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Earth God World boundless and Ten Deities Race each rule an incomparably vast territory, and the place ruled by the eternal Divine Race is called the Eternal Island.

Said to be an island, in fact, the scale of the Eternal Island is no less than that of any Continent, and it is even larger. The Eternal Island is surrounded by the sea on four sides, the magic element on the island is rich, the World’s Law is clear, and it far exceeds other places in Earth God World.

In the center of the Eternal Island is a rippling lake with blue waves. There is a small island in the lake, and a magnificent palace stands on the island.

The Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances around the palace are full of beautiful flowers, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers. Refreshing is an excellent hidden land of peace and prosperity.

The gate of the palace was opened wide, and a beautiful woman was sitting in the depths of the palace. Her forehead had 2 soft tentacles, some resembling the tentacles of the Namekites, but no different from ordinary people.

This beautiful woman is the Overgod of Earth God World’s eternal Divine Race-Overgod Bados.

Earth God World has a total of ten Overgods, including 6 Lower Overgod, 3 Intermediate Overgod, and 1 High Overgod!

Overgod Bados is that High Overgod, and it is also the strongest, best talent, and most respected Overgod in Earth God World!

as everyone knows:

To enhance Overgod’s strength, either integrate Overgod Spark or comprehend Supreme Law. Overgod Spark is almost impossible to obtain. Therefore, Comprehend Supreme Law has become the only way for Overgod to improve its rank.

As long as Lower Overgod realizes the Supreme Law, it can become an Intermediate Overgod;

Intermediate Overgod only needs to understand half of the Supreme Law to become High Overgod.

which is:

Lower Overgod, did not comprehend Supreme Law!

Intermediate Overgod, comprehend a little Supreme Law!

High Overgod, comprehend half of the Supreme Law!

This is very different from Ancient God:

Low Level Ancient God, did not understand Supreme Law, so weaker than Overgod!

Middle Level Ancient God, comprehend a little Supreme Law, comparable to Lower Overgod!

High Level Ancient God, comprehend half of Supreme Law, comparable to Intermediate Overgod!

Supreme Ancient God, fully comprehend Supreme Law, comparable to High Overgod!

It can be seen that an Overgod Spark can play a huge role. It can not only smooth the gap between Overgod and ordinary Great Perfection, but also widen the distance between Overgod and Great Perfection.

As a High Overgod, Overgod Bados is talented and has been comprehended half of the Law of Life. It is a very powerful existence in Overgod!

If one day, she can fully comprehend Law of Life, she will become the fifth Supreme Ruler in the universe, on par with Four Rulers.

In order for this day to come as soon as possible, Overgod Bados stays in Eternal Lake all year round, comprehend the vast Law of Life day and night. Generally, no accidents happen. She rarely takes a step out of Eternal Lake, and outsiders dare not disturb her. .

Today, however, Overgod Bados was disturbed, and a mural on the palace wall suddenly emitted a dazzling color.

At the next moment, a burly silhouette stumbled out of the mural, and Putong knelt down in front of Overgod Bados.

“Have seen the great Your Excellency Bados!”

Overgod Bados slowly opened her eyes. The blue pupils were like a pool, deep and bright. She frowned and looked at the burly silhouette kneeling on the ground, her voice slightly hoarse:

“Niederhogg, what is so lost self-control? You are Overgod, there is no need to bow down to me!”

“Your Excellency Bados, you want to avenge me!”

Niederhogg expression grieved: “I was brutally killed by the culprits, and I was robbed of Overgod Spark. Now there is only one Remnant Soul left. God is not God, ghost is not ghost, what Overgod?”

“You were killed?” Overgod Bados suddenly stood up, his eyes flashed brightly: “Who is so bold that he dares to hunt Overgod?”

“It’s a Supreme Great Perfection!”

Niederhogg’s eyes were red with blood, and he explained what happened. At the end, he added: “The thief is completely comprehended Law of Time. He is very powerful. He also hopes that Your Excellency will report to Four Rulers, open the Overgod court, capture the thief, and return one of us. justice!”

“Comprehensions of Law of Time?”

Overgod Bados pretty face drastically changed: “How is this possible? Law of Time is recognized as the most difficult to comprehend among the five major laws. The training method of Law of Time is still a mystery. How can he comprehend Law of Time and fully comprehend it? ?”

“Your Excellency, this is true!”

At this moment, two figures emerged from the mural. They were Titan Overgod and Angel Overgod who were killed by Monray.

2 Although the person did not burst into tears like Niederhogg, but his eyes were blood red: “This thief does comprehended Law of Time!”


Overgod Bados was silent, and a stormy sea roused in her heart. She couldn’t think of anyhow that someone really comprehended the Law of Time, and she still fully understood it. This is ridiculous.

After a long silence, Overgod Bados slowly said, “I fully understand the Law of Time. The opponent’s strength has reached an incredible level, and it is not something I can deal with! Now, I can only report it to Four Rulers to open the Overgod court!”

“Your Excellency is wise!”


With the collection of Divine Crystal, Law Source Crystal and other items that can be collected by the system in the treasure house, wealth has skyrocketed again!

Monray glanced at the property panel and smiled satisfied.

Afterwards, began to collect other items in the treasure house, Divine Artifact, treasure, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, etc. Chahman and the others were dazzled.

Many of these things have great training value to them, such as the Divine Soul Crystal Essence, Soul Ice Essence and so on that enhance Divine Soul.

These things are useless to Monray, so Chahman and the others are cheaper. Monray waved his hand and removed all these things.

“Thank Master!”

“Thank you Master!”

Chahman and the others are to be wild with joy, they put away other Divine Artifact treasure, and Divine Soul Crystal Essence is taken directly.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

They are High Gods, and Divine Soul is quite powerful, so the effect of Divine Soul Crystal Essence is not so obvious, but it can’t stand up to a large amount!

Massive Divine Soul Crystal Essence was poured down, and their Divine Soul increased at a speed visible to naked eye.

High God Early Stage.

High God Middle Stage.

High God Late Stage.

Until all Divine Soul Crystal Essences are consumed, Chahman, fatty, Sanir, Barbus, Mervin, Assassin, Nagya, Cesia, Galen, Spider Goddess, Dark Elf Empress, Dark Snapping Turtle King, Zacas, and Divine Soul have all been upgraded to God Late Stage!

All High God Late Stage!

In fact, this is normal, after all, it is the Divine Soul Crystal Essence that Niederhogg God Race has accumulated for countless years. It is used by a Divine Race powerhouse with a number of 10000 to 100000000. The number is naturally unimaginable!

Emery Fillmore watched quietly, and the envy and jealousy were about to separate.

How much he wants to be a part of it, and then be rewarded by Monray!

It’s a pity that he is not, at least for now, Monray hasn’t regarded him as his own, these treasures are naturally not his share.

“Haha, I feel very powerful!”

“The divine sense spreads and easily covers a radius of 10000000 million kilometers!”

“Too much improvement in strength…”

Everyone felt the Divine Soul that had been strengthened by multiple times, and the excitement was overwhelming.

They were so unscrupulous and released Divine Soul wantonly, which naturally attracted the attention of Niederhogg God Race, one after another silhouette shot out from all over the mountain range, surrounding the crowd.


“How dare to break into my Niederhogg God Race headquarters!”

“Come on! Take down these thieves!”

This is the headquarters of Niederhogg God Race. Almost all the experts of the entire Divine Race are gathered here, including the High God Late Stage and even the super powerhouse close to Great Perfection.

The powerhouse counted as 10000 to 100000000 surrounds everyone, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky and the sun!

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