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Earth God World is really incredible. It only takes a week to get out of Two Worlds Mountain.

Of course, this is also related to Monray. In order to “take away” the Divine Crystal everywhere, Monray did not use Realm Breaking Teleportation, so it went so slowly!

After a search, the accumulated wealth is considerable, and the wealth collected is considerable. At this rate, Monray believes that it will soon be able to make up the 5 quadrillion Divine Crystal required by Supreme Law!

The road ahead is smooth!

Monray is full of natural power!

After half a month, everyone finally arrived in Dragon Elephant City. This is a big boundless giant city. Compared with it, Two Worlds Mountain is like a small fish pond next to the endless ocean!

2 have no comparability at all!

“too big!”

“How many light years does this have to stretch? Is the city of God World so exaggerated?”

Everyone stood proudly in the sky, looking down at the Dragon Elephant City, which was beyond sight, and was shocked.

“Lord, Dragon Elephant City stretches 200 light-years from east to west, and 180 light-years from north to south. It is one of the 66 cities under Caesar Dragon Elephant Race!”

Seeing everyone in shock, the bandit leader, God World native, was a little proud, and explained with a smile: “The permanent population is 9800 Beijing (one unit behind the trillion), of which High God is more than 1000000, and Intermediate God is more than 4%. , Belongs to the God World XNUMX stream city!”

After hearing the words, everyone couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air!

200 light years from things!

180 light years from north to south!

The permanent population is 9800 Beijing!

High God up to 1000000!


too big!

It is impossible to imagine the size of Dragon Elephant City by imagination alone!

Monray was also shocked. Even with Realm Breaking Teleportation, it would take him a long time to get out of the Dragon Elephant City, which is too exaggerated!


“The bigger the better!”

The corners of Monray’s mouth cocked, divine sense pouring down like mercury, instantly covering 1 billion kilometers below, and then using Divine Ability to “transmit”!

Teleportation, the Divine Ability looted from Mother Tree of Darkness back then, can teleport things to the target location regardless of obstacles and space barriers.

Monray seldom uses teleportation to fight because it is not suitable for fighting. Its biggest role is to empty the treasure house and looting safes…


Monray thoughts move, all Divine Crystals, Law Source Crystals, and even space rings that he scanned, whether hidden in the treasure house or hidden in the insole, were all sent over!

“System, charge!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

The system’s wealth has skyrocketed, and when it stopped growing, it actually increased the terrifying 710000 100000000. This is too exaggerated. You must know that Monray only searched the Divine Crystal below 10100000000 kilometers!

How big is Dragon Elephant City?

How many 10100000000 kilometers are scored?

“What king’s treasure, the wealth of God of Time!” Monray couldn’t help but sigh: “God World, the wealth of the gods is the greatest treasure!”

No matter how much wealth a person has, it is ultimately limited because there is only one person, even if this person is a median Ancient God like God of Time, or a Supreme Ruler like Boundless Sovereign King!

No matter how small the wealth of everyone is, once they add up, it will constitute an exaggerated figure!

Is Bill Gates wealthy?


But there are 13100000000 old 100 surname deposits too much?

the answer is negative!

This is the horror of the huge base!

“carry on!”

Now that you have tasted the sweetness, Monray will not let it go. Although this is shameless and has no bottom line, it has caused countless Gods to ruin their families, but what does it matter?

The gods are free, and they don’t suffer. In this God World of person fighting person, strength is the most important thing. Who cares about the barking of the weak?

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ——”

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ——”

Monray looted the wallets and property of the gods in Dragon Elephant City without a bottom line, and wailed wherever they passed.


“Who stole this Uncle’s wallet?”

“Space ring! Where is my space ring?”

“God thief, dare to steal your grandfather’s treasure…”

The large-scale theft naturally attracted the attention of the City Lord Mansion, and the high-level officials responsible for the Caesar Dragon Elephant Race overseeing the Dragon Elephant City immediately dispatched the City Lord guard to start searching for the thieves.

They are doomed to find it!

Monray controls the Law of Space and hides everyone in the void. Who can find it?

A futile struggle that’s all!


“Suddenly there are so many more people in Dragon Elephant City?”

“What are they scolding?”

“very messy……”

Monray and his party were standing above the Dragon Elephant City. What happened in the Dragon Elephant City could not escape everyone’s eyes. After seeing the chaos in the Dragon Elephant City, they all looked confused. All messed up for a while?

What happened to Dragon Elephant City?


Monray smiled without saying a word, and continued his shameless behavior. If he was a little bit sorry at the beginning, now that after seeing Hua Hua’s soaring wealth, all the shame and shame have been thrown beyond the topmost clouds?


I just want Divine Crystal!


Inside the City Lord Mansion.

“Rice bucket! A bunch of buckets!”

Two horns growing on the head, Dowa Ceasar, who has a leading body and a trunk, smashed the table angrily, and pointed at a group of subordinates in the hall and shouted:

“So many people can’t even catch a thief. What use do I want you to do?”

“City Lord calm down!”

“Quite my anger? How can you calm me down?”

Dowa Ceasar was furious: “So many Gods were stolen and the people in the city were alarmed. If this continues, Dragon Elephant City will be completely abandoned!”

“Sir City Lord, this thief is so arrogant…”

“Stop talking about these useless nonsense, and find this damned thief immediately, otherwise, you will not need to exist!”

“It’s… Sir City Lord!”

“A group of waste!”

Looking at the empty great hall again, Dowa Ceasar took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down, but he couldn’t calm down.

The theft was originally a trivial matter, but the theft of so many Gods, especially the entire wealth of countless High Gods, is no trivial matter!

You know, Dragon Elephant City is inhabited by 1000000 High God, and their Caesar Dragon Elephant Race adds up to simply a trifling hundred thousand High God!

1000000 High God has joined forces, and their Caesar Dragon Elephant Race can’t help it!

Therefore, the thieves must be found and the treasures lost by the residents must be recovered!

Otherwise, what will happen next, Dowa Ceasar can’t imagine!

“Jié jié jié, we are in trouble!”

A harsh sound that sounded like a night owl’s neighing sounded, and a black mist rose up, circling and dancing around Dowa Ceasar.

“Bastard! Who let you out?”

Dowa Ceasar is like a frightened bunny. He peeked at 4 places and relaxed after confirming that no one found it, and then shouted angrily: “Are you worried that no one will find it? Go back!”

“What are you afraid of, everyone is gone!”

Heiwu jié jié laughed twice: “You seem to be in trouble, and the trouble is not small?”

“A few thieves that’s all, can’t be considered what trouble!” Dowa Ceasar coldly snorted: “You go back first, we communicate with our minds!”

Black mist remains unmoved: “How many thief? You think too simple! Do you know who is the thief who stole countless God’s wealth?”

“you know?”

Dowa Ceasar wondered.

“I’m afraid to scare you to death!”

The black mist is taunted.

“Who is it?”

Dowa Ceasar gnashing teeth.


The black mist spit out 2 words slowly.


Dowa Ceasar shuddered and almost peeed.

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