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The terrifying divine might swept the World, crushing the souls of Goddesses wantonly, crushing their petite tremors, and their hearts were horrified to the extreme.

“Great Perfection!!!”

“This is Great Perfection!”

At this moment, another terrifying aura rushed out of the Space Gate and appeared high in the sky.

Elephant head human body, full body golden armor, height hundred zhang, holding giant axe, and exuding surging divine might, not inferior to that silhouette before.

However, this was not over yet, and then several silhouettes rushed out of the Space Gate, rushing out like a hornet’s nest one after another.

All divine might be mighty, so angry!

“Nature Goddess above!”

“This… so many Great Perfection!”

“Six Great Perfection!”




A group of Goddess was horrified.

How does Great Perfection exist?

That is the existence of the second only to Overgod Supreme in the vast world, with unmatched power and incomparable lofty status.

Think about it, a Divine Race produces a Great Perfection, and it has the capital and qualifications to dominate one side. As long as it does not provoke Overgod, this Divine Race can last for 10000 lives and prosper forever!

This kind of existence, usually Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, but now, there are 6 as soon as it appears, which is simply scary!


“That guy’s absolute death is set!”

“He will be torn to shreds by these 6 Great Perfections and completely killed!”

The Goddess murmured, they realized that the revenge of the major Divine Race was coming, and the 6 large circles were dispatched personally. It is difficult for Monray to die!

“Ebenezer, Adolph, Burnside… you are here!”

The towering silhouette Gaianus, who appeared first, glanced at the five Great Perfection, his voice billowed like thunder, blasting in the void.


Five people complied casually, their eyes all fell on Elf Goddess and the others, and they asked indifferently: “Are you from Nature God Race?”

“Yes…Yes, big…Lord!”

Lava Goddess bowed back.

“I heard that everyone who entered the Boundless Plane died, why didn’t you die?”

Gaianus frowned and asked. He is the only Great Perfection of the Lightning God World Theodore Titan God Race and the father of Greg Theodore.

“Lord, this…this…”

Lava Goddess zhi zhi wu wu, the panic in my heart is extreme, yes, all the powerhouses that came to Boundless Plane are dead, but they are intact, and they are all alive!

How can this be explained?

Said that Monray cares about Elf Goddess Diana’s face, so he let them go?

If you say so, the 6 Great Perfection might be angry with Diana, and she is probably in danger.


Gaianus’s face darkened slightly.

At this moment, a soft voice sounded: “Gaianus, my son was killed. Do you want to anger our Nature God Race?”

Lava Goddess shook his body and looked excited towards the person who came: “I have seen Lady Elune!”

“I have seen Lady Elune!”

Other Goddess bowed to paid respect.

The visitor wore a white gauze skirt, with a beautiful face and a quiet and elegant temperament. It was the Great Perfection of Nature God Race-Goddess of the Moon Elune.

Elune scanned all the Goddess and saw that they were all intact, then relaxed: “You are fine, get up!”

“Thanks Lady Elune!”

Goddesses thanked him and got up, and then all flew behind Goddess of the Moon. It seemed that only by staying behind her could they feel a little safe.

“Lady Elune, why are you here too?” Lava Goddess asked suspiciously.

“You can’t come, God World is fried!”

Goddess of the Moon shook his head gently: “The powerhouses sent by the major Divine Race to the Boundless Plane have all been killed. This news has spread throughout the major God Worlds! The Overgod Lord is worried about your safety, so he ordered me to come over. Fortunately, you are all right!”

Lava Goddess was moved, and the major God Worlds were shaken. She was not surprised at all. After all, this incident was too shocking.

Such a big thing has happened, if the major Divine Races can calm down, then it is a ghost.

“My son was killed, the murderer is really completely crazy and ridiculous, extremely arrogant!”

Gaianus expressionless: “I just want to find the thief and smash him into 10000 pieces to vent my hatred! Elune, I will not embarrass them, but they have to answer a few questions. This request is not too much. ?”

“Actually, I also have a lot of doubts!”

Goddess of the Moon slightly nodded, looking towards Lava Goddess, wondering: “Ukana, I heard that the murderer killing people like scything flax, killed all powerhouses that came to the Boundless Plane, including the Gods of the major God Worlds, and the evil Demon and Immortal Race of the camp, why did he let you alone?”

As soon as this statement came out, Gaianus, Ebenezer, Adolph and other 6 Great Perfections also looked towards Lava Goddess, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Being stared at by 7 Great Perfections, Lava Goddess was under great pressure, but still brace oneself and replied: “Back to Lord, this may have something to do with Diana!”


Goddess of the Moon was slightly astonished, and looked towards Elf Goddess with doubts: “What does this have to do with you?”

Elf Goddess smiled bitterly: “Back to Lady Elune, Monray came out of a Low Level Plane that he ruled-Firmament Continent Plane. I saw that he had a Metal Source Divine Body, and I invited him to join our Nature Goddess Pantheon, so I gave Firmament Continent to If you miss him, it’s a meeting ceremony! Maybe Monray didn’t make us embarrassed if we were thinking about this affection!”

Goddess of the Moon slightly nodded.

Although Nature Goddess Pantheon is called Goddess Pantheon, it does not mean that there are no male gods!

In fact, Nature Goddess Pantheon will also absorb amazing and brilliant geniuses to enrich itself.

If Monray has a golden body, it is indeed a rarely seen genius, Diana’s intention to include him in Nature Goddess Pantheon is also reasonable.

“Diana, he is a genius with Metal Source Divine Body, why never heard you talk about it?”

Goddess of the Moon asked again in doubt, absorbing genius is definitely the most suitable when the strength is weak, the weaker the strength, the easier it is to absorb!

What about Monray?

You can slaughter the High God Late Stage powerhouse at will. How come you haven’t heard Diana mention it before, she should have introduced Monray to join!

“Lady Elune, it’s not that I don’t want to recommend, but that he has grown too fast!”

Elf Goddess smiled bitterly: “Quickly beyond my expectation, so much so that he has grown to the present level before I can introduce him!”


Goddess of the Moon froze, how fast is it? 3 seconds?

“Lady Elune, he is less than 45 years old this year!” Elf Goddess smiled wryly.

“45 years old???”

“A nonsense!”

“talk nonsense !”

Before Goddess of the Moon spoke, Gaianus and other 6 Great Perfections sneered first.

“That thief can slaughter High God Late Stage and High Level Great Demon God recklessly. How could he be under 25 years old? Are you insulting our IQ?”

“Diana, this kind of thing can’t be cracking a joke!” Goddess of the Moon also frowned slightly.

Elf Goddess continued: “Lady Elune, why would I make such a joke with you? Monray is indeed less than 45 years old this year. I swear by my Divine Soul!”

Divine Soul swear…

Goddess of the Moon was silent.

The 6 Great Perfection is also silent!

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