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Dragon Elephant City, City Lord Mansion.

Dowa Ceasar woke up slowly, only to find that the hall was empty. The Overgod who was visiting suddenly seemed to be gone. Dowa Ceasar suddenly had a lingering heart, and he recovered a little life!

“Heavens! I actually saw an Overgod just now? It’s incredible!”

Dowa Ceasar patted his chest, and the heartbeat had never been so intense at this moment: “Mora! Then Overgod has left? He didn’t do anything to you, right?”

no respond!

“Mora? Are you there?”

Dowa Ceasar yelled 2 more times, but there was still no response.



“No! Mora!”

“My golden finger…”


Mora is gone!

This makes Dowa Ceasar fall into despair. Mora is his golden finger. Without Mora, he is a shit. Dowa Ceasar cannot imagine what he will face next.

Mora naturally followed Monray and left. After learning of Monray’s true age, Mora did not hesitate anymore and decisively followed Monray.

Cracking a joke !

45 years old, comprehend the 4 Supreme Law!

Is that human being?

Absolute freak!

Even though the Primordial God of Creation reincarnated, it is only this!

From Mora’s point of view, Monray is likely to understand Law of Creation in the future and control Power of Creation!

As for Monray, is it willing to save him in the future? I’ll talk about this later!

Well, make a good relationship with him first!

As for the others, take one step at a time!

Monray continued the carpet search, a large number of Divine Crystals were collected by him, and his wealth continued to grow wildly. This behavior made Mora 10000 points puzzled.

“You dignified Middle Level Ancient God, why steal ordinary God’s treasures? These things are of little value to you now, right?”

“You do not understand!”

“I don’t understand?”

“You really don’t understand!”

Mora blows his beard and stares angrily, but has nothing to do with Monray.




Although Monray’s search speed is unprecedented, the Dragon Elephant City is too big!

A month has passed.

2 months have passed.

3 months have passed.

Still not finished searching.

More than half a year passed in a blink of an eye!

Seeing Monray being so “not doing business properly”, Mora finally couldn’t bear it and broke out.

“Brat, this era is about to pass halfway, and you are still wasting time here, you…you are simply killing your life!”

“Kill life?”

Monray glanced at the wealth column on the attribute panel and smiled contentedly. He has searched for so much wealth, it is worth his hard work.

“Brat, what you have to do now is to find a place to comprehend Supreme Law instead of wasting time like now, understand?”

Mora earnest and well-meant advised.

“You don’t understand!”

Monray rolled the eyes: “You will be fine when you are old. If you have this time, it is better to guide and guide me these subordinates!”

Monray glanced at Chahman and the others who were just yawning boringly behind him. They each and everyone were listless, like eggplants that were beaten by frost.

“A group of refining Divine Sparks become High God guys, and their future is like that. It is a real waste of time to guide them!”

Mora lightly snorted: “I think you should find a quiet place with the comprehend Supreme Law…”

“Okay, you should go back to Tower of Time, I’m going to be annoyed by you!” Monray waved and drove Mora back to Tower of Time.

“Brat, if you don’t listen to the old man’s words, you will regret it if you suffer a disadvantage!”

Mora was so angry that she couldn’t wait to put a bomb in Monray’s crotch to kill her.

“hong long long -“

At this moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly swept from the void in the distance, accompanied by dazzling colorful rays of light.

The void in the distance was rendered in color, and even a place as far away as the Dragon Elephant City was brought with a touch of colored rays of light.

“what’s the situation?”

Monray looked towards the distance in amazement.

Old Dean, Chahman, Barbus and the others also shivered and restored the Mind, each and everyone looked towards the distant void in confusion.

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ——”

The gods in the Dragon Elephant City were also alarmed, flying into the sky one after another, looking over there in doubt.

“What happened over there?”

“Did you feel it, well…what a terrible pressure!”

“I feel it, even if it’s far away, it makes people feel heart palpitations!”

Monray frowns, the same looking towards the facial expression grave, Chahman and the others can feel it, he naturally feels more clearly!

In the far distance, I don’t know who (thing) exudes terrible pressure, so that he can feel a burst of inexplicable oppression!

This is incredible!

Knowing that he is Middle Level Ancient God, what can make him feel oppressed?

“This aura…Hey, it will be another foul wind and bloody rain!” Mora flew out of the Tower of Time, saying some take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Do you know what happened over there?”

Monray looked towards Mora doubtfully.

“Hehe, looking at the vast world, what can hide Mora from me?” Mora smiled proudly and said with a loud voice.

Monray was a little speechless: “Then tell me, what is so powerful?”

“Have you refining Plane Core?”

Mora didn’t answer back questions.

“of course!”

Monray slightly nodded.

“Take a closer look, is this pressure similar to Plane Core’s aura?” Mora hehe asked with a smile.

“Plane Core?”

Monray felt it carefully, and was surprised for a while: “Don’t tell me, this coercion is indeed somewhat similar to Plane Core. Is this the coercion of Earth God World’s Plane Core?”

“If it were the Plane Core of the complete Earth God World, you would have been crushed down a long time ago, how can you still stand here?” Mora shook her head: “If I guess right, this should be a fragment of the Plane Core of the Earth God World Aura that comes out!”


Monray was shocked: “Plane Core will also be broken?”

Plane Core is a substance condensed from ten basic Laws and ten Source Strengths. It is indestructible. Even realm such as training Monray cannot destroy the Plane Core of Low Level Plane and Middle Level Plane.

Not to mention the Plane Core of Earth God World? You know that Earth God World is High Level Plane!

“Sao Nian, in the entire universe, apart from immortal matter, there is nothing absolutely immortal!”

Mora shook her head slowly: “Moreover, the heart of High Level Plane is different from Low and Middle Level Plane Core. It is basically impossible to exist in full!”

“Impossible exists in its entirety?” Monray was shocked: “Why is this?”

“Who knows why, in short, the impossible existence is right!”

Mora slightly smiled: “By the way, the heart of High Level Plane seems to have another name!”


Monray was taken aback.

“Overgod Spark!”

Mora faint smile looked at Monray.

“Overgod Spark!!!”

Monray was shocked: “You mean, it is an Overgod Spark that exudes this pressure?”


Mora said with a smile: “If I guessed right, this is an ownerless Overgod Spark that was just born, otherwise, it wouldn’t make such a big movement!”

“Since it is Overgod Spark, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Monray was a little crazy. With a big wave of his hand, he directly sent Old Dean and Chahman and the others into Tower of Time, then launched Realm Breaking Teleportation and shot directly there.

Overgod Spark!

That’s Overgod Spark!

One step ascending the heavens Supreme Treasure!

Even if you don’t merge, you have to get it first!

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