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“Mora, what kind of creature is Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent?”

Monray knew that asking about the system would be fruitless, so he looked towards Mora for advice. This Old Antique who lived in the last epoch, there is really nothing he didn’t know.

“Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent?”

Mora turned into black smoke and appeared in front of Monray, and surprisedly said: “Where did you know Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent? Most people don’t know this ancient creature!”

“If I guessed correctly, the crystal ball in front of me should be an organ of Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent, most likely its eyeballs!”

Monray explained that other creatures will definitely not drop Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent Bloodline. Only Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent itself or an organ of Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent will drop Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent Bloodline.

This is beyond doubt.

“You don’t even know what Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent is, so you dare to conclude that the thing in front of you is the eyeball of Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent? You are so funny!”

Mora teased, and looked towards the crystal ball in the box: “You really got it right, this thing is really the eyeball of Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent!”

I have a feather, I know it by ability, Monray said ill-humoredly: “Tell me about Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent, don’t say these are useless!”

Mora laughed and explained: “You should know that the vast universe has bred countless powerful creatures, such as God, Divine Beast, Demon, Demon Race, Immortal Race, etc., but these creatures, whether they are strong or not, are all born by Plane!”

“So, we call these creatures [Planar Life] again!”

Monray is slightly nodded, God, Demon, or mortals, all of which are bred by Plane, there is no doubt that.

“But in the vast universe, there is another kind of life that was not conceived by Plane, but was born in the vast void!” Mora continued.

“Born in the vast void?” Monray was taken aback slightly: “Can Void World also breed life?”

What is Void World?

No air!

No magic element!

No animals or plants!

Nothing at all!

Only endless Darkness, coldness and silence, and… nothingness, such a world with nothing, can actually give birth to life?

“There is no absolute thing in the world!”

Mora smiled proudly: “Although Void World is nothingness, it is difficult to give birth to life, but there is a kind of life that comes from Void World!”

“What life?”

Monray asked curiously.

“Void Beast!”

Mora explained with a smile: “Void Beast, a terrifying life born in Void World, is extremely rare, but any giant beast in the starry sky has an extremely tyrannical life force and an incomparable terrifying power!”

“You also know that the vast void is nothingness, food is extremely scarce, and the environment is extremely harsh. Even Overgod doesn’t like the environment of Void World very much. Therefore, you can imagine how terrible life is born in this harsh environment!”

“How terrible is Void Beast?”

Monray asked curiously.

“Void Beast does not repair Law, only body, so their body is very powerful, but there are many types of Void Beast, and the strength of different types of Void Beast is very different. The most powerful Void Beast can completely contend with Supreme Ruler!”

Mora explained with a smile: “Of course, the Void Beast that can compete with Ruler is extremely rare, and there are not many in the entire universe!”

“Counter to Ruler?” Monray was shocked: “What a powerful body is that?”

“Very strong! Strong enough to exceed your imagination! Compared to Void Beast, Titan, Behemoth, Giant Elephant are simply weak chickens!”

Mora said with emotion: “You have a shallow knowledge and don’t know how powerful Void Beast is, but you should have heard of someone!”


Monray wondered.

“Boundless Sovereign King!”

Mora slowly uttered 4 words: “You should have heard this name? If you don’t even know the name, I really want to despise you!”

Monray suddenly smiled bitterly: “Of course I have heard that, I have seen his Remnant Soul? I also got the treasure he accumulated for a lifetime!”


Mora was stunned: “Could you be the murderer who got the Boundless Sovereign King treasure and slaughtered 1000000 God and Demon?”

Monray was also surprised: “How did you know?”

“Nonsense! In the first battle of Boundless Plane, your notoriety has spread all over the world!”

Mora tsk tsk praised: “I was a little puzzled at the time, could it be that the Boundless Sovereign King was resurrected, otherwise, how could God Demon lose so much!”

“That group of God Demon is too weak!”

Monray sneered.

“That’s right! Compared to you, they are indeed weak!”

Mora agreed with nodded: “Since you have been in contact with the Boundless Sovereign King up close, you should know the horror of this guy?”

“The body is comparable to Supreme Ruler, it’s really scary!” Monray slightly nodded.

“Then you know, Boundless Sovereign King is actually a Void Beast?” Mora slowly said.


Monray looked dull: “Boundless Sovereign King is Void Beast? What a joke?”

“That’s not right. To be precise, he is the God of Possessed Void Beast!”

Mora corrected: “The Void Beast he possessed is called [Boundless Beast]. The Boundless Giant Beast is one of the most powerful Void Beasts. The Boundless Giant Beast before adulthood can compete with Ruler!”

“Boundless Sovereign King…body possession Boundless Giant Beast?”

Monray is unbelievable.

“Any powerful life rises step by step from the weak, and Void Beast is no exception. Boundless Sovereign King good luck found a young Boundless Beast, then succeeded in body possession, and finally grew to the height of Supreme Ruler!”

Mora smiled and shook his head: “It’s a pity that his rise threatened the status of Four Rulers. In the name of Void Beast, Four Rulers united all Overgods and killed him. It can be said to be a Boundless Giant Beast, but a Void Beast. !”

“Four Rulers are really shameless!”

Monray was a little unhappy.

“If they are not shameless, they are not Four Rulers!”

Mora shook her head and chuckled, and continued: “But they killed the Boundless Sovereign King, not just because the Boundless Sovereign King threatened their status!”

“Are there other reasons?”

Monray wondered.

“Void Beast is different from God and Demon!”

Mora explained: “God and Demon are not afraid of hunger and thirst, but Void Beast is different. No matter how strong they are, they need to constantly replenish food to ensure the energy required for the operation of the tyrannical body. The Boundless Sovereign King of the possessed Boundless Giant Beast does not exception!”

“How edible the adult Boundless Giant Beast is, you can’t imagine! If the Boundless Sovereign King was allowed to eat it, the whole world would have been eaten by him!”

“So he must die!”

“There is also this reason!”

Monray is a bit unimaginable!

“Void Beast are very edible. Wherever they go, there is often nothingness. Therefore, Void Beast is also called [Destruction Beast]!”

Mora sighed: “So, Void Beast is the common enemy of God and Demon. In order to defend against Void Beast, God and Demon may join forces!”

“Destruction Beast…”

Monray was a little shocked.

“Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent is a relatively common type of Void Beast!”

Mora explained: “The adult Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent has a huge body the size of a Low Level Plane, 10000 heads and 10000 tails, so it is called Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent!”

“A Low Level Plane is so big?” Monray suck in a breath of cold air: “This is too big!”

“Big? Hehe, is this too big?”

Mora sneered: “You haven’t seen a really huge Void Beast. When you see it, you won’t say Myriad Stirrings Great Serpent is big!”

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