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After mining this Divine Crystal mine, Monray got 1.2 absolutely 100000000 Divine Crystal as he wished.

Adding the previous 220910000 100000000, the total is equal to 1420910000 100000000!

1.420910000 …… trillion!

Spend gold a Supreme Law needs 5 quadrillion!

14.2 quadrillion Divine Crystal, enough for Monray spend gold 2 Supreme Law!

Monray did not hesitate, and decisively spent gold on Law of Time and Law of Space, raising their comprehension to 100%, completely comprehended these two Supreme Laws.

It is wonderful to fully understand the feeling of Supreme Law. At a glance, the void is filled with densely packed Law of Time and Law of Space chains. They are 7 horizontally and 8 vertically, covering all corners of the void, with no dead ends. !

In normal times, Monray can see these Law chains vaguely, but like an illiterate looking at a dictionary, he can clearly see every word, but he doesn’t know any word, and of course he doesn’t understand what these words represent. .

See the form, but don’t know the meaning!

Monray was in this state before!

It ’s different now!

Monray clearly understands the meaning of each law chain, the function represented by each law chain, and what role each law chain plays…

As if he knew all of this!

This is a very strange experience, very magical, very mysterious, and very… powerful!

Yes, powerful!

2 The Supreme Law is too powerful, so powerful that Monray has the illusion that he is the most powerful existence in the vast universe, there is no one!

“In front of the Supreme Law of the complete volume, you guys who don’t even understand Supreme Law are just a bunch of losers!”

Monray’s eyes are indifferent, soft golden rays of light sprayed into his pupils. This is the law chain of time. As far as his eyes can reach, time will stop passing and reach absolute stillness!

Even if you are Overgod, even if you have the most terrifying and powerful power in the universe, you have to stay still in place.

Divine Body still!

The thinking consciousness is also still!

This is the power of Law of Time!

Monray step by step walked in front of Overgod Niederhogg, stretched out 3 fingers, slowly submerged in Overgod Niederhogg’s eyebrows, and then pulled out a crystal shining with colorful rays of light, which is Overgod Niederhogg’s Overgod Spark.

During the whole process, Overgod Niederhogg didn’t struggle, didn’t show an expression of pain, and didn’t even move his eyebrows.

Does he hurt?

Of course he doesn’t hurt!

It takes time for pain to propagate within the nerve endings, and it takes time for the rotation of the mind and consciousness, but Overgod Niederhogg’s time is absolutely static, and he naturally does not feel the pain!

To be precise, he has no time to pain!

Subsequently, Monray successively pulled out Titan Overgod and Angel Overgod’s Overgod Spark, and completely took away the three major Overgods that have become the world’s most powerhouse, and the greatest support for the entire world!

“Brat, how can you imprisonment the time around Overgod?”

Mora was stunned throughout the process: “How did you do it? Could it be that… you have a qualitative breakthrough in your understanding of Law of Time?”

Time around Imprisonment Overgod!

And it’s still 3 Overgod at once!

This is too exaggerated!

Although these three Overgods are all Lower Overgod, their understanding of Supreme Law is 3, but their Divine Body and Divine Soul are extremely powerful, and they have Overgod Spark, which has a huge impact on the surrounding time and space.

Imprisonment the time around them… it’s so difficult!

Monray did it, and he did it with ease. It was so amazing that Mora couldn’t help being surprised!

“I have completely comprehended Law of Time!”

Monray slowly replied, the soft golden light in his eyes gradually converged, the surrounding time recovered and passed, and the thinking and consciousness of the three major Overgods by the imprisonment began to turn.

Then, they immediately saw their Divine Body, the blood hole in the eyebrows, and Monray close at hand.

“what’s the situation?”

3 Big Overgod was a little dazed, and quickly released Divine Soul to investigate the fluctuations. They were suddenly eclipsed during this investigation, and their Overgod Spark was actually caught by Monray! ! !

“In the end what happened?”

“Why is our Overgod Spark in his hands?”

The three Overgod were dumbfounded. They had just clearly attacked Monray, and then Overgod Spark was in Monray’s hands. They were extremely convinced that nothing happened during the whole process!



Can’t understand!

hard to accept!

“pretty shocked?”

Monray played with Overgod Spark in his hand and asked with a faint smile.

“What the hell did you do to us?”

Overgod Niederhogg asked in silence.

“It’s okay to tell you!”

Monray indifferently said: “I just used Time Freeze and suspended your time, but my time is flowing, understand?”

“Time…Time Freeze!!!”

3 Overgod suddenly realized, and instantly understood what was going on, Overgod Niederhogg lost his voice: “What you have realized is Law of Time?”

“Not bad!”

Monray slightly nodded.

“In a moment of Imprisonment of our 3 Overgod’s time, to what extent do you understand Law of Time?” Angel Overgod’s voice trembled.

“I completely comprehended Law of Time!”

Monray did not reserve, and there is no need to reserve.


3 Great Overgod as if was struck by lightning.

Great Perfection can contend against Lower Overgod with a slight comprehension of Supreme Law; comprehend half of Supreme Law can contend with Intermediate Overgod; complete Supreme Law can contend with High Overgod!

Monray has a complete understanding of Law of Time, enough to contend with High Overgod, and they are just the Lowest Overgod at the lowest level. How can they compete with Monray?

“Niederhogg, you idiot, we were killed by you!” Titan Overgod yelled, hating Overgod Niederhogg to death.

He really wanted to travel back in time, and brutally killed the grandfather of Overgod Niederhogg when he was 9 years old, so that there would be no such horrible scene today.

“Niederhogg, I am your uncle!”

Angel Overgod was equally angry, and his expression seemed to tear Niederhogg in half like a hand-tearing ghost.

“Is it useful to complain now? Hurry up and find a way!” Overgod Niederhogg was about to collapse.

He couldn’t even dream that he dignified Overgod would end up where he is now. He is Overgod, how could he die?


Although they hate gnashing teeth, Titan Overgod and Angel Overgod also know that any complaints and abuses now are of no avail. The top priority now is to quickly return to the Divine Body so that they can survive!

At the very least, it can keep Overgod’s status!

“Your Excellency… No, Lord, Lord!”

Angel Overgod took a 180° turn, and the attitude was as sincere as possible:

“Before, we had no eyes and offended Lord. I hope Lord you have a lot of Lord. Let us go. We are grateful!”

“Yeah Lord, let us have a way out! As long as you are willing to let us go, no matter what your requirements are, we are willing to satisfy you!”

Titan Overgod also spoke, his tone terrified.

“Lord, I have countless rare treasures rare treasure in my hand, countless Plane territories, as long as you let us go, I am willing to offer them with both hands…”

“Do you think that after you die, your treasures and everything you have will fall into the hands of others?” Monray sneered, “Don’t dream!”

“No! You can’t kill us! “Overgod Agreement” stipulates that it is forbidden for any Overgod to kill each other, otherwise, all Overgod’s public enemies…”

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