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“Forget it, don’t pretend, let’s showdown with you!”

Monray knocked the Overgod Spark in his hand and said separately: “This Overgod Spark is actually here I put it to attract you big sheep!”

“Why are you doing this?”

Eight Great Perfection’s complexion changed drastically, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

“Of course it is to kill you!”

Monray grinned: “I’m a little tight lately, so I can only use you for surgery!”

“Kill us?”

Hearing this, the eight Great Perfections seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the universe and laughed heartily: “Kill us? Who do you think you are? Aloof and remote’s Overgod?”

“Not bad!”

“You hurt Armand badly, but what about it? Our 8 Great Perfection teamed up. Even Overgod is confident to fight, even more how you?”

“Brat, the conscious person immediately hand over Overgod Spark, and then leave immediately, if not, call you the soul flew away and scattered, die without a burial site!”


Monray smiled and stopped constricting his divine might.


A connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, grandiose divine might erupted from Monray, like a fire beacon rising into the sky, and like a huge wave of ten thousand zhang, instantly pressing on all directions, pressing on everyone present Great Perfection.


As if the ten thousand zhang sacred mountain is oppressing in their hearts, the 8 Great Perfection only feels that an unrivaled force is acting on them, making them trembling in fear and unable to give birth to a fighting mind!

“What a terrible divine might!”

“This is Overgod divine might!”

“He is Overgod!!!”

“God! He turned out to be Overgod!!!”

The 8 Great Perfections were horrified, don’t think they are Great Perfection, they are the strongest existence under Overgod, but they are not comparable to Overgod.

Don’t look at what they said nicely, with the strength of 8 people, they have the confidence to fight Overgod, it’s just that they put gold on their faces that’s all!


simply is not something they can fight against!

“It’s time to go, dear Great Perfection gentlemen!” Monray slowly raised his right palm: “Farewell, the gate of heaven opens to you!”


The tone barely fell, and the right palm was photographed.


“His Excellency Overgod, forgive me!”

“No !!!!”

Dropping from the sky with the right palm instantly flooded the 8 Great Perfection, then crushed it all the way, and finally fell directly on the ground.

Accompanied by a loud bang, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the earth shook and the sky was splashed with dust.

After Monray withdrew his right palm, there was a ten thousand zhang long pit on the ground with a depth of 1000 meters.

Eight Great Perfections lay quietly at the bottom of the pit, all bloodied, their bones and muscles broken, they were killed on the spot, and those who died could not die again!

“Ordinary Great Perfection still wants to fight Overgod, what do you want?” Monray shook his head, and immediately after beckoned, he grabbed 8 corpses.

Pick out Divine Spark, kill Divine Soul, and throw the corpse to the golden tree.

“8 Great Perfection, but unfortunately there are only 2 Great Perfection Divine Sparks!”

Monray is playing with 8 Divine Sparks, with a little regret: “One of the Divine Sparks is still an ordinary Great Perfection Divine Spark that has no further promotion potential!”

Whether Great Perfection can continue to improve depends on the five basic laws that Great Perfection integrates.

If these 5 kinds of laws happen to correspond to the 5 kinds of basic laws required by the 5 kinds of Supreme Law, they can naturally continue to improve.

If not, there will be no further possibility in a lifetime, only a Great Perfection.

“Forget it, put it away first!”

Monray didn’t give 2 Great Perfection Divine Sparks, but put them away first, and waited for more Great Perfection Divine Sparks to be distributed in the future.

“The 8 Great Perfection is so dead!”

Mora sighed: “Perhaps they never thought that they would stay here forever in this way?”

“Li Ling is faint, who can blame it?”

Monray shook his head: “Let’s go, first go to empty the treasure house of the desert Datura Snakeman Race, and then leave this place!”

“Do you know how to go?”

Mora raised an eyebrow and asked.


Monray immediately went to the snake Human Race Teleportation. She read the memory of Datura Empress and naturally knew how the desert Datura Snakeman Race went…

Half an hour later, Monray arrived in the sky above the palace of the desert Daura Snakeman Race, and with no difficulty found the location of the treasure house.


shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

After a while, the entire treasure house was emptied.

Monray collects everything that the system can collect, such as Law Source Crystal and Divine Crystal, and throws other things to Chahman and the others.

Wealth: 219810000 100000000 Divine Crystal

2,18 quadrillion Divine Crystal’s wealth!

This is the total value of wealth he accumulated after a series of operations such as searching the Dragon Elephant City, killing 8 Great Perfection, and emptying the desert Datura Snakeman Race treasury. It is 5 quadrillion Divine Crystal, which is required by the Supreme Law of Spend Gold, already. not far anymore!

“make persistent efforts!”

Monray checked the direction and flew towards the nearest city.

While flying, Monray cleaned up the Divine Spark and space ring that he had received before, which were left behind by the eight gods killed by the Great Perfection during the clearing.

There is their Divine Soul in Divine Spark.

The space ring holds their wealth.

Moreover, they are at least the great experts of High God Late Stage, so whether they kill their Divine Soul or search the space ring, they can make a steady profit.

“Ding! Kill 1 Eight-Winged Angel and get 9100000000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Immemorial Behemoth King and get 10.2100000000 Divine Crystal!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Giant Elephant and get 9.1100000000 Divine Crystal!”


Waiting to kill all the Divine Soul in Divine Spark, Monray got 11 trillion Divine Crystal and made a small profit, and then began to search for space ring…

Three days later, Monray arrived at the nearest city.

According to the memory of Datura Empress, this city is called Venus Dragon Divine City, a 3-stream Divine City built by Niederhogg Dragon God Race, located on the border of Niederhogg Continent.

Niederhogg Continent?

That’s right!

The Continent in front of us is the territory of the Niederhogg Dragon God Race. The entire Continent is the territory of the Giant Dragon God Race. They are the well-deserved Masters of this Continent.

“Little Brat, you have entered the territory of Niederhogg Dragon God Race, don’t act as unscrupulous as before!”

Mora said with a smile: “It’s best to converge, if you dare to run wild here, Niederhogg Dragon God Race will never let you go!”

“Niederhogg Dragon God Race is one of the most powerful Divine Races in Earth God World!”

Monray smiled brilliantly: “Strong means wealth. As long as Niederhogg Continent is looted, a lot of wealth should be found, right?”

“I really don’t understand why you want that many wealth?”

Mora shook her head: “I have to remind you one more thing, Overgod Niederhogg lives in the center of this Continent, you better converge!”


Monray came directly to the sky above Venus Dragon Divine City, and then followed suit, using the powerful teleportation Divine Ability, and began to search for Divine Crystal.

It is worthy of being a three-tier Divine City, with a larger scale, more powerhouses, and a more prosperous economy. The Divine Crystal is naturally bigger. In just one morning, the Divine Crystal searched by Monray is on top of the Dragon Elephant City’s total amount of 3 days. Not as big as usual.

However, as the search continued, in the afternoon, Monray suddenly discovered that a large number of High Gods in Venus had left.

“what’s the situation?”

Monray looked dumbfounded.

I’m here, are you leaving now?

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