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Before coming to Boundless Plane, 7 Great Perfection knew the murderer from the Divine Avatars of those killed, and knew that the murderer was very strong, very strong!

Smash the head of High Level Great Demon God with one hammer!

Wanton slaughter 1000000 powerhouse!

I want to come to the 7 Great Perfection, this kind of powerhouse is definitely some kind of old eccentric.

Or, it is possible that the Boundless Plane Plane Core is refining…False Overgod!

But as long as they wanted to break their heads, they didn’t expect that the culprit who killed 1000000 powerhouse was actually under 45 years old… Human Race!

Less than 45 years old!

Are you a human?

“Elf Goddess, I want to know everything about him!” Gaianus said solemnly.

“Yes, Lord Gaianus!”

Elf Goddess did not conceal anything, telling everything about Monray: “45 years ago, Monray was an ordinary villager in Firmament Continent Dragon God Empire Fire Dragon Kingdom Magic Beast Village…”

After hearing Elf Goddess finish, the 7 Great Perfection was silent again, Goddess of the Moon Elune murmured: “In less than 10 years, he has grown from a mortal to a super powerhouse that slaughters 1000000 High God? This is simply fantasy story!”

“More than a fantasy story, even if it is Ruler’s reincarnation, it can’t be done!”

Giant Elephant Divine Race Great Perfection Ebenezer’s eyes flickered: “This guy must have a big secret that no one knows, otherwise, he is impossible to grow so fast!”

Big secret! ! !

As soon as this statement came out, all the Great Perfection including Goddess of the Moon were shocked at the same time, and their eyes flashed brightly. It was obvious that they had a keen interest in the “big secret” of Monray.

Training to their realm, unless you encounter a great opportunity, you want to go further, almost…impossible!

If you can get the big secret from Monray, there might be a glimmer of hope!

“Where is the thief now?”

Giant Dragon God Race Great Perfection Adolph impatient shouted.

Elf Goddess suddenly hesitated, and said that Monray’s life is nothing. This has little effect on Monray, but if you tell Monray where it is now, you will put Monray in a dangerous situation!

This… she can’t do it!


Adolph’s face was slightly dark, and he was already a little dissatisfied. Lava Goddess saw this and hurriedly replied: “That guy is in Sovereign King Mountain, as if he is refining Plane Core of Boundless Plane!”

“Not good !”

“Can’t let him succeed!”

“Damn! He must be stopped!”

6 Great Perfection’s expressions changed drastically.

Monray can freely break through the powerful existence of the High God Late Stage. If he successfully refining the Plane Core of the Boundless Plane, he will become a powerful…False Overgod.

Not to mention a few of them, even if Overgod came in person, there is nothing to do with Monray. At that time, let alone digging into Monray’s secrets, revenge will become a luxury.

“Block him!”

“He must be stopped immediately!”

“Where is Sovereign King Mountain?”

Gaianus asked in a deep voice.

“That direction!”

Lava Goddess stretched his hand!


Gaianus and other 6 Great Perfections rushed to Sovereign King Mountain without hesitation.

“Go back to God World first!”

Goddess of the Moon said to a group of female God Said.

“Yes, Lady Elune!”

Lava Goddess bowed. Elf Goddess gritted his teeth and asked, “Lady Elune, what would they do to Monray?”

“You know the result, so why bother to ask?”

Goddess of the Moon left this sentence, and then left without looking back.

“Diana, let’s go, that guy will definitely die!”

Lava Goddess shook his head and said: “The killing of 1000000 God Demon has offended almost all Divine Races and forces in the world. He will not end well!”


Elf Goddess faintly sighed.


Sovereign King Mountain.

Great Prophet, Oreo and the others were guarding the Sovereign King Temple while chatting, and the not-so-large Sovereign King Mountain looked extremely peaceful.

“Great Prophet, Sir Ruler is really alive?”

“Sir Ruler has long since fallen, and only his Divine Soul fragments are alive!”

“Great Prophet, this new Master is who, why can he inherit everything from Sir Ruler and become our new Boundless Giant Master?”

“Everything is the will of Sir Ruler, you and I just need to follow it!”

“Speaking of which, the new Master is indeed very strong. By the strength of oneself, it kills 1000000 Foreign Demon. It really has the charm of Sir Ruler!”

“Yes, the new Master is too powerful…”

While the Boundless Giants were chatting casually, a terrifying divine might suddenly came from the distant horizon. Because the distance was too far, the pressure was not very strong, but the oppression force contained in it made everyone on the top of the mountain feel a palpitation. .

