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Black Phoenix screamed sorrowfully, screaming send cold shivers down one’s spine, which shows what kind of suffering the Overgod level Black Phoenix is ​​going through.

“Your Netherworld Divine Fire is too strong!” Mora couldn’t help but exclaimed: “You can’t even stand the Overgod level Black Phoenix!”

“That is natural!”

As time goes by, the Netherworld Divine Fire burns more and more vigorously, the power becomes more and more terrifying, and the screams of Black Phoenix become more and more severe.

“Stop it! Stop it!”

Black Phoenix finally couldn’t bear it anymore and yelled hoarsely.

“Stop? Give me a reason first!”

Monray hehe smiled.


The hatred in Black Phoenix’s heart, he is the dignified Ancestral Black Phoenix, the ancestor of the Black Phoenix Race. When was he tortured like this?

But under the eaves, one cannot help but bow his head.

“I am Ancestral Black Phoenix, you can’t kill me, I have what you want!”

Black Phoenix exclaimed: “The Niederhogg servant didn’t kill me back then, just want to know the whereabouts of that thing from my mouth!”

“That thing?”

Monray raised his eyebrows: “Then you are telling me, what is that thing!”

“As long as you promise to let me go, I’ll tell you!” Black Phoenix bargained.

“Dare to bargain?”

Monray sneered, didn’t take that thing seriously at all, and trained to his current realm, there is almost no treasure to make him move.


Black Phoenix’s tone suffocated, and the anger in his heart, this damn bastard, did not eat this set, it is really bully intolerably!

“How would you let me go?”

Black Phoenix whispered and asked: “First explain to you, in the last God and Demon battle, I was severely injured by several Overgods, and all the treasures on my body were searched and wiped out. I have nothing but that thing. !”

“This is like an attitude of begging for mercy!”

Monray waved away the Netherworld Divine Fire that burned Black Phoenix: “You are indeed alone now, but I think you still have one of the most precious things!”


Black Phoenix was taken aback for a moment.

“Your life!”

Monray faintly smiled: “You are good at strength and you look good. I happen to be missing a mount. I can give you a chance!”

“What are you talking about? Let me be your mount?”

Black Phoenix is ​​like a cat stepped on its tail, hysterically roaring: “How dare you let the noble and great ancestor of the black wind be your mount? You are humiliating the great ancestor of the black wind and provoking the mighty Demon One family!”

“Not willing? Then go to death!”

Monray’s face also cooled down: “No matter how noble you are in front of you, once the body dies and Dao disappears, everything will disappear and cease to exist!”


Black Phoenix turned into a black streamer and shot towards the edge of the different space. Obviously, it had to take advantage of Monray to escape from this different space!

This is very possible. At the speed of the ancestor of the black wind, the Overgod can’t stop it at all, and it is entirely possible to escape.

“Want to escape?”

Monray smiled: “Mora, he wants to escape!”

“Yes, he wants to escape!” Mora also smiled: “It’s a pity that he will be disappointed!”

“No way, who makes him ignorant of speed!”

Monray shook his head slightly and stepped out. At this time, Black Phoenix had reached the edge of another space. The fragile space barrier could not stop Black Phoenix’s powerful force. A black hole was broken and Black Phoenix went straight out.

Then, came to the vast void.


Seeing that he came to the vast void, Black Phoenix’s heart suddenly became light, and the whole person completely relaxed. As long as he came out of the different space and came to the vast void, he would be completely safe. In the vast void, it was confident that no one could stop it. !

“Damn Niederhogg!”

“And that bastard!”

“You wait, Old Ancestor won’t let you go, hmph!”

Black Phoenix senses the direction of Supreme Netherworld, and vibrates its wings at the fastest speed. It has been sealed for too long, and now I just want to return to Supreme Netherworld as soon as possible, return to the Black Phoenix family, return to the farewell s home.

But at this moment, a teasing voice suddenly sounded in the ear: “Ancestral Black Phoenix, where are you going?”

“Of course it’s going home…”

Ancestral Black Phoenix didn’t even want to answer, but it felt something was wrong in the middle of the sentence. When he turned his head, he saw Monray both hands crossed near chest. When he looked at it with a faint smile, he saw Monray steadily following. Side, it doesn’t seem to fly much

Didn’t fly?

Can keep up with me?


Seeing Monray, Ancestral Black Phoenix was in a rage, furiously fanning its wings, and its speed surged instantly, leaving Monray directly behind.

However, without waiting for it to breathe a sigh of relief, Monray appeared next to it again in the next second: “Ancestral Black Phoenix, stop struggling, you can’t escape!”


Ancestral Black Phoenix almost went crazy, burning magic power decisively, and the speed skyrocketed again…

Unfortunately, it’s useless!

“You really can fight!”

Monray appeared again.

“Bastard! Is it endless?”

Ancestral Black Phoenix ran away completely. It turned its gun head and directly attacked Monray’s phoenix claw with its sharp beak madly killing Monray.

In this regard, Monray has only one trick: Space Imprisonment!


The Law of Space fluctuated and Ancestral Black Phoenix was instantly in place by Imprisonment. At this time, its attack was not far away from Monray.

“Damn! The body can’t move!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix turn pale with fright, the body struggled frantically, but under the Imprisonment of Law of Space, it couldn’t move at all.

“This is…Law of Space?” Ancestral Black Phoenix looked at Monray in disbelief: “Are you comprehended Law of Space? Are you Intermediate Overgod?”

“You guessed it wrong, I am High Overgod!” Monray faintly smiled: “So you are in front of me, like a humble and weak grasshopper, jumping and jumping, thinking that you are very happy, but I don’t know me. I can pinch you to death!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix’s old face was completely black: “What do you want?”

“Be my mount, otherwise… die!”

Monray coldly said.

“Since the birth of the vast universe, there has never been a Demon Ancestor as a mount for others!” Ancestral Black Phoenix said in a low voice: “If you insist on this, the powerhouse of my Demon clan will never let you go, let alone me, and we will be the consequence. Can’t afford it!”

“That’s my business, you don’t have to worry about it!”

Monray waved his hand impatiently: “Finally, I will give you a chance, either to be my mount or… to die!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix was silent, and began to struggle fiercely inside. If it had a choice, it didn’t want to be Monray’s mount at all!

Not to mention its dignity, as the pride of Demon Ancestor, even the consequences of becoming a Monray mount force it not to agree!

dignified Demon Ancestor Give an Overgod a mount?

If this spreads out, can the powerhouses of the Demon camp let it go? Can the great Supreme Nether God allow it? Ancestral Black Phoenix can’t imagine it!

But if you don’t agree, you have to die now!

“I promise you!”

Under the threat of death, Ancestral Black Phoenix finally acknowledged allegiance.

“You made a wise choice!”

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