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No matter which world they are in, the 2nd generation is a group of special existences. They may not have strong strength, and may only be a clubhouse for young models…

But no one dares to provoke this group, because they have a golden finger that an ordinary person can’t have-a “Li Gang”…Father!

This is what they can do with flowers and grass, nightclubs, tyrannize, unscrupulous, arrogant and despotic, expert first, Heaven and Earth is big, I am the biggest, and my father is my biggest reliance!

In this World, the second generation is equally awesome, especially as a descendant of Overgod, it is the most awesome second generation in the world. Everyone has to respectfully confess, coax, and pet!

Dare to be disrespectful?

kill you!

No, as the son of Overgod Niederhogg, the second generation in front of you is very high-profile, and the style of appearance alone is extremely cool!

“Sir City Lord !”

“Sir City Lord is here!”

“Sir City Lord is so handsome!”

There was a burst of low voices around, and some women God showed their brilliance. The beautiful eyes were full of admiration and admiration. The nymphomaniac expression wanted to take off his clothes and climb onto Sir City Lord’s bed, fearing that Sir City Lord would look down on it. On them.

Seeing this scene, Chahman and the others couldn’t help but say sourly: “Isn’t he just the second Sejo who pretends to show off by Overgod’s Son? What’s great, he doesn’t deserve the shoes for the Master…”

“That is…”

This is not to eat grapes and say grape sour, but there is no way, hatred of the rich, hatred is never the patent of mortals, God also has Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and will also be jealous, hatred, hatred of the rich, and hatred.

Monray said nothing and watched quietly.


The nine Six Feet Golden Lions slowly stopped, and then all roar towards the sky, rolling sound waves burst out, seeming to announce the arrival of Overgod’s Son.

When the sound wave dissipated, a handsome young man wearing a golden armor with a purple Gold Dragon horn flew out of the Dragon Carriage and appeared in front of the gods.

“Wow! Sir City Lord is out!”

Seeing Venus appear, many Goddess screamed, as if seeing the senior rotten girl of the little meat idol, almost backing away with excitement.

One of them, Goddess, is the most exaggerated. She clasped her hands tightly and made a peach blossom on her face: “As expected of the man I like, you are so cool, no matter where you are, it’s like a Fire Insect in the dark, so vivid , That’s outstanding!”

“Your handsome appearance, arrogant Hu Zhuzi, cool way of appearance, and those 9 Six Feet Golden Lions are all deeply fascinated by me…”

When training to a realm like Monray, the ear power is not so sensitive. This Goddess nympho confession was naturally heard by Monray, and Monray was dumbfounded: “What a talent!”

Of course, the respected Sir City Lord would definitely not hear the infatuated confession of the idiot Goddess. His eyes were indifferent and he was gazing at the world. He swept the gods that came, couldn’t help his mouth cocked, showing a contemptuous look, and then landed. To the front of the col.

“Meet Sir City Lord!”

The City Lord guards guarding the col knelt on one knee, their movements were neat and uniform, without the slightest sluggishness, and they had obviously received professional training.

“Is the mineral vein exploration clear?” Venus indifferently asked: “How much is the mineral deposit?”

“Back to Sir City Lord, it has been found out!”

A Captain-like City Lord guard replied respectfully: “The total reserves are estimated to be between 1.610000 100000000 tons and 2.310000 100000000 tons. The quality is excellent and belongs to the High Level Divine Crystal! And…”

“And what?”

Venus raised an eyebrow.

“We detected the existence of Crystal Essence in the middle of the vein. The specific number is still under investigation, but the number It shouldn’t be too small!”

Captain said respectfully.

“Crystal Essence!”

Venus smiled with joy: “Not bad! Two years later, it will happen to be Father God’s birthday. I’m worried about not having a suitable birthday gift. Now it’s good. With this Crystal Essence, Father God will definitely like it!”

“Congratulations Sir City Lord! Congratulations Sir City Lord!” Captain hit the snake with the stick, and shot the flattery continuously.

“Hahaha, it is worth congratulating!”

Venus waved his hand: “This time I can detect the Divine Crystal mine, and I can also find Crystal Essence. You have contributed a lot, and everyone has a reward!”

“Thanks Sir City Lord!”

Captain was overjoyed.


Venus slightly nodded: “Start work now, this City Lord already impatient wants to see Crystal Essence in it!”

“Follow the order of Sir City Lord!” Captain shouted loudly: “Come on, start mining now!”

“As you bid!”

With an order, there was an absenteeism that immediately entered the col and started mining. Looking at the number of absenteeism, Venus slightly frowned: “With such a little absenteeism, when can I dig out Crystal Essence?”

“Back to Sir City Lord, Crystal Essence is expected to be dug after February!” Captain replied with a bow.

“2 months? Too slow!”

Venus shook his head: “Immediately recruit absenteeism, this City Lord must see Crystal Essence within 3 days! Remember, 3 days, one hour more will not work!”

“Yes, Sir City Lord!”

Captain sweats on his forehead, and the two-month project will be completed within three days. This is simply a Hell project. Captain wants to pat on the table and quit.

But he didn’t dare!

Although he is a powerful Late Stage High God and a heavyweight in Niederhogg God Race, he dare not provoke Venus at all!

This Overgod’s Son is cruel, vicious, vicious and merciless by nature. If he dared to disobey half a word, he would definitely end badly!

But the question is, where can he find that many absenteeism in just 3 days?

Venus Dragon City is only 2 days away from here, and it takes 4 days to go back and forth. The 3-day deadline has already passed!

Captain’s gaze couldn’t help falling on the gods who came, and then soared into the sky, and came to the gods: “Everyone, who wants to help with mining, the price is fair, 10 Divine Crystal a day!”

When absenteeism?

In one part, the purpose of Intermediate God’s coming here is to earn rewards when absent from work. Naturally, I will not refuse, and happily agreed.

However, Captain still browses tightly frowns, this is not enough, far from enough, and more absenteeism is needed!

“Anyone else?”

Captain continued to ask.

Other Gods are obviously not interested. They are either to watch the excitement or to see if there are any benefits, but they are not interested in mining.

Besides, for mining, there are too few 10 Divine Crystals a day, so Intermediate God can accept this price, and they look down on this little money.

“Why, is there no one?”

Captain’s face sank: “Everyone, this is the first Divine Crystal mine discovered by our Venus Dragon City. It is of great significance. I hope you can help to mine the Divine Crystal and it can be regarded as a contribution to our Venus Dragon City! “

This time, several High Gods were persuaded and agreed to help with mining, but compared to the number of people Captain needed, it was obviously far behind.

Captain is on fire, okay, give the face to have no shame, Laozi earnest and well-meant advised to persuade, you actually don’t even give this face, bully intolerably!

Thinking of this, Captain froze decisively, and the terrifying divine might belonging to the High God Late Stage broke out, arbitrarily oppressing the gods in front of him:

“Is anyone else willing to help?”

This is the threat of Chiguoguo. Although it is disgusting, the effect is surprisingly good. Most of the high gods have no power and power, and the average strength High God can’t bear Captain’s lustful power, so he went into the mountain col to mine.

Only a few powerful Gods from the big Divine Race remained indifferent and did not take the threat of Captain seriously.

Captain didn’t dare to offend these powerhouses, his gaze passed over these powerhouses, and finally fell on a few people in Monray. They were strange and didn’t know!

Okay, a group of a nobody who came out of nowhere dare to violate the Lord’s order, and it is simply courting death!

“Everyone is very enlightened, but you are just like a wooden stake. Are you unwilling to contribute to Divine City?”

Captain stared at Monray and the others, and said gloomily.

“I don’t want to!”

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