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In the face of the temptation of Overgod Spark, no one can take it calmly. Father and son become enemies, husband and wife turn against each other. This snake-man old man wife is the most vivid example.

Even though we have been with each other for a long time and have experienced countless difficulties and obstacles together, at this brief moment, it is not as important as Overgod Spark!

“I got you two, please give me a favor!”

Just as the two old snake men were arguing, someone couldn’t stand it anymore, and weird appeared among the two men and caught Overgod Spark.

The two snake people Elder complexion greatly changed, and turned their heads to look towards the man, his eyes breathed fire, and his expression could not wait for a bomb in his crotch.

“God thief, return me Overgod Spark!”

The two snake men Elder flew into a rage, and their palms were shot out boldly. The palm wind was fierce, and it seemed that they were about to shoot the incoming person into meat sauce to vent their hatred.

“Because of this Overgod Spark, you are all turned against each other. It is a tragedy in life! For your own good, I will confiscated Overgod Spark!”

The person here is not someone else, it is Monray. Monray body flashed a few kilometers away, looking at Overgod Spark, his eyes gleaming.

“The composition material has many similarities with Low and Middle Level Plane Core, but the power is much stronger than Low and Middle Level Plane Core!”

Monray murmured.

“That’s natural! In addition to ten basic Laws and ten Source Strengths, there are 5 Supreme Laws and 5 Supreme Law Powers in the composition of the heart of High Level Plane!”

Mora appeared around Monray: “A substance composed of 15 laws and 15 powers. You can imagine how powerful it is! It is said that…”

“What is said?”

Monray wondered.

“It is said that the heart of the complete High Level Plane is comparable to Supreme Divine Spark. Whoever integrates the heart of the complete High Level Plane will have the power comparable to the Universe Supreme God!” Mora said with a smile.

“Universe Supreme God!”

Monray Mind was shocked.

After Lower Overgod, Intermediate Overgod, High Overgod, Ruler, there is the Universe Supreme God. You can imagine how powerful Supreme God is!

The heart of the complete High Level Plane, comparable to Supreme Divine Spark? Monray eyes flashed!

“It’s a pity that the heart of the complete High Level Plane is fundamentally impossible, which also means that the Supreme God is impossible in the universe!”

Mora said with a smile: “This is another kind of balance!”


Monray laughed and said, “Mora, do you think this Overgod Spark belongs to Lower Overgod, Intermediate Overgod, or High Overgod?”

“No no no! You are wrong!”

Mora corrected: “Overgod has strengths and weaknesses, but Overgod Spark has no level difference!”

“The weight and size of each Overgod Spark are exactly the same! The strength of Overgod depends on Overgod’s understanding of Supreme Law!”

“Specifically, it is like this!”

“Overgod, who only integrates Overgod Spark, but knows nothing about Supreme Law, is the worst Lower Overgod!”

“Overgod that not only integrates Overgod Spark, but also understands a little Supreme Law, is a slightly stronger Intermediate Overgod; Overgod, who has a deep knowledge of Supreme Law, is High Overgod!”

“It not only integrates Overgod Spark, but also fully understands a Supreme Law’s Overgod, it is Ruler!”


Monray twitched his lips. Overgod’s strength is linked to his understanding of Supreme Law. He knew this for a long time. What he didn’t expect was that it had nothing to do with Overgod Spark…!

Overgod Spark, exactly the same!

“You comprehended the 4 Supreme Laws. Although they are all fur, you can still understand them. If you integrate this Overgod Spark immediately, you will become an Intermediate Overgod!”

Mora licked her lips, said with a smile: “So, hurry up and merge!”

Monray slightly nodded, and said: “Can people who have not become gods integrate with Overgod Spark?”

Mora heard this, without the slightest hesitation said: “There is no Divine Spark without becoming a god, not even Divine Spark, and of course it cannot be integrated with Overgod Spark!”

“That’s a shame, I can’t integrate this stuff!” Monray said with regret.

“Can’t integrate Overgod Spark? What do you mean?”

Mora was a little dazed, and immediately reacted: “You…are you trying to say, you haven’t become a god?”


Monray slightly nodded.


Mora was stunned, staring at Monray in a daze, as if looking at a monster, and it took a long time to say: “What kind of monster are you? You haven’t become a god!”

“I am me, fireworks of different colors!”

Monray slightly smiled, turning his hand to put Overgod Spark away, just at this moment, a fierce wind hit, Monray shook his body and avoided it.

Turning around, it’s Datura Empress!

“Hand over Overgod Spark!”

Datura Empress’s mouth still has blood stains, but the fighting intent on his body and the killing intent in his eyes keep increasing, staring at Monray coldly.

“Hand over Overgod Spark!”

Two snake men Elder also killed him.

“Traitor, I will settle accounts with you afterwards!”

Datura Empress gave two people a cold glance, and his eyes fell on Monray again. This is the charm of Overgod Spark, which allows Datura Empress to temporarily let go of their grudges.

The two snake men, Elder, were a little embarrassed, but now that they can no longer care about that many, they stared at Monray fiercely, and the killing intent was almost solidified.

They hated Monray so much. Overgod Spark had already gotten their hands, but they were taken away by Monray, leaving them happy.

This hatred is too big!

“Want Overgod Spark? Why?”

Monray looked at the three people with interest.

“Overgod Spark is the thing of my desert, Darura Snakeman Race. If you are acquainted, call it out immediately, otherwise, I will call you to cross the Pompeii Desert and sleep in this great wasteland!” Datura Empress said coldly.

“Hehe, when it appears on your chassis, it becomes your thing? Although these words are overbearing, they seem to make some sense!”

Monray said with a smile: “In this case, then I solemnly declare that from now on, the entire Pompeii Desert will be my territory. Do you have any objections?”

“impudent !”

“courting death !”


3 people were furious when they heard it.

Outrageously launch an attack!

“Snakes dominate the world!”

Datura Empress let out a low growl, and a huge golden serpent illusory shadow rose all over his body, and then it condensed into substance and bit at Monray.

“Concealed Snake Hand!”

The snake man old man has a long right arm and turns into a purple python to swallow Monray.

“Exterminate the snake!”

The snake-man old woman patted her hands with her cuffs like a laser gun, spraying out countless poisonous snakes, fiercely biting Monray.

“such insignificant ability !”

Monray raised his right hand slowly, tapped his fingertips lightly, and the three-color cold current gushed out from the fingertips, and immediately spread and enveloped all directions.

“ka-cha -“

3 The cold current looks unremarkable, but at the moment of contact with the golden snake, purple python, and countless poisonous snakes, it shows a terrifying power.

In a short moment, the golden snake, purple python, and countless poisonous snakes were frozen, turned into ice sculptures, frozen in the air, motionless.


“How can it be?”

Datura Empress drank two snake men, Elder complexion greatly changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief. They were infinitely close to the super expert of Great Perfection. Three people joined forces, who could resist?

But Monray easily defeated their attack. What kind of strength is this?

“With your strength, do you dare to get involved in Overgod Spark? Are you afraid of being killed and having no land of burial?”

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