You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“…What are you guys doing here? Are you unwilling to contribute to Divine City?”

Captain stared at Monray gloomily, his eyes full of threats, he had already decided, if Monray were not acquainted anymore, he wouldn’t mind killing the killer!

A few unknown little characters that’s all kill as soon as they are killed, without any psychological burden, but can kill the chicken to warn the monkey and make the gods more hardworking mining.

“These guys are going to be unlucky!”

“I don’t wink at all!”

“I haven’t seen Boris so threatening, they dare to be indifferent, stupid!”

The other Gods looked at Monray with joking and take pleasure in other people’s misfortune. They were born in the Venus Dragon City Divine Race, so they can naturally ignore the threat of Boris (Captain). What are these guys? Dare to learn from them?

Overestimate one’s capabilities !

“If these guys are not stupid enough, they should go mining immediately, otherwise, Boris, the villain, won’t let them go…”

However, what everyone didn’t expect was that Monray rejected Captain Boris’ request without even thinking about it: “We are here to watch the excitement, but it’s not for you. Let us mine? Your head Was it kicked by a donkey?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at Monray and the others like a monster. This guy is so arrogant, how dare to talk to Boris like this?


The Great Captain of the Venus Dragon City City Lord guard, the most powerful God under the Venus City Lord, and he is a villain who kills without blinking an eye, he is responsible for all the bad things the Venus City Lord wants to do!

killing people like scything flax, extremely evil…

It’s not enough to describe him!

However, this guy…

A nameless person who came out of nowhere, dare to talk to Boris like this, is he not afraid of Boris’ anger?

Overgod’s Son Venus had always been paying attention to the col. He didn’t take the situation here seriously. For him, only Crystal Essence in the crystal mine is worthy of attention. The others…not worth mentioning!

But after hearing Monray’s words, Venus couldn’t help turning his head and glanced, frowned slightly, with a little surprise in his heart!

This guy… so tugging!

“It’s over… it’s over! This is dead!”

Emery Fillmore in the crowd almost slumped to the ground, completely replaced by panic and despair. He dared to yell at Boris so much. Monray is too fate!

“Bastard, Laozi is going to be killed by him!” Emery Fillmore wailed in his heart.

Sure enough, raging anger spurted from Boris’s eyes, and a terrifying divine might burst out of his body. He was extremely angry and laughed:

“Good, good! It’s so courageous to dare to talk to me like this, go to hell!”

Boris angry roar slammed out with a fist, this fist decisively used his full strength, apparently trying to kill Monray and beat him into meat sauce.

“It’s over!”

Seeing this, Emery Fillmore couldn’t help closing his eyes, but listened to Chahman’s ridicule: “Close your eyes and do? You are too timid, keep your eyes open and watch!”

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Emery couldn’t help but eyes opened, and then saw an incredible scene:

In the face of the aggressive Boris, Monray did not evade, and his right hand grabbed at will.


The fist of destroying heaven extinguishing earth in everyone’s eyes was held by Monray, and the drums died down. There was no imposing manner, and then there was no more.

“How can this be?”

Emery Fillmore was stunned.

God watching the game was stunned.

Boris was stunned.

Even Venus was stunned by mistakes. It seemed that a nobody could catch Boris’ attack so easily.

“You think you can kill me, there are many people, how old are you?”

Monray shook his head slightly and scratched at random, and Boris’ fist was crushed.


Boris uttered mournful scream, looked at Monray in horror, and trembled:

“You…who are you?”

“Who am I? You still don’t know enough!”

Monray stretched out his right hand and took a palm shot.


A ten thousand zhang high giant palm abruptly appeared in the sky, pressing against Boris, that terrifying power seemed to destroy everything!


Boris panicked and screamed in despair: “Sir City Lord, save… save me!”


Venus hurriedly spoke to stop him, but Boris was his minion, he couldn’t just die like that.

However, Monray didn’t take his words seriously at all, and the giant palm kept falling, drowning him in the desperate screams of Boris.


The giant palm dropping from the sky finally landed on the top of the Coiling Dragon Mountains. With a loud bang, the entire mountain range shook violently.

From the dust 4, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

“what happened?”

“What happened?”

“Earthquake! An earthquake!”

“Get out!”

Xiū xiū xiū ——

The sudden shaking frightened the gods who entered the col to mine. They looked like frightened little rabbits, drilling out of the col and came outside.

“What happened just now?”

“Look there!”

I don’t know who yelled a word. Everyone looked at it and saw a huge deep pit appeared on the top of the mountain.

“Strange! Where’s the palm pit here? I remember it didn’t exist when I first came…”

When the gods were puzzled, they heard an icy voice: “This City Lord just called you to stop, why didn’t you stop?”

“This is… the voice of the City Lord?”

Everyone hurriedly looked and saw that Sir City Lord’s face was frosty, his eyes breathed fire, staring coldly at a young man, his face was as cold as Southern Extreme Cold.

“Sir City Lord, what’s wrong?”

“Why suddenly get angry at a God?”

“Who is that guy?”

The Divine Heart is full of questions.

Venus is very angry at the moment. Boris is killed. Although he is angry, he is not so angry. Monray’s disobedience to his orders is the main reason why he is so angry!

You know, as Overgod’s Son, even in Divine Race, except for a few people, no one dare to say anything to him.

Not even that group of Elders!

In Venus Dragon City, he is the existence of Supreme, stand by one’s word, his command is the golden rule, his will is the highest will, and his word is the law!

Who dares to violate?

No one dare to violate it!


However, just now, the guy who emerged from nowhere, actually violated his orders, or didn’t take his orders seriously at all!



Looking at Venus’s cold gaze, Emery Fillmore panicked. Even Chahman and the others felt a great deal of pressure. The guy in front of him is not strong, but he is Overgod’s Son!


These two words alone give people endless pressure, and people can’t breathe.

“If you let me stop, I will stop? Who do you think you are?”

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