You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Everyone in Niederhogg God Race is angry, out of anger!

This is the headquarters of their Niederhogg God Race, not to mention a group of thieves, even those in Divine Race who dare not set foot here easily.

Fortunately now, a group of thieves who have emerged from nowhere have acted wantonly on the Giant Dragon Mountain and stole their treasure trove of Niederhogg God Race. It is simply unforgivable!


“Kill this group of thieves and let them know the consequences of running here to go wild!”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Niederhogg God Race, which counts 10000 to 100000000, has taken action, and various attacks are like comets piercing the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and smashing towards Monray and the others.

The terrifying power of the grandiose, the terrible destructive power that swept everything, let Chahman and the others complexion greatly changed.

“Master, help!”

Chahman and the others shouted in their hearts.

In the face of 10000 to 100000000 million attacks, although their strength has greatly increased, they have no possibility of resisting them. They can only pin their hopes on the great Master.

Monray did not disappoint their expectations, two soft golden rays of light poured out of his eyes, sweeping away the sky of terrorist attacks, and slowly said:

“Time Freeze!”


As far as his eyes could reach, that piece of void time instantly stopped, and all the attacks froze in midair, motionless.

“These attacks will be returned to you!”

Monray condensed the soft golden rays of light in his eyes, replaced by the extremely bright silver, and slowly said: “Space Change!”

Next second!

Monray and the others instantly disappeared in place, and Niederhogg God Race, which counted as 10000 to 100000000, appeared strangely where Monray and the others stood.

Both sides… switched positions!

Subsequently, Monray withdrew Time Freeze.

The billowing attack immediately continued to sweep in.

“Shen horse situation?”

“no no!”




Naturally it is impossible to escape!

The attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth instantly flooded the Niederhogg God Race. They swallowed their attack in despair, panic, and unwillingness.

There were 4 smoke and dust, and the flames splashed.

Thunder and lightning rolled, and ice flickered.


“How could this be?”

“Master, how did you do it?”

Chahman and the others stared blankly at the Niederhogg God Race flooded by the attack, each and everyone had their eyes dull, how did the opponent’s attack hit him?

“This is Law of Space!”

Monray faintly smiled: “Just change the space between the enemy and us, change the position, they will inevitably bear their own attack!”

“Law of Space !”

“No wonder it’s so strong!”

“It turned out to be Law of Space!”

Chahman and the others suddenly realized that they admired Monray more and more in their hearts. First, Law of Time, and now Law of Space. The Master actually comprehended 2 Supreme Laws, which is too awesome and great.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

The void is restored.

After seeing the scene before them, Chahman and the others were stunned. Numerous Niederhogg God Race died tragically, or they were bombarded into powder, or all split up and in pieces, or only half of the Divine Body remained, or With lack of arms and legs, the few people who are still round are also bruised.

The scene is extremely miserable!

60% of them were killed on the spot!

39% of people became disabled!

The remaining 1% of the powerful and tyrannical generations are still intact, but at this moment, these people are already panicked and completely filled with fear.

They were clearly attacking Monray and the others, only to be overwhelmed by their own attacks.

This scene is really terrifying, too terrifying, too weird!

“Why is this?”

A super powerhouse with infinite strength approaching Great Perfection has blood red eyes, and his eyes are completely filled with surprised and angry. What is shocked is that the attack just now is too bizarre, but the anger is that their Niederhogg God Race suffered heavy casualties!


Divine Race so many experts are the mainstay accumulated over the long years, and they are the important battle strength for their Niederhogg God Race to dominate the Earth God World.

It turned out to be good, almost the entire army was wiped out. How could he not be surprised and angry?

“Who are you?”

The super powerhouse glared at Monray and the others: “You are so provocative and humiliating me Niederhogg God Race, are you afraid of Overgod Lord’s revenge?”

“Overgod’s revenge? Hehe!” Monray faintly smiled: “I want to disappoint you. Your Overgod Lord is always impossible to come back!”

“what did you say?”

The super powerhouse was taken aback.

Monray didn’t bother to explain, a nether lance shot out, piercing the eyebrows of this super powerhouse, killing him on the spot.

“Great Elder !!!”

Seeing this scene, the remaining person’s eye socket cracked and looked towards Monray with hatred: “Fight with him! Take revenge for Great Elder!”

Unfortunately, before they rushed, they were greeted by the ghostly lance hiding the sky and covering the earth. The countless three-color lances were like densely packed arrow rain, flooding the only remaining powerhouse.

“Puff puff puff ——”

After a round of spear rain, everyone died.

“The rest is up to you!”

Monray gave an order, and then left.

“Wow ka ka!”

Chahman and the others looked at each other and moved in an instant. The experts of Niederhogg God Race were all dead, but their Divine Spark and space ring were left behind. These are all treasures!

“Don’t grab it!”

“Don’t grab it with me!”

“Whoever grabs me, who I am in anxious!”

A feast for grabbing treasure begins, and Monray heads to the highest point of the mountain, where Overgod Niederhogg’s private treasure house is on the top.

On the top of the mountain stands a majestic palace, which is the temple of Overgod Niederhogg. The splendorous and majestic temple is luxurious and dazzling. The whole body is made of God World’s most expensive Divine Stone. There are dozens of Divine Beast statues on two sides, and the deepest is a majestic divine throne!

Although the whole temple was extremely luxurious, Monray was not interested in these at all. He went straight to the divine throne and pressed a switch on the divine throne.

“Ka ka ka-“

The rays of light in front of the divine throne lit up, revealing a Transmission Array. Monray stepped into it, then disappeared into the temple, and when it reappeared, it came to a strange space.

This space is not big, you can see it at a glance, it’s about 100 kilometers, it looks empty inside, there is not a single life.

This space is at best a different space, not even Semi-Plane, but it is not ordinary, because Overgod Niederhogg’s private treasure house is here!

As the greatest Overgod in the universe, there are not many treasures that can enter the eyes of Overgod Niederhogg, so there are not many treasures stored in this different space. Large and small are stacked with dozens of boxes, which is particularly shabby.

Monray was a little disappointed, but he went to the first box and checked it. The box was opened and a crystal ball was placed inside.

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, did you pick it up?” The system hint sounded coldly.

Monray was taken aback and saw a gray ball of light lying quietly in front of the crystal ball.


“Ding! Successfully picked up and obtained Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent Bloodline, is it fused?”

“Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent Bloodline?”

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