Divine Crystal, Divine Soul’s strength reached Great Perfection Realm as expected!

But this is not over yet!

Monray glanced at the wealth of the 70 trillion Divine Crystal, and gave the instruction to strengthen again.

“Ding! The current Divine Soul of the host is comparable to Great Perfection High God, and after strengthening will be comparable to Lower Overgod, the strengthening price: 1 trillion Divine Crystal!”

system coldly said: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”



Wealth has shrunk again by 1 trillion Divine Crystal!


a long time……

Monray slowly spits out one mouthful of impure air, and the light in his eyes flashes, and a terrifying Divine Soul wave emanates from his body, sweeping all directions.


Boundless Giants such as Great Prophet and Oreo outside the temple, and a Goddess such as Elf Goddess who have not left yet, were all crushed on the ground.

Everyone was in a cold sweat, and the Divine Soul power that came from the temple was too terrifying, and they had no resistance at all.


“This is the Divine Soul coercion of Overgod level!”

“Did he break through to Overgod?”

“Overgod? Are you kidding, where did he get Overgod Spark?”

A group of Goddess is inexplicably horrified. They don’t believe that Monray can break through the realm of Overgod. After all, he doesn’t have Overgod Spark at all. How to achieve Overgod?

But this Divine Soul fluctuation comparable to Overgod’s coercion can’t be faked!

The problem is coming.

How did Monray do it?





Of course, when Great Prophet and the others were shocked, they were naturally delighted with 10000 points. Monray is their new Master of Boundless Giant. The stronger Monray, the safer they are.

“Monray, congratulations!”

Dodora centered on Monray dancing lightly and gracefully, and said sincerely: “Except for your understanding of Law of Time, which is slightly inferior to God of Time, you have completely surpassed God of Time in other aspects. He knows well, and it will be very gratifying! “

“I finally heard you say this!” Monray said with a smile: “It’s really not easy to get your approval!”

“Go ahead, Monray!”

Dodora encouraged: “One day, you will stand on top of the universe!”

“Haha, that’s what you want!”

Monray also laughed: “It’s time to refining the Plane Core of Boundless Plane!”


Later, Monray Teleportation came to the place where Plane Core was. The strength of Divine Soul wrapped Plane Core and started frantic refining.

For High Level Great Demon God like Nether Demon Sovereign, Three Heads Empress, Fallen Emperor, it is impossible to refining Middle Level Plane’s Plane Core without several hundred to above 1000 years.

Monray is different. He has the Divine Soul of the lower Overgod level. Refining is much easier and less time-consuming.

Time passed quickly in refining, unconsciously, 20 years passed.


On this day, Elf Goddess and more than 30 Goddess impatients came to the place where Space Gate was, waiting for the opening of Space Gate.

“Finally leaving this damn place!”

Steel Goddess was a little excited: “Heavens! These 20 years have been the most tormented 20 years of my life. I am worried all day for fear that the guy has something wrong with him and came to kill us!”

“Living in the shadow of that guy all day is indeed a torment. Fortunately, we deceived today. We can finally leave!”

Ocean Goddess also spoke.

“I swear, never come to Boundless Plane again…”

A group of Goddess chirp chirp twitter twitter chatted, venting the depression and suffering of the past 20 years, only Elf Goddess frowned and said nothing.

“Diana, what’s the matter with you? You’re not in a high mood!” Lava Goddess looked at Elf Goddess who was silent, and asked with a look of confusion.


Elf Goddess barely smiled.

“Are you worried about that guy?”

Lava Goddess frowned.


Elf Goddess shook his head quickly.

“Don’t hide it, you won’t lie!”

Lava Goddess shook his head and sighed: “Although that guy is deep and unmeasurable, the basket he stabbed this time is too big, let alone other, only our Lightning God World, the powerhouse killed by him is no less than 10000, behind these powerhouses His Divine Race will never let him go!”

“Ai, I hope he asks for more blessings!”

Elf Goddess also sighed: “He used to have Metal Source Divine Body, I planned to include him in Pantheon, now it seems…”

“Include him in Pantheon? Forget it!”

Lava Goddess shook his head decisively: “His kind of killing people like scything flax, vicious and merciless temperament, is incompatible with our Nature Goddess Pantheon! Besides, when he escapes this disaster, let’s talk about it, he has become the number one among Void Gods and Demon. Public enemy!”


Elf Goddess sighed faintly.


“Space Gate is open!”

At this moment, the Goddess cheered and Elf Goddess looked up, and as expected, the Space Gate slowly opened and appeared in the air.

“Finally I can leave this damn place!”

“Let’s go, let’s leave, I don’t want to stay for a moment!”

“Come on, Diana!”

Lava Goddess smiled.


Elf Goddess slightly nodded, glanced at the direction of Sovereign King Mountain, and was about to enter the Space Gate.

Unexpectedly at this moment-

“shua ——”

One silhouette suddenly rushed out of the Space Gate, tall zhang, muscle knotted, wearing golden armor, divine might be monstrous.

As soon as this person appeared, he exuded a surging divine might, which suppressed the complexion big change of a group of Goddess, and exclaimed:


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