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The conversation of the 8 Great Perfection made the gathering of many powerhouses shattered. They did not dare to hesitate and ran away, for fear of slowing away!


“These 8 damn bastards!”

The crowds are really scared and hated. They are obviously far away, and they have given up robbing Overgod Spark, but the 8 Great Perfection still don’t plan to let them go, and their hearts are vicious!

But now, complaining is useless, they can only flee desperately, escape here as soon as possible, and then save their lives.

But the following facts proved that trying to escape in the pursuit of 8 Great Perfection is simply a Hell-level task.

The 8 Great Perfections attacked directly. They didn’t at all use such a powerful trump card method, but only released the Domain of God.


Divine Realm spread quickly, in a flash covering a radius of 10000000 million kilometers, directly covering the 4 scattered powerhouses!

Then, all powerhouses were imprisonment in place and couldn’t move at all. No matter how they struggled, how to release their big moves, it was useless!

In the Divine Realm of Great Perfection, they all became lambs to be slaughtered, the gap is too big!

“Lord! Forgive me!”

“Spare Lord!”

“Let me go please……”

powerhouses repeatedly begged for mercy, and there are even powerhouses of Ten Deities Race such as Angel God Race, Giant Dragon God Race, Titan God Race, but… useless!

What is the same race?

Compared to Overgod Spark, it’s not fart!

As long as they become Overgod, even if the entire Divine Race is extinct, it doesn’t matter, they can create a Divine Race by themselves!


The 8 Great Perfection was unrelenting, a single thought flashed past, and was exploded by the many powerhouses of Imprisonment, exploding into masses of blood mist.

In an instant, the powerhouse of 1000 to 10000 fell!

The most amazing thing is that all who can come here are High God Late Stage, and a more powerful super powerhouse, which fell into such a powerful existence in an instant, it is really jaw-dropping!

“This is too cruel, even oneself will not let it go!”

Hidden in the dark, Monray was stunned secretly, and was shocked by the 8 Great Perfection’s vicious and merciless, completely crazy and ridiculous!

“They are all Great Perfection, the existence that really stands at the top of the pyramid, doing things unscrupulously, without any restriction, killing a few gods of the same race, what is it?” Mora said disapprovingly.

“Don’t the Overgod in their clan condemn it?” Monray slightly frowned.

There are many people from Ten Deities Race in the powerhouse of death. This is the Elder level powerhouse. It was just killed by the Great Perfection of the race. Isn’t Overgod angry?

“Little Brat, Overgod aloof and remote, how can you care about these bad things?”

Mora snort disdainfully: “Besides, the only one who can truly enter the eyes of Overgod is Great Perfection. The so-called Elder is not even an ant in Overgod’s eyes!”


Monray shook his head, and the divine sense spread quietly…The next second, the super powerhouses that had just been killed disappeared instantly.

They were sent to the Tower of Time by Monray. After all, they were 10000 super powerhouses. Their lives, as well as their own wealth, are definitely a fortune, but they can’t be wasted like that.


Many corpses disappeared under the eyelids, which naturally attracted the attention of 8 Great Perfection.

They will not take these corpses seriously. What really makes them alarm is how strong someone can take away many corpses without them noticing it?

Will it threaten Overgod Spark?

8 Great Perfection only cares about Overgod Spark!

“Gula? Or Noah? Since it’s here, don’t hide your head and show your tail!” Giant Dragon God Race Great Perfection Armand Niederhogg opened the mouth and said.

There are only 10 Great Perfection in Earth God World, which happens to be 10 in Ten Deities Race. There are already 8 in attendance. Only Noah from the eternal Divine Race and Gula from Frozen God Race are left!

Therefore, Adelman guessed that most of the people who came were these two, but unfortunately, there was no response.

“Why? Not coming out? Still want to hide behind and be a fisherman?”

Armand is a little dissatisfied: “Give you another chance and get out immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me, we will join hands to deal with you!”


The void swayed slightly, and a person appeared quietly. Eight Great Perfection eyes flashed on him, but what surprised them was that the person was neither Gula nor Noah, but a strange face that had never been seen before. .

“who are you?”

Angel God Race Great Perfection Yeager Raphael frowned and asked. He had 16 pairs of bright wings behind him, and his whole body exuded a gentle and peaceful holy light.

“Sorry everyone, excuse me!”

The person here is not someone else, it is Monray: “I’m just a passing crowd eating melons, you rob you, don’t worry about me!”


Hearing this, Giant Dragon God Race Great Perfection Armand did not say a word of extra nonsense, and took it out of thin air, wanting to kill Monray directly.

People eating melons?

No need to eat melons here!

So go to hell!

“Hehe, my temper is quite big, I will do it if I don’t agree!” Monray chuckled and shook his head, slapped his right palm and greeted him.

“courting death !”

Seeing Monray so casually greeted his attack, Armand was coldly snorted in his heart, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, looking at the entire Earth God World, except for the Overgod of aloof and remote, no one dared to despise himself so much. Monray was the first!

“die for me !”

Armand increased his strength and vowed to slap Monray into meat sauce with one palm. However, as the two palms collided, Armand felt like he had hit the mountain of Ancient God. A heart-piercing pain came from his right palm. Then, the whole right arm exploded.


Armand uttered a mournful scream, like a cannonball from the chamber, which flew upside down. The 7 Great Perfection were shocked to see that Armand’s right arm was only left with the bones, and the flesh and blood on it was completely blown away, and it was blown into blood mist!

“How can it be?”

“Who is he?”

“When did God World add this expert?”

In an instant, the gazes of the 7 Great Perfection looked towards Monray were full of horror. Armand, as a Niederhogg Dragon God Race Great Perfection, had an extremely powerful body. However, compared with the guy in front of him, his body didn’t seem to look good enough?

“With such a big tone, how strong I think I am, and my strength is not great!” Monray shook his head slightly, rather disapproving.

“You…who are you?”

Armand stabilized his figure, staring at Monray, surprised and angry.

“A passing crowd eating melons!” Monray repeated, and then said: “Do you guys fight or not? If you don’t fight, I will leave!”

Whether you go or not has something to do with whether we fight or not?

The 8 Great Perfection couldn’t help but complain, but they didn’t answer. Monray saw this and shook his head and said, “Since I won’t fight, I’m leaving!”

With that said, before Monray Teleportation arrives at Overgod Spark, he will leave with Overgod Spark. This irritates the 8 Great Perfection: “If you want to go, you can leave Overgod Spark!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

The 8 Great Perfection instantly dispersed, surrounded Monray and did not allow Monray to leave.


Monray raised an eyebrow.

“Your Excellency, you can leave, but you must leave Overgod Spark!”

Fire Phoenix Divine Race Great Perfection Myers Dougherty coldly said: “This is our thing!”

“Put down Overgod Spark!”

Titan God Race Great Perfection Chester Dawson shouted.

“Your stuff?”

Monray smiled: “This thing is obviously the bait I put here for fishing. How did it become your thing? It’s really ridiculous!”

“You put it here?”

“Bait for fishing?”

“Is it…”

8 Great Perfection’s complexion changed drastically.

“Forget it, don’t pretend, let’s showdown with you!”

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