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In a word from Monray, the Two Worlds Mountain bandit group was completely reduced to history, and all 1000000 bandit died, leaving only the bandit leader struggling on whilst at death’s door.

The weak are killed, the strong stay!

Chahman and the others carried out Monray’s orders very well. In their eyes, only the bandit leader, High God, could barely be called a powerhouse.

The rest… are weak!

“Thank Lord for not killing, thank Lord for not killing!” The bandit leader kowtowed his head like smashing garlic, and thanked him loudly. He has been terrified.

“Let’s talk! Where is this place!” Monray said: “Speak out what you know without omission and in detail, I can consider leaving you a way out!”

“Yes! The little ones must know everything, say everything, say everything they know!”

How can the bandit leader dare to lie? He even said what he knew without omission and in detail. He only hated that he knew too little to keep talking!

“Two Worlds Mountain?”

“Dragon Elephant City?”

“Caesar Dragon Elephant God Race?”

As the bandit leader continued to tell, Monray and the others gradually learned about the surrounding information!

This rolling mountain range is called Two Worlds Mountain. It is a small mountain range around Dragon Elephant City, and Dragon Elephant City was established by Caesar Dragon Elephant God Race.

Caesar Dragon Elephant God Race!

Earth God World is a 3-stream Divine Race. It is said to have both Giant Elephant and Giant Dragon Bloodline. It occupies a territory of 10000 light years. There are countless powerhouses in the clan, and High God alone has more than 10000. It is the most powerful force nearby. .

“Master, what do we do next?”

Chahman asked for instructions a little nervously, and everyone else was looking at Monray. After figuring out the surrounding situation, everyone felt very stressed.

Caesar Dragon Elephant God Race!

Earth God World is a small 3rd Rate Influence with more than 10000 High Gods, occupying a territory of 10000 light years around!

A 3rd Rate Influence even more how 2nd Rate Influence, 1st Rate Influence, Peak Divine Race and Ten Deities Race should be so powerful?

“What do you mean?”

Monray doesn’t answer any questions.

“Sturdy and steady, step by step!”

Chahman respectfully said: “I suggest that we first use Two Worlds Mountain as a base to manage the territory of Two Worlds Mountain a few light years ago, and then expand and annex it step by step!”

Everyone else is nodded!

Earth God World is too big, a trifling Two Worlds Mountain is bigger than all the Plane they currently occupy. Such a large site can’t be wasted, it must be managed!


Let’s manage this piece of land first!

“You guys, your thinking is set!” Monray shook his head: “I still think about managing the site, spreading faith, and slowly harvesting Power of Faith!”

“Uh… isn’t it?”

Chahman scratched his head, somewhat blushed with shame.

Monray shook his head and pointed at the bandit leader teased in front of him: “You are stronger than this guy, but you are not as active as this guy. Why don’t you ask this guy, has he spread his faith?”

Everyone was puzzled, looked towards the bandit leader.


The bandit leader beat a drum in his heart, and brace oneself said: “This Lord bright vision like a torch, the little one has never spread his faith, and the Divine Power needed is…all…snatched…snatched!”

“Snatched it?”

Everyone has a glimpse.

“Lord, you all know something, the universal currency of God World is Divine Crystal!”

Bandit leader brace oneself explained: “The God and caravans of the past carry enough Divine Crystals, just grab them and use them! Who…who also spends a lot of money to spread faith, collect Power of Faith, and slowly gather Divine What about Power?”

“Grab it and use it directly?”

“Can it still be like this?”

Chahman and the others big eyes staring at small eyes, suddenly feel that poverty limits their imagination. They only want to spread their faith, but they don’t know there is such a way to obtain Divine Power.

“If everyone is like you, relying on robbery to maintain daily Divine Power consumption, where does Divine Crystal come from?” The old man suddenly asked.

“Lord knows something!”

The bandit leader quickly explained: “As the currency of God World, Divine Crystal is also the most common and important strategic resource of God World. In order to obtain Divine Crystal, the gods naturally try their best. There are generally two ways to obtain Divine Crystal!”

“First: to spread the faith!”

“All the major Divine Races and forces have their own domains of faith, and then there are hard labors dedicated to condensing Divine Power to refine the Divine Crystal. These hard labors are of the same nature as the farmers and workers of the Low Level Plane!”

“Can it still be like this?”

Everyone felt an eye-opener.

“Second, mine the Divine Crystal Mine!”

The bandit leader continued: “In God World, there are large and small, countless Divine Crystal Ore Veins. These veins are rich in mineral-rich Divine Crystals. Just mine them out and you can refining them. Simple, Convenient!”

“Because of this, the value of each Divine Crystal mine is very high, especially the large mineral veins with amazing deposits, which are even more valuable! However, this kind of mineral veins are generally controlled by the big Divine Race and Great Influence, and ordinary God can’t Get involved!”

“Mining the Divine Crystal Mine!”

Everyone’s eyes brightened. Compared to spreading faith, this approach is simply too convenient.

“Have you heard?” Monray said with a smile: “In God World, some of them are Divine Crystal. The efficiency of transforming Divine Power by spreading faith is too low!”

“Really an eye-opener!”

The old man sighed: “We didn’t expect to be able to obtain Divine Crystal through such a method. We are so proud and inexperienced!”

“Yeah yeah!”

Chahman and the others are nodded again and again.

“The strength is changing, and the environment we live in is changing, so our thinking has to keep up!” Monray said with a smile.

“Master, what should we do specifically?”

Barbus asked again.

“ask him!”

Monray looked towards bandit leader: “In your God World, how do ordinary God get Divine Crystal? I believe bandit robbed like you are only a minority!”

The bandit leader blushed: “In order to obtain Divine Crystal, ordinary God usually chooses to join a force and earn income through labor!”

“Powerhouses like Lord can also join a small family to become a guest, guest official, and receive a generous Divine Crystal every year!”

“Labor earns income?”

“Become a guest guest official?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked towards Monray, with inquiries in their eyes.

Monray shook his head slightly: “In contrast, I still prefer your approach!”

The bandit leader was dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: “Lord means…”

“You just said that God World is full of Divine Crystals, can you just use them directly?”

Monray slightly smiled.

The bandit leader was speechless for a moment, so he could use it directly? This is so shameless than Laozi!

Everyone was blushed with shame and kindly reminded: “Master, this is Earth God World, should we converge a little?”


Monray looked at everyone questioningly: “We have the strength of willfulness, why should we converge?”


Everyone is completely speechless.

“Let’s go, head to Dragon Elephant City!”

Monray hands behind ones back: “God World powerhouse is respected, powerhouse can arbitrarily deprive the weak of everything, this is the unchanging truth of 1000, if you are sorry, you will lose!”

“Yes, Master!”

Everyone had no choice but to keep up.

“As for you, for the sake of providing a lot of information, I will spare your life tentatively!”

Monray looked towards bandit leader: “Lead the way ahead!”

“Thank Lord!”

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