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All around becomes dead.

Void is Imprisonment.

Even time seems to have stopped passing.

The gods looked at the black haired youth standing proudly in the sky, each and everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

“Who is this guy, who dares to talk to Sir City Lord like this, isn’t he afraid of death?”

“Tsk tsk! There is a kind!”

“Too stupid! This is the first time I have seen such an iron guy!”

After a short silence, the gods boiled, pointing fingers at Monray, either mocking, admiring, or sympathizing…

The most exaggerated thing is the previous nympho Goddess. She jumped to Monray angrily and said: “Where is the peasant, do you know who you are talking to? I ask you to apologize to Sir City Lord, immediately, Immediately, now!”

Seeing this Goddess, the gods face different colors. This Goddess is not simple. She comes from Nature God Race. She is the famous Goddess of Venus Dragon City. Because of her natural fragrance, beautiful and alluring, she is called “Hundred Flowers”. Goddess”!

There are so many pursuits that she can go from the top of the row to the other in Venus Dragon City. Among them, there is no lack of Divine Race Heaven’s Chosen from the big Divine Race. However, Hundred Flowers Goddess doesn’t like these people at all.

Everyone knows that she only loves the Venus City Lord. It is not surprising to see Hundred Flowers Goddess appearing for the Venus City Lord!

“Should I apologize? Which green onion are you?”

For this kind of self-feeling and extremely narcissistic fool, Monray’s response is simple, directly greet the past with a big slap in the flace.

“pa -“

With a crisp sound, dozens of bloody teeth flew up, and Hundred Flowers Goddess mournful scream and flew out directly.

When the gods saw this, they were shocked again!

Slap in the air?

Don’t have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, right?

“Well done!”

“Master is mighty!”

Chahman and the others are rejoicing. They don’t care about Goddess or Goddess. They dare to disrespect the Master. This is the end!

“Good, good! Very good!”

Overgod’s Son Venus has a frosty face, and his face is gloomy and dripping: “Since this City Lord was born, I have never seen such an arrogant person like you!”

“Really? Shouldn’t I be honored?” Monray sneered, without paying attention to this Overgod’s Son.

“This City Lord will let you know that if you dare to be impudent in front of this City Lord, you need to pay a price!” Venus coldly said: “Come on, take him down!”

Hearing this, the surrounding City Lord guard suddenly hesitated. The guy in front of him was the one who even slapped Boris Captain to death. Wasn’t they courting death?

Can’t go up…

Just as the City Lord guards hesitated, the nine Six Feet Golden Lions who followed Venus uttered a high-pitched dragon roar, and then turned into a 9 stream of light and lased, and in a flash came in front of Monray, and then Monray was surrounded in groups.

9 The twin dragons stared at Monray, their eyes were completely filled with killing intents, and then they roared together, and the rolling sound waves exploded like thunder:

“Roar! Kneel down!”


Nine heaven flooding Divine Might burst out from the nine Six Feet Golden Lions, like a huge wave crashing against Monray.

“Your Majesty!”

Another roar.

“Ok… so terrible divine might!”

Even with the aftermath of a divine might, Chahman and the others also felt difficulty breathing, and seemed to be pressed down and crawling on the ground at any time.

The divine might erupted by 9 Six Feet Golden Lions is too terrifying, and High God Late Stage is unbearable!


Very scary!

Each Six Feet Golden Lion is infinitely close to the Great Perfection, and 9 Six Feet Golden Lions are superimposed on each other, and the divine might actually reaches the Great Perfection Level.

The divine might of Great Perfection is not something that Chahman and the others can contend!

However, this divine might is nothing to Monray. He looked up and down the 9 Divine Beasts, frequently nodded, quite satisfied.

“The appearance is really good, it’s pretty cool when used to pull a car!”

The nine Six Feet Golden Lions were furious. As the Divine Beast who was caught to serve the Venus Master, they knew this expression too well!



“Kneel down for me!”

The 9 Six Feet Golden Lions roared again and again, lifting up a powerful sharp claw fiercely and slapped Monray to the ground.

“Noisy! Pipe down me all”

Monray lightly snorted.


An extremely violent aura erupted from Monray, like a surging wave instantly crushing to Six Feet Golden Lion. This is the real power of Overgod. How can Six Feet Golden Lion, which is not even Great Perfection, bear it?

“pu ——”

They spurt a mouthful of blood directly, like being hit by a galloping locomotive, and flew out screamingly…


Seeing this scene, Overgod’s Son Venus’s face suddenly changed. The 9 Six Feet Golden Lions are infinitely close to Great Perfection’s Super Divine Beast. Together, they can carry Great Perfection hard. This is also the body given to him by Divine Race. protection means!

However, the guy who came out from nowhere, just released a little aura and shook 9 Six Feet Golden Lions.

What kind of strength is this?

“come back!”

At this time, Monray grabbed it with his right hand, and the nine Six Feet Golden Lions that flew upside down suddenly stood still in the air, and then moved towards Monray and flew.

“Your Majesty!”

Monray slowly uttered two words, flipped his hand and pressed, 2 Six Feet Golden Lions were directly pressed to the ground by him, and they were crawling straight in front of him!

“Animals are animals!”

Monray lightly snorted, looked towards Overgod’s Son Venus: “Six Feet Golden Lion’s Divine Soul Source should be in your hands, hand it over!”

“What do you want to do?”

Overgod’s Son Venus’s face changed dramatically.

“In a word, pay or not!”

Monray glanced at him, indifferently said.

“Six Feet Golden Lion belongs to this City Lord, and this City Lord is their only Master!”

Venus shouted in a deep voice: “No one can ever snatch them from this City Lord!”

“No? Then die!”

Monray’s face was indifferent.


Venus laughed heartily as if he heard the funniest joke in the world:

“Kill me? Just rely on you? Who do you think you are? Tell you, it’s not unbelievable that the whole world dares to kill this City Lord, but you are definitely not included!”

“If the person who shot you back then said this in front of me, I might still be in awe of 30%! As for you…hehe, it’s ridiculous!”

Monray shook his head and smiled and grabbed it out of thin air. An invisible big hand instantly grabbed Venus’s neck and grabbed him in the air.

“Let … Let me go!”

When his neck was caught, Venus had difficulty breathing, his face was flushed and his neck was thick, struggling desperately:

“I… I am the son of the great Overgod Niederhogg, you… how dare you treat me this way, my father… Father God won’t let you go!”

“Then let him come, I will just be the so-called Overgod!” Monray hehe: “As for you, it’s a pity that you will never see that day!”

“ka-cha -“

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