You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Yirong Divine Spark is as deep as the sea. Since then, it is a passerby who has been promoted. This is not about cracking a joke.

As long as you integrate Divine Spark into a god, from now on you want to rely on your own efforts to break through the current realm and continue to advance. Basically, it is impossible.

Only by continuing to integrate Divine Spark with a higher level can it become a more powerful existence. This is what Chahman and the others are now.

They merged with Lower Divine Spark to achieve Lower God, and later merged with High Divine Spark to become High God, so promotion became a luxury.

If they want to continue to improve, they can only integrate Divine Spark with higher level, such as Great Perfection Divine Spark and Overgod Spark, to make a 100-foot success and go further.

For this group of subordinate Great Perfection Divine Spark, but also to earn more Divine Crystal, Monray has a hunting plan in mind…

“xiu – ”

Just do it when you think of it. A crystal emitting ten-color divine glow suddenly flew out from the ground and reappeared in the void. As soon as it appeared, the terrifying divine might and dazzling divine glow spread out, forming a huge World natural phenomenon.

“Overgod Spark!”

“Overgod Spark is here again!”

This scene naturally attracted the attention of many powerhouses. They searched for Overgod Spark’s whereabouts in four places. Now that Overgod Spark suddenly appeared, how could they escape their eyes?

“Overgod Spark is there!”

“My! Overgod Spark is mine!”

“Don’t grab anyone with me!”

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Countless powerhouses rushed for their lives and used all one’s strength to rush towards Overgod Spark. They only hated the early bird catches the worm because of two legs.

If someone is watching from a high altitude at this moment, they will find that countless streamers converge towards all directions at a terrifying speed, just like a zebra appeared in the middle of a small river, and countless crocodiles scented the blood and moved towards the zebra.

In a short while, there are hundreds of great experts from High God Late Stage approaching, among them there are many super experts who approach Great Perfection infinitely.


This group of super powerhouses seemed even more crazy when they saw Overgod Spark. Each and everyone quickly increased their speed and grabbed Overgod Spark.


A terrifying attack suddenly came from a distance, fiercely attacking this group of people.

With a mournful scream, the powerhouse wailed and flew out after counting 100.

Slightly injured vomit blood.

The severely disabled are paralyzed.

It can be described as unlucky!

“Hmph! A group of humble and weak ants, dare to get involved in Overgod Spark? Overestimate one’s capabilities!”

A coldly snorted of disdain sounded, and someone was born and came to Overgod Spark.

This man has two horns growing on the head, with wings on his back, twin tails on his legs, and Dragon Might.

“Armand Niederhogg!!!”

Originally by someone sneak attack, the crowd was furious, but when they saw the person who appeared in Hengkong, they suddenly felt awe-inspiring and desperate.

The visitor is actually Armand Niederhogg, Great Perfection of Niederhogg Dragon God Race!

“The Great Perfection is here, how can you snatch Overgod Spark?” Someone yelled unwillingly.

“A group of waste!”

Armand Niederhogg glanced at the crowd with disdain, and then grabbed Overgod Spark: “My! Overgod Spark is mine! As long as I integrate Overgod Spark, I will become…”


At this time, a big hand that covered the sky suddenly appeared, and grabbed it towards Overgod Spark, faster and shorter.

“I’m so brave, I dare to get involved in this King’s Overgod Spark!”

Seeing this scene, Armand Niederhogg was furious, and opened his mouth to spray a silver dragon’s breath, spraying it toward the big hand, apparently to burn the big hand.

“hmph! ”

It was coldly snorted again, covering the sky with a big hand and quickly closed it, avoiding the silver dragon’s breath, and then once again grabbed the Overgod Spark suspended in the sky.

This time, before Armand Niederhogg attacked, a dazzling red Fireball appeared out of thin air, greeted the big hand.


The big hand that covered the sky didn’t have time to avoid it this time, and collided with the red Fireball, exploding heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosion, spark 4 splashing.

Then, in the sky, another silhouette appeared, with red hair and red eyebrows, even the robe he was wearing was red, like a flame that wanted to burn everything.

Seeing this man, Armand Niederhogg’s face suddenly changed, and he snarled in a low voice, “Myers, you are here too!”

Myers Dougherty, Earth God World Dougherty Fire Phoenix God Race Great Perfection!

“Another Great Perfection!”

“Heavens! 2 Great Perfection!”

“Do we still hope to grab Overgod Spark?”

The powerhouses are even more desperate.

“You are here, why can’t I come?”

Myers Dougherty raised his eyelids and glanced at the Overgod Spark above his head. An unconcealable greed and heat flashed under his eyes, and then coldly snorted and said: “Chester, since it’s all here, isn’t it a loss of style to hide your head and show your tail?”

The void shook slightly, and a burly robust man in golden armor appeared.

Seeing this man, many powerhouses are even more desperate, Great Perfection, and is a Great Perfection.

Chester Dawson!

Earth God World Dawson Titan God Race Great Perfection!

3 Great Perfection!

How to play this?

However, the following facts proved that many powerhouses still want to be less, because as time goes on, Great Perfection keeps coming.

Angel God Race Great Perfection.

Giant Elephant Divine Race Great Perfection.

Nature God Race Great Perfection.

Behemoth Divine Race Great Perfection.

Scarab Divine Race Great Perfection.

Great Perfection, reached an amazing 8th place!

8 Great Perfection. Represents Earth God World, the highest battle strength except Overgod.

Their appearance made the constantly gathering powerhouses trembling in fear, and completely lost the courage to fight Overgod Spark, and turned into a crowd of people watching the fun!

“8 Great Perfection!”

“They all appeared!”

“This is the charm of Overgod Spark!”

“Now it’s the Great Perfection of Frozen God Race and Eternal Divine Race! If they come, the Great Perfection of Ten Deities Race will be completely complete!”

Many powerhouses surround the surroundings, densely packed everywhere. They looked at the eight silhouettes in the center of the battlefield, and their eyes were full of shock.

Great Perfection !

Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail!

It’s hard to see one at ordinary times, let alone 8?

Everyone looked at the 8 Great Perfection, but the 8 Great Perfection’s eyes were always on Overgod Spark, or they were always watching Overgod Spark for fear that it would be snatched away.

“Everyone, what should I do with Overgod Spark?”

Raphael Angel God Race Great Perfection Yeager Raphael broke the silence.

“Overgod Spark is my current realm waiting for breakthrough, the key to a further step. I won’t give up waiting for anyone, just sit back and watch it be snatched away by others!”

Giant Dragon God Race Great Perfection Armand Niederhogg indifferently said: “Let’s do it, or see the truth under your hand, the fist determines the ownership of Overgod Spark!”


“Only so!”

Other Great Perfection has no objection. Overgod Spark is in front, and no one will give up. There is bound to be a battle of life and death. There is no doubt about this.

“But before the battle, it is necessary to clean up the battlefield, so as not to be caught by the fisherman. If so, then I will be completely lost in the face of waiting!”

Armand Niederhogg glanced at the crowd around him, and there was a trace of murderous intention in his eyes.

He can barely accept that Overgod Spark falls into the hands of 7 Great Perfection, but he will never allow them to fight to the end and be picked by this group of ants.

The 7 Great Perfections all had the same idea, and they all looked at the powerhouse that was watching in the distance.

“Not good !”

“They moved murderous intention!”


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