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What is Overgod?

That’s the existence of Supreme. Even after hearing the title of Overgod, Dowa Ceasar felt trembling all over: “Mora, you don’t crack a joke, this joke is not funny at all!”

“Joke? Who cracked a joke with you?”

Heiwu jié jié laughed strangely: “Tell you the truth, the thief who stole the treasures of the Dragon Elephant City gods is an Overgod, although I don’t know why he did it!”

Overgod steals treasure of the gods?

It sounds incredible, but this unimaginable fact happened!

Black mist is also 100 puzzling!

“The thief is Overgod? Heavens!”

Dowa Ceasar’s whole person is not good, he knows Mora is not a good thing, but after knowing Mora for so long, Mora has never said anything!

What Mora said, it must be something, countless facts have already verified this problem!

“Mora, why does this Overgod do this?”

Dowa Ceasar muttered to himself: “He is Supreme’s Overgod, what treasure can’t you get? Why steal things from the gods?”

“Who knows, maybe you may be looking for something!” Heiwu jié jié smiled, “You can only consider yourself unlucky when you stand this kind of thing, because you can’t stop it, poor fellow!”

Dowa Ceasar trembled: “Mora, aren’t you called invincible in the whole world, can you stop this Overgod? Help me, stop him!”

“I am not afraid of him at the peak period, as for now… forget it!”

Heiwu directly refused: “I don’t want to provoke the existence of an Overgod level, although he is just Lower Overgod…Huh? He is here!”

Hei Mist seemed to perceive something, and instantly disappeared into Dowa Ceasar’s body, as if it had never appeared before.

“Mora! Mora!”

Dowa Ceasar called 2 times.

“Idiot, stop screaming, he has noticed this way!” Hei Wu cursed angrily!


Dowa Ceasar quickly shut up with interest. Mora is his golden finger. He can grow from an underestimated branch disciple in the family to where he is now. Thanks to Mora’s help, if Mora is gone, he can hardly imagine it!

“What was that?”

At this moment, a slow voice suddenly sounded in the ear.


Dowa Ceasar was habitually about to answer, but suddenly realized that it was wrong, and quickly looked up and saw that there was one more person in front of him.

black hair black pupil, handsome as a god, Dowa Ceasar swears, he has never seen such a handsome Human Race, he was a bit dumbfounded for a while!

“Where was that guy just now?”

It was Monray who came, and he asked again.

“You…who are you?”

Dowa Ceasar suddenly woke up and looked at Monray with horror.

“You don’t need to know who I am!” Monray said indifferently: “You just need to tell me where is the guy who was with you just now?”

“You…what did you say? I don’t understand!” Dowa Ceasar looked terrified.

“Hehe! It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it!”

Monray shook his head and chuckled, then stretched out his right hand and gently pointed at Dowa Ceasar, and slowly uttered three words: “Time-light-back-back!”


Law of Time instantly enveloped Dowa Ceasar, the time around him slowly stopped, and then began to go backwards, 0.1 second ago, 1 second ago…

“You…what did you say? I don’t understand!”

“You…who are you?”

“Mora! Mora!”

“Mora, don’t you claim to be invincible in the whole world, can you stop this Overgod? Let him go on like this and the Dragon Elephant City will be ruined!”

“He’s Supreme’s Overgod, what treasure can’t you get? Why steal things from the gods?”

Dowa Ceasar’s time went back more than ten seconds ago, but strangely enough, Mora, who had just spoken to him, never appeared, and Mora seemed completely unaffected by time going back.

However, what Dowa Ceasar said, completely betrayed it!

“His name is Mora?”

Monray stopped going back in time and looked at Dowa Ceasar said with a smile: “Unexpectedly not affected by Law of Time, his power is beyond my expectations!”

“What did you just do to me?”

Dowa Ceasar was terrified.


Monray waved his hand and Dowa Ceasar 2 rolled his eyes and passed out completely. At this time, he fell asleep obediently and honestly, and maybe he could save a little life.

“Why? Don’t you come out?”

Monray smiled and asked: “dignified Overgod powerhouse, it’s too cheap to hide the head and show the tail!”

“This King just came out to breathe, and you found it! Your nose is really good!”

A cloud of black mist rose from Dowa Ceasar’s body, and then gathered into a single person. He had an ordinary human face, his head naked, but an extra eye on the center of his brow.

“Death God Race?”

Monray stared at the vertical eye between the eyebrows of the other person, slightly surprised.

“This King is not Death God Race. Don’t confuse this King with those Low Level undead with impure Bloodline!” Mora said coldly.

“Your name is Mora?”

Monray asked again.


Mora indifferently said.

“who are you?”

Monray asked puzzledly: “Although you are just a Divine Soul, the strength of Divine Soul is completely comparable to that of Lower Overgod. You are a powerful person who can be ranked slowly in the world. Why do you appear in this place?”

“Why did this King tell you?”

Mora sneered, not afraid of Monray at all.

“Your Excellency, for your safety, I think you should know everything and say everything!” Monray lightly said with a smile: “Of course, if you are smart enough!”

“You can’t kill me!”

Mora shook his head: “Although this King is Remnant Soul, this Remnant Soul has experienced the baptism of reincarnation. Looking at the world, no one can kill me!”

Reincarnation is broken!


Monray remembered these two words silently: “I thought you were just an ordinary Overgod Remnant Soul, but didn’t expect, there are other secrets in you!”

He was really just searching for the Divine Crystal, but he didn’t expect a frightful glance, he scanned an Overgod aura, followed this aura Teleportation, and found it!

After seeing Mora, Monray suddenly realized that he might be lucky!

“This King has many secrets, but what does it have to do with you?” Mora sneered.

“I’m too lazy to talk about extra nonsense!”

Monray indifferently said: “Tell me everything you know, I can consider letting you survive!”

“See you so soon? This King thought you would knock on the side. After getting more information from this King, the fox tail will be revealed!”

Mora shook her head and chuckled: “What an impatient Little Brat, are you little Brat so impatient in this era?”

“Go ahead, Lord Mora!” Monray smiled and said, “Tell me everything about you!”

“Why did this King tell you?”

Mora looked at Monray as if he was mentally retarded: “You can’t kill this King, so don’t use this King’s life to threaten this King. This trick won’t work!”

“Can’t you kill you?” Monray shook his head: “How can I know if I don’t try?”

“Try it!”

Mora let out a cry.

“Eye of the Death God!”

Monray opened his eyebrows.

“shua ——”

A three-color divine light shot out from the Eye of the Death God, and instantly landed on Mora. A horrible Devouring Power swept out, devouring Mora’s Remnant Soul.

The magical scene happened:

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