The crowd of Boundless Giants raised their heads and saw several silhouettes blasting towards this side at an unimaginable speed. They were so fast, and in a few blinks, they passed a long distance and appeared in the sky not far away.

“That is鈥︹€?#8221;

“Foreign Demon!”

“Damn! Foreign Demon is here again!”

Great Prophet complexion greatly changed.

“Damn it! Why are you here again? This group of Foreign Demons is so soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!” Oreo cursed secretly, shouted loudly: “Guard the Sovereign King Temple, don’t let them disturb the Master!”


The Boundless Giants responded loudly, and then waited in full form, watching the several silhouettes approaching quickly with a guarded face.

However, as they approached, the pressure that came in became more terrifying. When the Great Perfection came closer, the terrible pressure almost condensed into substance, as if it was too ancient God mountain oppressing everyone’s heart, all Boundless Giant shuddered, You can’t even think of fighting.

“Great Perfection! All Foreign Demon of Great Perfection Level!” Great Prophet’s face became particularly ugly, and his voice trembled.

“What? Great Perfection?”

Oreo exclaimed, his heart sank to the bottom in an instant. In the entire Boundless Plane, Great Perfection is a legend. It is a realm that countless Boundless Giant dreams of but can’t enter!

However, now, there are actually several Great Perfection Level Foreign Demon attacking. It is a disaster. Who can stop their attack?

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ 鈥斺€?#8221;

Just when the hearts of all Boundless Giant sank to the bottom, the stern sky-splitting sound started, and the six Great Perfections had already reached the top of the mountain.

They were condescending, looking down at the Boundless Giant on the top of the mountain, making no secret of the divine might on their bodies, oppressing the hearts of the giants wantonly.

“This is Sovereign King Mountain?”

“It shouldn’t be wrong to look!”

“Where is the thief?”

“Catch someone and ask!”

Gaianus volleyed and caught a Boundless Giant. This Boundless Giant was panicked to the extreme and struggled frantically.

But useless!

All his struggles were in vain and he was quickly caught. Gaianus didn’t talk nonsense, and slapped the Boundless Giant’s head casually, and then grabbed his Divine Spark out.


Seeing this scene, Oreo and the others eye socket cracked, bursting into the air, blatantly killing Gaianus, but Gaianus just glanced at random, Oreo and the others as if was struck by lightning, spurting blood and flying backwards. Got out.

The gap is too big!

A look made them suffer a heavy blow!


Gaianus grabbed Divine Spark and searched for the soul violently. The heart-piercing scream of the Boundless Giant suddenly came from Divine Spark. The pain caused by the forced soul search was too great.


Oreo had blood at the corner of his mouth and wanted to rush up, but was stopped by Great Prophet:

“The gap between you and them is too big, and you will die for nothing!” Great Prophet shouted.

“What do you do then? Do you just watch?” Oreo roared in a low voice, his eyes were red, he had never been so angry.

“Wait, wait until the Master refining Plane Core exits, it is their death date!”

As the wisest and oldest Boundless Giant, Great Prophet is very transparent.


Oreo clenched his fists.

The entire soul search process did not last long before it was over. Gaianus dropped Divine Spark casually and looked towards the Sovereign King Temple.

“How about, Gaianus, where is the rebel?” the other Great Perfection asked anxiously.

Gaianus did not answer. Instead, he raised his right hand and pressed it gently against the towering Sovereign King Temple. The Sovereign King Temple collapsed instantly.

Gaianus waved his sleeves, and the collapsed ruins drifted away in the wind.

The Sovereign King Temple simply disappeared!

“no one?”

“What about the rebel?”

“Not in this temple, then he should stay in Boundless Plane’s Source Land!”

Gaianus’s face was very ugly.

“Source Land?”

When the 5 Great Perfection heard it, their faces sank.

Source Land is the residing area of 鈥嬧€婸lane Core. The Middle Level Plane is very large. Source Land is definitely not easy to find. Even if they are Great Perfection, they have to work hard.


“He must be found before he completely refining Plane Core!”

“Otherwise, it will be in trouble!”

“Split up!”

The 6 Great Perfection looked at each other and were about to spread out to find Source Land. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a slight sky-splitting sound began.

Gaianus complexion slightly changed, his head tilted to the left instinctively, and he saw a three-color lance flying past his temple.

“How dare you run into my turf and run wild, what a courage!”

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