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Here is the endless desert, the boundless sand sea exudes desolate, dead, and hot aura, spreading to the end of the sky.

Pompeii Desert!

Earth God World’s largest desert!

It is also the largest desert in the universe!

none of them!

At this moment, a round of colorful “suns” appeared over the Pompeii Desert.

Endless colored rays of light are scattered from the sun, and the boundless yellow sand sea is rendered in color, like an ocean of colored light.

This World natural phenomenon first attracted the attention of desert residents. The most powerful force that has been entrenched in the Pompeii Desert all the year round is the desert Datura Snakeman Race!

Desert Datura Snakeman Race!

Half-human and half-snake, the upper body has a human body, but the lower body is the body of a snake. Because of the talent out of the ordinary, the fertility is strong, and the habitat of the Pompeii Desert is blessed by heaven. The tribes of the Desert Datura Snakeman Race are all over the Pompeii Desert. !

In addition, because the Pompeii Desert inhabits countless desert species Divine Beast, here is also an adventurer’s paradise. Every year, countless adventurers come to the Pompeii Desert to hunt Divine Beast and earn Divine Crystal.

Therefore, as soon as the colored sun appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the desert Datura Snakeman Race and countless adventurers. They gathered from all over the desert to get a glimpse of the truth about the colored sun.

But the sad thing is that the closer to the colored sun, the stronger the coercion. Many Gods have to stop halfway, and only the powerful can move on.

In the end, only the Elder expert of High God Late Stage can actually reach the colored sun, and the rest are powerless!

“Overgod Spark!”

“Definitely the aura of Overgod Spark!”

A beautiful and sexy woman with a golden snake tail came below, and her beautiful eyes stared at the colorful sun hanging high in the sky.

She is the Empress of the Desert Datura Snake people ——Datura Empress, and also the most powerful existence of the desert Datura Snakeman Race. She is far superior to the High God Late Stage and is close to the Great Perfection!

And behind her, followed by two old man, one old man, and one old woman. It was two Elder from the desert Datura Snake who guarded Datura Empress!

“As long as this Sovereign integrates this Overgod Spark, this Sovereign will become the Overgod of aloof and remote, leading me to the desert Datura Snakeman Race out of the Pompeii desert and rise completely!”


“Overgod Spark is from this Sovereign!”

“xiu – ”

Datura Empress could no longer suppress the greed and desire in his heart, turning into a stream of light and shooting towards the colored sun, but someone was faster than her.

“xiu – ”

“xiu – ”

I saw 2 streams of light almost in no particular order, shooting at the sun in the sky at the same time.

Datura Empress saw the two people, and his nose was suddenly crooked: “Two Elders, you are so brave, how dare you rob this Sovereign thing!”

That’s right!

It is no one else who is ahead of Datura Empress, it is the 2 Elders she brought!

Datura Empress absolutely didn’t expect that the two Old Guys who were obedient and extremely loyal would betray themselves at this brief moment!

Datura Empress is out of anger!


Datura Empress exerted his full strength, the speed suddenly increased, and instantly caught up with the two Elders, and then stopped in front of them with a frosty face.

“Dare to betray this Sovereign, die!”

Feeling the killing intent emanating from Datura Empress, the two snake men Elder complexion greatly changed: “Your Majesty Empress is forgiving, we just want to bring Overgod Spark for Your Majesty Empress!”

“Yes, Your Majesty Empress, we are loyal to you. We have never thought of betraying you. I hope Your Majesty Empress will be aware of our mistakes and be considerate of our difficulties!”

“Flavorful words, do you think this Sovereign will believe it?” Datura Empress’s face was cold, and she raised her palm to kill two people!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the snake-man old man suddenly shouted: “Your Majesty Empress is working for the time being, someone rushed to Overgod Spark!”


Datura Empress pretty face changed a lot, even looking towards the colorful sun.

“Go to death!”

Snake man old man has a hideous face, outrageously single fist smashed out, snake man old woman also eye shows the ominous light, struggling to smash a punch at Datura Empress!

The two shots were extremely quick. Even though Daatura Empress’s strength was better than the two, he was caught off guard.



2 In the boxing, Datura Empress, Datura Empress blasted a blood arrow out of her mouth, and screamed like a kite with a broken line and flew out.

Knocked off the Datura Empress, the two old men looked at each other and fired at the colored sun again.

“Traitor! Godly traitor!”

Datura Empress stabilized his figure, and sprayed out a few more mouthfuls of blood, looking at the two Elders in the sky with a distorted expression, with an expression like a man tearing them into two halves, and 2 miles away. I shot these two dogs!



As a super expert, the two snake-men Elders hardly bear the terrifying pressure emitted by the colored sun, getting closer and closer to the colored sun.

at last……

Only a few meters away!

The two old people have clearly seen the irregularly shaped Overgod Spark and the unique colorful patterns on it. For a while, the hearts of the two people’s putong putong beat violently.

Just a stone’s throw away!

This is really close!

Only one step away, they can become the Overgod of Supreme, become one of the greatest beings in Earth God World, and even the vast universe.


Roar in the hearts of 2 people, try their best to catch it with the last bit of effort! At this moment, they forgot each other’s existence, only Overgod Spark in their eyes!


Two people grabbed Overgod Spark at the same time, and a soft feeling was passed into the palm of their hands. Two people in ones heart trembled, grabbed Overgod Spark and grabbed everything!

This is really everything!

“I am going to be an Overgod!!!”

“I am going to be an Overgod!!!”

Two people were excited to be wild with joy, and then tried to catch Overgod Spark back at the same time, but they were surprised to find that they couldn’t grasp it, and then they saw each other!

“Old woman, let go!” The snake man old man shouted: “Overgod Spark is mine!”

“Fart! Overgod Spark is mine! Mine!” The snake man old woman did her part: “You are the one who wants to let go. I am the one who wants to be Overgod!”

“Old woman, I let you for a lifetime, today you let me this time!”

The snake man old man had a pleading in his eyes: “Overgod Spark has created too much movement, and there must be a large number of experts coming here. There is not much time left for us. Let go!”

“Hmph! Since it has allowed me for a lifetime, why not let this time?”

Snake man old woman coldly snorted, her voice suddenly became extra gentle: “old fogey why don’t you think about it, is there any difference between becoming an Overgod and you becoming an Overgod? Besides, I can post God Oath, even if I become an Overgod, it will be right. You to never leave each other, and always maintain you!”

“Old woman, I will never leave each other to you, I swear!”

The snake man old man said anxiously: “A large number of powerhouses are about to be killed, and we are running out of time. Are you going to watch Overgod Spark fall into the hands of others?”

“I won’t let go! Overgod Spark is mine…”

“Got two of you, give it a hand!”

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