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“Dare to get involved with Overgod Spark with this strength?”

Monray is not underestimating these three guys. Even if they don’t meet themselves or meet other people, these three have no chance of winning.

Even worse, their fate will be even worse.

“Stop talking nonsense, hand over Overgod Spark!”

Datura Empress let out a low growl: “Overgod Spark is part of our desert Datura Snakeman Race. If we don’t hand over Overgod Spark, we are irreconcilable!”

How about being strong?

This is Overgod Spark!

One step ascending the heavens ladder!

She will never give up!

“Hand over Overgod Spark!”

The two old snake men also shouted in anger.

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit !”

Monray is coldly snorted, body flashed is in front of Datura Empress.

“So fast!”

Datura Empress pretty face changed drastically, but before she could react, a heart-piercing pain came from her abdomen. At the next moment, she flew upside down.

Monray, like a ghost, appeared in front of the two old snake men one after another. Fiercely kicked the two Old Guy faces and kicked them flying.

“Overestimate one’s capabilities stuff!”

Monray was lightly snorted and prepared for Teleportation to leave. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a stern sky-splitting sound suddenly shot from a distance, carrying an extremely terrifying pressure, and came to the front in the blink of an eye.

The first child is a pair of sharp horns, a long tail behind, round ears, scarlet eyes, purple black lips, and pale skin.

Seeing this person, Monray was a little surprised. This is so much like Frieza in a certain anime in the previous life, it is simply a daoist present!

so similar!

Frieza is just a fake character. Impossible appears here. This one should be a Frozen God Race, a Frozen God Race of Great Perfection Level!

“What about Overgod Spark? Where is Overgod Spark?”

“Frieza”‘s bloody eyes fell on Monray and the three snake-men. His eyes were full of greed and desire. He is already Great Perfection, and he has reached the end of his life. Basically, it is impossible to move forward!

But with Overgod Spark, it’s different. He will become the Overgod of Supreme and the figure on the top of the whole world, so the temptation of Overgod Spark to him… is bigger!

“Great Perfection !”

The complexions of the three snake men suddenly became extremely ugly. First, Monray, a deep and unmeasurable expert, and then a Great Perfection, their hope of getting Overgod Spark is getting diminished…

“Old fogey, see what you did?”

The snake-man old woman roared angrily: “Overgod Spark is already in hand, if you didn’t fight with me, how could you end up in such a field?”

“Hmph! Are you ashamed to blame me?”

The snake man old man directly stunned and went back: “I let you for a lifetime, tolerated you for a lifetime, but in the end you treat me like this, I’m blind!”


The two old snake men complained to each other, “Frieza” was dissatisfied, he was coldly snorted, and a terrifying pressure of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth blatantly suppressed it!

“Say! Where is Overgod Spark?”

“Frieza” coldly said.

“Overgod Spark was taken away by him!”

Queen Datura coughed up a mouthful of blood, pointed her hand at Monray, her anger was suppressed in her beautiful eyes, since I can’t get it, you can’t imagine it!

“Yes! Overgod Spark was indeed taken away by him!” The snake man old man also said.

“Overgod Spark on you?”

“Frieza” immediately looked towards Monray, with greedy eyes: “Quick, give it to me!”

“Overgod Spark is indeed in my hands, but why should I give it to you?” Monray said indifferently: “You must give me a reasonable explanation!”

“Explanation? Howl!”

“Frieza” grinned: “Hand over Overgod Spark, I can spare you not to die! Otherwise, I will call you die without a burial site!”

“Kill me? I’m afraid you don’t have this strength!”

Monray sneered, and walked out to “Frieza” in one step. With 4 eyes facing each other, a touch of horror appeared in “Frieza”‘s eyes, so fast!

At the next moment, Monray’s fist suddenly fell on his stomach!


A huge force gushed out, “Frieza” groaned and flew out directly, Monray appeared behind him like a ghost, leg raised kicking on the face of “Frieza”…

Looking at “Frieza” flying upside down, Monray sneered and shook his head: “Everyone will say a big deal, but without the corresponding strength, it will only become a sad joke!”


The three snake men were stunned. They looked at Monray as if they were looking at a monster. It was Great Perfection, the Great Perfection of Frozen God Race, and was completely crushed by Monray!

“Who is he?” Datura Empress thoughts are revolving: “The only person who can crush Great Perfection like this is Overgod! Is he an Overgod?”

Overgod Although aloof and remote, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, very few people can see Overgod with their own eyes, but Overgod is after all the greatest existence in the universe. Regarding the statues, portraits, and appearances of Overgod, after all, Will spread out!

Therefore, many powerhouses have “seen” Overgod, but Datura Empress swears that she has never seen Overgod like Monray!

“Damn! You damn it!”

“Frieza” stabilized his figure, with blood-red eyes staring at Monray, the killing intent on his body was almost solidified, thinking about him dignified Frozen God Race Great Perfection, when did he suffer such a loss?

It can’t be tolerated!


“Frieza” roared, and a purple cold burst suddenly broke out, turning into a majestic purple ice dragon, fiercely crashed into Monray.

It is the Innate Divine Ability of Frozen God Race-Nine Nether Mysterious Ice!

The power of Nine Nether Mysterious Ice is not much to say, not only contains the extreme low temperature, but also can freeze everything, even the space can freeze!

No, the purple ice Dragon One passed by, exuding an astonishing low temperature, and the surrounding space was frozen and imprisonment.

“Not good !”

Feeling the terrifying power of the purple ice dragon, the three snake-men complexion greatly changed and quickly retreated far away. The ice dragon is too terrifying, they don’t want to be brought disaster to innocent people.

“I finally saw the authentic Nine Nether Mysterious Ice!” Monray did not evade, but a smile appeared on his face: “It’s just a pity…”

As he said, Monray extended the hand with a finger and touched it on the nose of the ice dragon, and only heard a ka-cha sound. The purple ice dragon seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer and shattered directly.

“Do you think this is over? Feng!”

“Frieza” seemed to have expected it a long time ago, only to listen to him loudly roared, countless broken ice cubes directly submerged Monray, and then quickly gathered.

“Ka ka ka-“

A purple cage was formed, and Monray was directly sealed in ice, “Frieza” coldly snorted, and the purple cold flow spewed out from the whole body, and began to strengthen the ice prison!

After a while, the ice prison was completely reinforced, and “Frieza” only relaxed: “I was imprisoned by my Nine Nether Ice Prison. You can’t figure it out for a while! Now, leave here first!”

As he said, his eyes fell on Datura Empress and the two snake men, and a thick killing intent flashed under his eyes.

“Not good !”

“He wants to kill people!”

The 3 snake people complexion greatly changed, and they ran away. They didn’t have the courage to face a Great Perfection, that was not something they could contend!

“Want to escape? Late!”

“Frieza” chuckled, flicks with the finger, 3 purple ice needles shot out, and instantly penetrated the back of the heads of the 3 snakes, suppressing and killing them on the spot!

The three snake-men glared with anger, unwilling to accept their eyes, grabbing an Overgod Spark, how could they have their lives…

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