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Overgod…no shame!

This is the vast world, the consensus of all Gods, not only because Overgod has the most powerful power in the universe, but also because Overgod represents the most lofty status!

Supreme Great Perfection!

As the only existence that can contend with Overgod, its status is equal to Overgod, and it is vaguely stronger than Overgod in the status of the gods in mind.

In the final analysis, the lucky Overgod is more or less unconvincing, they can have everything they have now, all good luck.

Supreme Great Perfection is completely different. They rely on their talents, hard work, and step by step to have their current strength. People can’t resist.

Therefore, Supreme Great Perfection…not to be humiliated!

Provoking Overgod…damn it!

Provoking Supreme Great Perfection… even more damn!

Overgod Niederhogg knew this well, so after guessing that Monray might be the Supreme Great Perfection, his attitude took a 180掳 turn: “He provokes a Supreme Great Perfection. Damn it!”

After speaking, he turned around and left. He knew that he was just a Lower Overgod, so he couldn’t have a Supreme Great Perfection, so as not to invite humiliation to oneself, it might as well just retreat.

Overgod, looks very important!

Monray looked at his back and didn’t say much. Although he is not afraid of Overgod Niederhogg now, he is not sure to kill him.

Besides, in its own Plane, Overgod can control Planar Power, which is very difficult to kill!

If so, let’s go!

“Go! Overgod Niederhogg is gone!”

“Master won! Master he won!”

“10000 years old! Master is 10000 years old!”

“Master is 10000 years old…”

Watching Overgod Niederhogg go away, Chahman and the others fell into a huge ecstasy. Each and everyone surrounded Monray, shouting excitedly.

At this moment, they are the most excited people. The Master is Overgod, which means that they have an extremely strong thigh to hug and can walk unhindered in the future.

Who can be unhappy?

Who can not be excited?

Who can not be excited?

“Go! Collect the Divine Spark and corpses around, and I will mine this crystal mine!”

Monray indifferently said.

“Yes, Master!”

Chahman and the others bowed, and then went to collect the Divine Spark and the corpses around.

In the battle just now, none of the Gods survived, all died.

Although the overwhelming majority of God was broken into pieces and turned into blood mist, their Divine Spark and space ring have been preserved intact.

These are treasures.

“Next, this is the crystal mine!”

Monray looked towards the undulating Coiling Dragon Mountains, and the Divine Crystal mine of 10000 to 100000000 tons is very likely to contain 10 quadrillion Divine Crystal!

10 quadrillion Ah!

What a fortune this is!

As long as these Divine Crystals are mined out, two types of gold can be spent on Supreme Laws. By then, Monray will become an existence comparable to High Overgod!

Comparable to High Overgod…

Monray became more excited as he thought about it, and the divine sense spread instantly, covering the entire Coiling Dragon Mountains, then spreading into the ground and continuing downward.

Extending to the depths of 3ten thousand zhang, Monray finally detected the existence of Divine Crystal, and then launched Innate Divine Ability-Teleport!


A large piece of Divine Crystal disappeared into the ground out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it had already arrived in the sky.

The red crystal with a length of more than 50 kilometers and a width of more than 20 kilometers is like a towering Fire Dragon suspended in the sky. Under the sunlight, it flashes with hot red rays of light, dazzling and dazzling, bright and transparent. .

“Divine Crystal Mine!”

Chahman and the others looked over, their eyes were full of shock, so a Divine Crystal mine was so big that the Master could actually mine it out at once?

too awesome!

But when they think that the Master is Overgod, they are all relieved, Overgod omnipotent!

“System, charge!”

Monray suppressed the excitement in his heart and decisively gave orders.

“shua 鈥斺€?#8221;

A strange force appeared out of thin air, and instantly enveloped the entire Divine Crystal mine. The next second, the huge Divine Crystal mine disappeared.

At the same time, the wealth points on the attribute panel began to beating frantically, and stopped beating after ten seconds, and at this time the wealth points reached an astonishing level.




Looking at the huge number, Monray could no longer suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart, and couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky, his voice resounding like a muffled thunder.


“Master, what’s wrong?”

Everyone stopped their work and looked at their Master with some doubts.

“Big brother Chahman, what’s wrong with Lord?” Emery Fillmore leaned in front of Chahman and asked in a low voice.


Chahman coughed twice and pretended to say: “Every time we Overgod are happy, we laugh like this. You gradually get used to it!”


Emery Fillmore Mind shocked: “big brother Chahman, do I have a chance to get used to it? Will Lord look down on me?”

Emery Fillmore is very nervous now. After knowing that Monray is Overgod, he is shocked, horrified, shocked, discolored, awed, admired…

Now he wants to join the team and become a follower of Monray!

Followers of Overgod, what an honor is that?

You know, he is just an ordinary High God, looking at the Earth God World, he is nothing, no power, no power, no Divine Crystal, no strength, properly 4 no God.

If he can become a follower of Monray, his status will change like Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and he will become a big figure with a head and a face!

Therefore, he wants to join the Monray team because he is afraid that Monray will look down on him.

Emery Fillmore is very disturbed!

“There are still opportunities, it depends on how you behave!” Chahman pretended to say deeply.

Emery Fillmore has been a god for many years, and he has long been old and good. How can I not understand the meaning of Chahman’s words, immediately took out a space ring, and offered it with sincere hands: “big brother Chahman, be careful, not respectful !”

Chahman released the divine sense and took a peek, I’m awkward, so many Divine Crystals! ! !

At the moment, the unmoving expression held the space ring in his hand, but said: “Everyone is a friend, how is this embarrassing?”

“Big brother Chahman, it’s just a trifle!” Emery Fillmore chuckled said.

Seeing him doing this, Chahman was very satisfied. He said with a smile: “Although the Master is strong, suave, handsome like a jade tree, majestic appearance, he is only 8 buckets high, 5 cars rich in learning, knowledgeable and capable. He is eloquent, speaking like a printed book, talkative, strong as an ox… But he is actually a very down-to-earth person!”

“As long as you offer your loyalty, serve the Master wholeheartedly, and be loyal to him, the Master will consider taking you in…”

Chahman, as a person who came over, taught me humbly, Emery Fillmore accepted the teaching humbly, with the expression that he listened to the king’s words and was better than reading ten years of books.

Just when the two people spoke vigorously and the other listened carefully, a stern sky-splitting sound suddenly swept across, and the dazzling fire pierced the sky, almost blinding everyone’s eyes.

In the next second, a violent shock wave erupted, and Chahman and Emery Fillmore felt that they were hit by the ten thousand zhang huge wave, and their bodies were instantly shattered.

Then there is no more then.

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