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The dazzling fire light filled the sky, and the entire void was twisted into paste by the violent shock wave, and everyone in this area was shaken into dust.

Chahman, Emery Fillmore!

fatty, Zacas!

Barbus, Galen!

All gone!


The fire gradually dissipated.

The paste gradually recovered.

After the sky was restored to sobriety and calmness, when everything returned to its original state, only Monray was left in the sky, and the others… all disappeared.

Only one Divine Spark is left floating in the air!

“Good good! Good good!”

Monray’s face was gloomy and was about to drip out, shouted: “Since it’s here, get out immediately! What kind of Overgod is the one who hides his head and shows his tail?”


There was a wave of volatility in the void, and three silhouettes appeared.

One person with two horns growing on the head, a burly figure, is the Overgod Niederhogg who has just left;

One person is wearing golden armor and the height is ten thousand zhang, is a Titan Overgod; one person has ten six wings on his back, and the whole body is holy light surging, he is the respect of Angel Overgod!

Giant Dragon Overgod!

Titan Overgod!

Angel Overgod!

3 Great Overgod!

Come together!

“Give me a reason!”

Monray coldly said.

“Your Excellency, let me introduce to you first!”

Overgod Niederhogg’s face was indifferent, and he pointed to the two Overgods beside him and said: “Titan Overgod-Dawson, Angel Overgod-Raphael!”

Afterwards, he pointed to Monray and said: “Two, he is the Supreme Great Perfection I told you! The Overgod Spark just born in the Pompeii Desert is most likely in his hand, because he is the closest. The strongest existence!”

Titan Overgod and Angel Overgod were slightly nodded, their majestic and indifferent gazes fell on Monray: “Hand over Overgod Spark, spare you not to die!”

“Overgod Spark?”

Monray looked at Overgod Niederhogg: “You go and come back, and you are entangled with 2 Overgod, the purpose is only for the Overgod Spark in my hands?”

“Do you admit that Overgod Spark is in your hands?”

3 Big Overgod’s eyes were bright, staring straight at Monray. Previously, they guessed that Overgod Spark was in Monray’s hands, but the guess was only a guess after all, and it was impossible to determine the authenticity!

Now that Monray admits it, it proves that the speculation is true. Why are they not happy?

Monray turned over the palm, an irregular crystal emitting ten-color rays of light appeared in the hand. It was the Overgod Spark that had previously created a huge movement in the Pompeii Desert.

“Overgod Spark!!!”

“Overgod Spark is really in your hands!”

3 The big Overgod was shocked, greed and desire burst into his eyes, and his eyes could not wait to swallow Monray in one bite, and then took the Overgod Spark in his hand as his own.

“give it to me!”

3 Big Overgod shouted in unison.

“Mora, they are both Overgod, why do they want Overgod Spark so much? This thing shouldn’t be of much use to them, right?”

Monray wondered.

“No! You are wrong! Overgod Spark is not only useful for them, but also great!”

Mora’s voice appeared in her mind: “You also know that the essence of Overgod Spark is a fragment of the heart of High Level Plane, not ordinary Divine Spark! In other words, Overgod can fuse multiple Overgod Sparks!”

“Fuse multiple Overgod Sparks?”

Monray shuddered slightly and suddenly opened up.


Other Divine Sparks of the same level can only be fused with at most one. If you want to continue fusing, you have to merge with a higher level Divine Spark!

Overgod Spark is different!

Strictly speaking, this thing is simply not Divine Spark, but a fragment of Plane Core, which can naturally be integrated into many.

And the more the better, the more you integrate, the more Planar Power you can control, and the strength of Overgod is naturally stronger!

Mora faintly smiled: “Before the integration of Overgod Spark, these three guys were probably talented mediocre ordinary Gods. Therefore, after becoming Overgod for many years, they still haven’t realized the Supreme Law. They are just the weakest Lower Overgod!”

“So, if they want to improve their strength, relying on the understanding of the Supreme Law will not work at all. They can only improve by integrating more Overgod Spark!”

“But Overgod Spark this thing, there are only that many, and it’s basically all integrated by Overgod, there is nothing superfluous! Now seeing this Overgod Spark in your hand, they are not crazy!”

Monray slowly nodded, knowing in his heart why Overgod Niederhogg had gone and returned, and why he had invited two other Overgods to besiege him.

All because of this Overgod Spark!

“give it to me!”

Seeing that Monray was indifferent, the three Overgod’s faces darkened, shouted sternly, and couldn’t hold back.

“If I don’t give it?”

Monray sneered again and again.

“No? Then die!”

Overgod Niederhogg’s voice was cold: “I really can’t help you by myself, but if the three of us add up, it’s not difficult to kill you!”

“Hand over Overgod Spark! Otherwise, die!”

Titan Overgod’s voice is cold.

“As long as you hand over Overgod Spark, we can let you make a living!” Angel Overgod’s voice was soft, and the whole body was holy light.

“Kill me? Just rely on you?”

Monray seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the universe, laughed heartily, and his voice resounded like a tsunami that shook the sky.

“courting death !”

“impudent !”


3 The face of the big Overgod suddenly sank, and the power of Overgod rose up all over his body, hiding the sky and covering the earth pressing against Monray, trying to press Monray on the ground.

“Today, none of you want to leave!”

Monray gradually stopped his smile, and his eyes were full of death: “I will pull out your Overgod Spark, kill your Divine Soul, enslave your body, let you the soul flew away and scattered, and disappear completely in this world !”

“Kill us? You die first!”

The 3 Overgods moved at the same time.

Overgod Niederhogg grabbed it hard, and a giant colored dragon claw made up of ten-color rays of light slammed out, and instantly pinched it towards Monray.

“Go die for me!”

Titan Overgod clenched his right fist and punched out heavily, and a colorful punch carrying the terrifying power of earth shattering shot out.

“Holy Light Judgement!”

Angel Overgod vibrated ten or six wings behind it, all holy lights gathered to form a giant colored sword shining with colorful rays of light, and then cut it out with one sword.

Dragon claw !


giant sword!

The 3 attacks were like a shining rainbow, across the sky, and slammed into Monray. This was a full attack by 3 Overgods. Even if it was hit by the aftermath, the ordinary Great Perfection would be crushed into fine powder, let alone a frontal attack. bingo.

“Under this blow, he is immortal and disabled. I have to take the first shot later and immediately snatch Overgod Spark. As long as there is a master…”

The three Overgods stared at Monray, but they were thinking about how to snatch Monray to buy Overgod Spark.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, Monray did not evade, and when the dragon claw, heavy fist, and colored sword were about to come, he slowly spit out 4 words:



Two soft golden rays of light ejected from Monray’s eyes. The golden light spread across the area, and everything around him stopped instantly.

The fluctuating space is still!

The flowing air has stopped!

The violent attack stopped!

Everything is… still!

The 3 Great Overgods are no exception. They froze in place, with greed on their faces.

Monray step by step towards the 3 Overgod, eyes overflowing with soft golden light: “Kill me? In front of the Law of Time in the complete volume, you losers who don’t even understand Supreme Law, how can you kill me?”

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