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“Sure… really!”

“Overgod Niederhogg is here!”

“He’s here for revenge!”

“He will kill this bastard!”

Hearing these endless and majestic words, the gods keep quiet out of fear, and there is a lot of panic!

The coercion brought by Overgod is too terrifying, just like countless 100000000 million times of gravity is pressing in their hearts, so that they can’t even lift their heads, they can only crawl obediently.

“Who… killed my child?”

The tall and burly Overgod Niederhogg spoke again, his voice blasting like a muffled thunder, everyone’s ears humming.

“I killed!”

Monray rose into the sky and came to the opposite of Overgod Niederhogg, looking at the existence of the aloof and remote, Ruler World, with great interest.


King of Gods!

Standing at the apex of the Universal Pyramid, Supreme exists. This is the first time Monray has faced Overgod directly!

“Dare to kill my child, die!” Overgod Niederhogg expressionless, waved his hand.

“Booming -“

A giant palm appearing out of thin air, completely composed of colored rays of light, is crushed to Monray with the terrifying power of destroying everything. That terrifying power and incomparable speed seems to crush Monray into meat sauce. , Filmed into a powder.

“Not good !”

The area covered by this palm is too large. Monray is in the center of the giant palm, and the surrounding gods, City Lord guards, and even the entire Cooling Dragon Mountains are included. If this palm is photographed, everyone …It’s all dead!

There is no possibility of being spared!


Still want to survive the attack of Overgod, what do you think?

“It’s over! We’re dead!”

“I knew it would happen. What’s the deal with overgod’s anger? This damn bastard, Laozi was killed by him!”

“Laozi will never let you go if you are a ghost…”

The Divine Heart is desperate, and they hate Monray to death. If they can travel back, they will definitely kill him when Monray grandfather is 9 years old!

“Is this Overgod?”

“It’s unmatched!”

“Are we going to die?”

“Master! Must block Master!”

Chahman and the others were equally frightened and desperate. Faced with such a powerful blow from Overgod, they found that they were as fragile as tofu, and they would definitely be slapped into meat sauce. They could only hope for the Master of Monray.

“kill me?”

Monray’s expression was relaxed, and he didn’t put this attack on his hands. Although this sky-shielding giant palm was extremely terrifying, it was condensed by the power of High Level Plane, and it carried the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Under this palm, even the ordinary Great Perfection can’t resist, and will definitely be severely injured. As for the ordinary God, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

The so-called power of Overgod!

It is the new Divine Power that is combined with the power of Divine Power and High Level Plane. The reason why Overgod can stretch the world invincible is almost all because of the power of High Level Plane!

High Level Plane …… is too vast, almost boundless, the power of High Level Plane produced by it can be imagined how powerful!

Unfortunately, in the face of such an attack, Monray did not evade and stood firmly on the spot. When the giant palm was about to hit his head, Monray pointed it into a sword and swiped it lightly.

“Stabbing -“

The colorful giant palm that overwhelmed the World was instantly split into two halves from the middle, and then under the action of inertia, the two halves of the giant palm were photographed diagonally toward the second side.


Many Gods happened to be covered by the 2 and a half giant palms, and they were photographed into meat sauce and blood mist without any accident.

Only Chahman and the others standing behind Monray and some of the Gods who were close to them recovered a small life, all of them pale and frightened 10000.


Overgod Niederhogg eyes slightly narrowed. Although he didn’t try his best in the palm of his hand just now, with the terrifying power of his Lower Overgod, even Great Perfection would never want to take it. He didn’t expect this guy in front of him to take it…

“Who are you, Earth God World, other God Worlds, and even Heaven, there is no expert like you!” Overgod Niederhogg asked coldly.

“It doesn’t matter who I am!”

Monray shook his head slightly.

“It’s really not important!”

Overgod Niederhogg indifferently said: “The moment you kill Venus, your Fate is doomed, that is the soul flew away and scattered!”

After that, Overgod Niederhogg punched out, and in an instant, a ten meters big colorful fist slammed out and hit Monray heavily.

With this fist, Overgod Niederhogg used 8 points of force, and the void was instantly ploughed into a deep channel, killing it like a teleportation with a colored giant fist.

“This kind of boring trick again!”

Monray shook his head slightly, punched out at will, an invisible fist appeared out of thin air, greeted the colorful fist destroying heaven extinguishing earth.


When the fists collided, an extremely terrifying might erupted, the violent shock wave erupted like a tsunami, and the remaining God was unlucky.

“pu ——”

“pu ——”

“pu ——”

Where the shock wave passed, it was like a road roller driving over a watermelon field, and Gods exploded one after another in the crisp crackling sound.

In just a moment of effort, except for Chahman and the others who were protected by Monray, the rest of God all burst into blood mist, and no one was spared.

“Dead…dead? All…all dead?”

Chahman and the others were in a protective cover, looking at the gods who had exploded into blood mist, each and everyone swallowed their saliva and was completely frightened!

Yes, scared!

The gods who were still beating alive just now… are all dead, all affected by the pond fish, and become victims of the battle between Master and Overgod!

That’s horrible!

“Catch it again?”

Overgod Niederhogg’s brows frowned, and it was excusable to block the first attack, but for the second time, he used 2 points and he caught it easily.

“Are you Overgod?”

Overgod Niederhogg stared at Monray, his eyes sharp as a knife, as if he wanted to see through all of Monray’s secrets: “You fused the Overgod Spark from the Pompeii Desert? No! No!”

“That Overgod Spark has just been born. Even if you get it, you are impossible to fuse it in such a short time! Could it be that…”

Overgod Niederhogg thought of another possibility, that is-Supreme Great Perfection!

Supreme Great Perfection!

Comprehending the Supreme Law and having a great knowledge of Great Perfection!

This kind of Great Perfection can completely compete with Overgod!


When Chahman and the others heard the words, they showed ecstasy: “Master is Overgod! Master really is Overgod! I knew that Master can slaughter Great Perfection, how could it not be Overgod!”

“Hahaha, Master is also Overgod…”

“He is Overgod?”

Emery Fillmore stared at Monray’s back, his brain buzzed, only a single thought kept reverberating: He is Overgod!

“It doesn’t matter if I am Overgod!”

Monray hands behind ones back: “The important thing is that I have the strength that is not inferior to yours! Therefore, if your son dares to provoke me, he deserves to die!”

Overgod Niederhogg changed his words: “Provoke a Supreme Great Perfection, he really deserves to die!”

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