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It turned out to be fine, I ran away as soon as I came?

What’s the situation?

With doubts in his mind, Monray directly caught a High God for questioning.

“Lord, it is said that a Divine Crystal Ore Vein was discovered in the Cooling Dragon Mountains, and the rumored mineral reserves are not low. The preliminary estimate is about 10000 100000000 million tons!”

High God was terrified, and the bamboo tube poured beans: “Sir City Lord sent the City Lord guard to find out. I was here to watch the excitement!”

“Divine Crystal Ore Vein of 10000 100000000 tons?”

Monray was shocked, and a bright glow flashed in his eyes: “Mora, how many Divine Crystals can be produced from the Divine Crystal mine of 10000 100000000 tons?”

“One ton of Divine Crystal has about 10000 Divine Crystals!” Mora said indifferently: “10000 to 100000000 tons are naturally 10 quadrillion Divine Crystals, just a small mine!”

“10 quadrillion Divine Crystal!!!”

Monray shook his body: “A small mine can produce 10 quadrillion Divine Crystals. What about the richer mines?”

Monray suddenly discovered that he had entered into a misunderstanding. The gods had Divine Crystal in them, but how could there be so many Divine Crystal mines?

Therefore, the best place to search for Divine Crystal is not the gods, but the crystal mine rich in Divine Crystal!

“Ai, thinking is set!”

Monray slapped his forehead and said to High God, “What is your name?”

“Lord, Emery Fillmore!” High God replied with a bow.

“Take me to the Cooling Dragon Mountains!”

Monray took out a Great Perfection Divine Artifact: “When you get there, it’s yours!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Emery Fillmore was shocked, and it should be repeated.

“lead the way!”


Coiling Dragon Mountains is located in the northeast of Venus Dragon City. The two places are separated by more than 2 light years. They are the furthest mountain range from Venus Dragon City. Because the mountains are deep and remote, few God will go there.

However, today, as the news spread that the Divine Crystal Ore Vein was discovered by the Cooling Dragon Mountains, the entire Venus Dragon City was completely boiling. The City Lord guards, the Divine Race in the city, and the individual God all moved out to gather towards the Cooling Dragon Mountains.

Or explore the situation, or watch the excitement, or want to share a piece of the pie…

For a time, various flying Divine Artifacts obscured the sky and the grandiose slammed into the Cooling Dragon Mountains.

Monray freed up a flying ship, and then freed Chahman and the others, mixing in the middle of the team and flying towards the Cooling Dragon Mountains.

This aircraft was searched by him. He has nothing else. There are just too many Divine Artifacts. The Divine Crystals and Law Source Crystals searched can be converted into numbers from the system, and the corpses can be thrown into Tower of Time. Golden small tree.

Only Divine Artifact and other things can only be stocked, accumulated over a long period of time. Monray can open a Divine Artifact shop for everything that Monray has on hand.

Two days later, the grandiose team reached its destination, and the undulating mountain range stretched towards the end of the world like a giant dragon crawling on the ground.

A large number of people gathered in a col in the Coiling Dragon Mountains. Monray followed a large team to this place and saw that the col was dug up.

A strong Divine Power aura came out from the giant sinkhole dug, and everyone on the aircraft immediately shook Mind.

“What a rich Divine Power aura!”

“This is the Divine Crystal Mine?”

Chahman and the others poked their heads out, watching curiously.

“Lord, this is the Cooling Dragon Mountains!” Emery Fillmore said respectfully.

“Go, go down and see!”

Monray waved away the aircraft, and led everyone to fly towards the excavated mountain col. At the same time, the large team that came with them all rushed over.

When I got close, I could clearly see the dazzling light in the sky, as if the dazzling light reflected by the diamond was very beautiful.

Obviously, there is a mine in the pit!

“There is a mine!”

“Coiling Dragon Mountains really have mines!”

The gods were very excited, each and everyone discussed fiercely. Although this Divine Crystal mine has little to do with the overwhelming majority, they can still benefit indirectly.

Mining needs people, right?

They can act as miners and earn benefits indirectly!

“Lord, the news is true!”

Emery Fillmore couldn’t hide his excitement: “Coiling Dragon Mountains really have mines, the Divine Crystal mine of 10000 to 100000000 tons, how much wealth is there!”

“It’s good to have a mine!”

Monray was so relieved that he was ready to step forward and take a closer look. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the people guarding the col: “This is a heavy land of mineral veins, and all idlers are prohibited from approaching!”

Monray slightly frowned.

“Lord, they are the City Lord Guard!”

Emery Fillmore explained in a low voice: “The City Lord Guard is the minions of the Venus City Lord. It is responsible for the security and management of the Venus Dragon City. It is now clear that it will occupy the Divine Crystal mine in the Cooling Dragon Mountains and take it as its own!”

“According to yourself? Hehe!”

Monray laughed, and at this moment, a loud dragon roar came from a distance, and 9 monsters of the gods and horses suddenly flew from a distance.

They have dragon heads and lion bodies, wearing golden dragon scales, 6 legs under the abdomen, golden wings on their backs, and screaming from the sky. They are mighty and domineering.

Monray recognized the identity of these 9 Divine Beasts at a glance: Six Feet Golden Lion!

Six Feet Golden Lion, with Giant Dragon and Divine Beast Suanni’s bloodline, strong as an ox, fast as lightning, is a highly respected top grade mount.

It’s a pity that Six Feet Golden Lions are very powerful and they don’t have enough strength. Let alone conquer them as mounts, they may be killed by Six Feet Golden Lions!

Therefore, Six Feet Golden Lion is very rare, let alone 9 suddenly appeared, but at this moment not only appeared, it is even more exaggerated:

On the necks of 9 Six Feet Golden Lions, 9 chains are fastened, and at the other end of the chains is a golden Dragon Carriage completely forged from gold.

9 猊拉撵!

“Who is this, such a big pomp?”

Barbus asked suspiciously.

“Yes! The pomp is too big!”

Chahman also spoke: “But don’t tell me, the 9-head Six Feet Golden Lion pulls the cart. It really does pull the wind, and it’s so good to drive!

“is not it……”

Everyone ridiculed, Emery Fillmore was terrified: “Everyone, keep your voice down, don’t be heard, or we’ll be over!”

“Emery, who is this guy that makes you so afraid?” Everyone asked in confusion.

“In our Venus Dragon City, apart from Sir City Lord, who can be like this?” Emery Fillmore said with a bitter smile.

“Trifling Lord of the entire City that’s all, what’s so great?” Barbus snort disdainfully: “Compared with our Master, he is not a fart!”

“If I want to tell you, I should grab these 9 Six Feet Golden Lions and let us Master ride it. A City Lord is too wasteful!”


Others are also a little unhappy. The Master is an expert who surpasses the Great Perfection Level, but is so low-key and restrained. A trifling is a guy who is not even Great Perfection, but so high-key and domineering, it is too unpleasant.

Emery Fillmore suddenly smiled bitterly: “Everyone, you don’t know, our City Lord of Venus Dragon City is not an ordinary person!”

“Not an ordinary person?”


“A certain big figure from Niederhogg God Race?”

Everyone is puzzled.

“Our City Lord is called Venus Niederhogg. He is not strong. He is an ordinary Middle Stage High God, but he is the youngest son of the great Overgod Niederhogg. Although he is not very favored, he has a lofty status in the Niederhogg Dragon God Race!”

Emery Fillmore explained.

“My grass!”

“Overgod’s Son!”

“No wonder it’s so high profile!”


“I serve!”

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