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In the end, Black Phoenix Old Ancestor handed over his Divine Soul Source and became Monray’s mount.

Well, the mount of Overgod level.

“Now you can tell me what that thing is!” Monray said indifferently.

Ancestral Black Phoenix looked unlovable: “I was sealed by Niederhogg’s fellow Overgod and brought back here. Niederhogg could have killed me, but at a critical juncture, that thing saved me!”

“carry on!”

Monray said.

Ancestral Black Phoenix muttered: “For a lucky guy like Niederhogg, if nothing else, he would have been impossible to comprehend the Supreme Law and be promoted to Intermediate Overgod all his life. In other words, his training road has come to an end!”

Monray slightly nodded.

“Niederhogg is naturally unwilling to be Lower Overgod forever, so when I told him that, he was easily hooked!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix sneered: “He really didn’t kill me, but he wanted to know the whereabouts of that thing from me for 1000 squares and 100s!”

“What the hell is that stuff?”

Monray was also aroused. What is it that makes Niederhogg dignified Overgod so concerned?

“Void Beast!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix speaks surprisingly.

“Void Beast?”

Monray trembles slightly.

“To be precise, it is a cub of Flame Star Beast!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix was also a little excited: “Before the last God and Demon battle, when I went to that place to collect Extreme Cold objects, I ran into the Little Brat! It seemed to be sealed, or it might be trapped in that place, anyway. Get out!”

“You didn’t take it away?”

Monray is a little confused.

“I really want to! I really want to take it away!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix makes no secret of the desire and greed in the heart: “The rise of the Boundless Sovereign King has given us a new way of training for God and Demon. There is no need for Overgod Spark and Overdemon Spark, and no need to understand Supreme Law, just a Void. Beast cub!”

“But it’s a pity that I went to the battlefield in a hurry, and then there was no more!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix’s voice is full of unwillingness and regret: “If I can get the Flame Star Beast cub and take possession of it, maybe in the future I can reach the height of the Boundless Sovereign King… oh! It’s late!”

“Where is the Flame Star Beast cub sealed?” Monray asked quickly.

“Dark Abyss!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix said every word.

“Dark Abyss? Where is that?”

Monray was puzzled.

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Ancestral Black Phoenix looked dumbfounded: “You don’t even know Dark Abyss?”

“Nonsense! If I know Dark Abyss, I still have to ask you?” Monray rolled the eyes.

“Brat, you are too unknown and inexperienced!”

Mora was a little speechless, but still explained: “Dark Abyss is a horrible crack in Void World. Some people say it is a space channel. Others say it was left by several Ruler-level powerhouses during the battle…”

“What exactly it is, there are different opinions!”

“But one thing is certain: Dark Abyss does not have a magic element, and there is no basic Law, and it is very dangerous. Even if the Overgod level powerhouse goes deep into it, there is absolutely no life, and it is impossible to escape!”

Mora sighed: “There is mysterious power in Dark Abyss that is constantly destroying the surrounding Law, making it impossible for the Source Strength of the universe to repair it, so it always exists!”

“This is Dark Abyss!”

Monray suddenly said, “Mora, how is Flame Star Beast, how does it compare with Boundless Giant Beast, can it grow to Supreme Ruler?”

“Why, do you want to find the cub of Flame Star Beast?”

Mora laughed and said: “The battle between God and Demon has been a few million years, and the Flame Star Beast cub may have run away early. Even if it does not run, it must be dead!”

“However, Flame Star Beast is really powerful. This is a terrible rare beast with Peak Void Beast bloodline. It feeds on the sun and reaches the sun, so it is called [Flame Star Beast]. The bloodline is not bad. From Boundless Giant Beast!”

“Dark Abyss is far from here?”

Monray asked again.

“It’s not far away!”

Mora said: “Dark Abyss happens to be at the center of the universe, and the High Level Plane like Earth God World is very close to the center of the universe!”

“It’s not far away!”

Monray slightly nodded: “If that’s the case, then go to Dark Abyss to take a look!”

“I guess you will probably return without success this time!”

“Take it as a trip to Dark Abyss!”

Subsequently, Monray returned to the alien space with Ancestral Black Phoenix, and then continued to check the box. Dark Abyss had to go, but it would take a while.

The fifth box is relatively large, long thousands zhang, but only ten zhang wide, slender and slender. It looks very weird. Monray opened the lid of the box, and a pillar with red flames engraved on the surface was quiet. Lying in the middle of the box.

“what is this?”

Monray reached out and grabbed the crimson pillar, starting with an extremely heavy weight. With his lower Overgod level body, it was actually very difficult.

“This is just a huge zhang long, ten zhang thick pillar, so heavy?” Monray was a little shocked: “What material is this thing made of?”

“Hehe! Didn’t you just want to go to Dark Abyss to find the cub of Flame Star Beast, if I guessed right, this thing is the horn of Flame Star Beast!” Mora tsk tsk said.

“The Horn of Flame Star Beast?”

Monray was shocked.

“After Niederhogg learned of the cubs of Flame Star Beast from my mouth, he spent time collecting things related to Flame Star Beast. He should have collected this horn specially!”

Ancestral Black Phoenix muffled.

“That’s right!”

Mora slightly nodded: “If you are a normal person, you will have a variety of obsessive behaviors after it is possible to get a treasure but never get it! But it is a pity that the horns are horns after all, and they cannot live with them. Compared to Flame Star Beast!”

Mora shook her head and floated to the sixth box, waiting for Monray to open the box, but what made him strange is that Monray didn’t move at all and kept staring at the corner of Flame Star Beast.

“Don’t look at it, it’s just a broken corner!” Mora urged: “Open this box!”

“Corner… only?”

Meng Lightning God smiled secretly, and suddenly a scorching three-color flame spewed out of his body. The flames grew more and more, and the whole person instantly became a fireman.


“(⊙o⊙) …”

“Shen horse situation?”

“Brat, what’s wrong with you?”

Mora and Ancestral Black Phoenix looked dumbfounded.

Well, suddenly there was a fire?

“Puff puff puff ——”

When the two people were confused, Monray suddenly crawled out of three-color scales on the surface of the body, and three horns appeared on the head. The middle corner was pointed and straight, and the corners on the second side were slightly curved toward the second side. The surface is covered with 2-color flame threads.

“puchi -“

Immediately afterwards, the clothes behind Monray suddenly split, and a pair of wings covered with hard scales appeared, and they became huge wings in the blink of an eye.

The body creeps slightly, his hands become sharp claws, his feet become claws, his neck stretches out, his strands grow tails, his body is well-proportioned, his muscles are distinct…

“This is this…”

Mora and Ancestral Black Phoenix were stunned, their eyes almost popping out.

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