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Earth God World, Niederhogg God Race headquarters.

After the previous battle, Niederhogg God Race suffered heavy casualties, and the army above High God was almost wiped out, leaving only 2 big cats and kittens.

The huge Niederhogg God Race is over, and there is no possibility of turning over and rising.

From now on, the Earth God World Ten Deities Race will become 9 Divine Races. If this spreads, it will definitely cause an unprecedented super earthquake that will shake the entire Earth God World and set off an incomparable storm of terror.

Of course, this is a future thing.

Now, no one knows.

At this moment, to ask who is the most excited person is Chahman and the others.

10000 100000000 The fall of powerhouse, the wealth left behind is amazing, even if everyone leaves 100 Divine Crystal, everyone must add up to 100 trillion!

Over 100 trillion Divine Crystals are a fortune for Monray, not to mention the smooth High Gods like Chahman and Barbus!


“It’s released!”

“Hahaha! With so many space rings, Laozi has become a 100000000 million 10000 rich man!”

“It’s cool! It’s cool to follow the Master! The wisest decision in my life is to follow the Lord…”

“Ai, I am so envious of you!”

Emery Fillmore looked at Chahman and the others picking up the Divine Spark and space ring covering the mountains and plains. His envious eyes were red. How he wished he was one of them.

Unfortunately, he is not!

Chahman and the others are like industrious little bees, happy to collect Divine Spark and space ring, filling their pockets.

Seeing that the space ring covering the mountains and plains was almost collected by them, a terrible pressure suddenly came. Then, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…



in a flash, 7 surging pressure dropping from the sky, instantly oppressing everyone’s heart, Chahman and the others have no room for resistance, they are directly pressed on the ground, their complexion flushed, as if carrying too Ancient God Mountain. , Heaviness to the extreme!


“This is the coercion of Overgod!”

“Heavens! How many Overgods are these?”

Chahman and the others have seen Overgod and naturally felt the pressure of Overgod. The 7 terrifying pressures that have come at this moment are definitely Overgod!

Moreover, it was even more terrifying than they had felt before, and even more powerful and terrifying!

“Other Overgods are here!”

Emery Fillmore was full of horror: “It’s definitely another Overgod coming!”

“Other Overgod?”

Chahman and the others also reacted. The Master kills and kills 3 Overgods. How could the other Overgods of Earth God World remain indifferent?

just now……

They are coming!

Everyone is right, the other Overgods of Earth God World have indeed arrived, and they are 7!

The seven Overgods stood proudly in the sky, without restraining the surging and terrible coercion, which can be clearly felt by the entire Niederhogg Continent.

The head of the person is an Overgod Bados with a beautiful face and a sacred cold look!

Overgod Bados looked down at Niederhogg Dragon Mountain, frowning, and the huge Niederhogg God Race even lost a High God.

“That’s horrible!”

“This thief is too hateful!”

“Niederhogg God Race is over!”

Many Overgods shook their heads. The Niederhogg God Race once was so powerful, but now it’s not good. Not only has the Overgod Niederhogg fallen, but even the experts in the Divine Race have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. The huge Divine Race In name only is really amazing.

“Where is the thief now?”

Overgod Bados indifferently said: “Find him immediately, and then take him back to the Overgod court to accept the trial of Four Rulers and the Overgod!”

“Yes, Your Excellency Bados!”

The other 6 Overgods bowed slightly, and then released the divine sense, looking for Monray’s silhouette, but they were puzzled, but they didn’t find anyone.



“what’s the situation?”

“Catch an accomplice and ask!”

Frozen God Race Overgod grabbed it casually, and accidentally caught Emery Fillmore who was crushed on the ground, and asked indifferently: “Where is the thief who killed the 3 Overgod?”

“Back… back to the great Overgod!”

Emery Fillmore had already scared the soul flew away and scattered, where he dared to hide: “Meng…Lord Monray seems to be heading to the top of the mountain!”

“There is no one on the top of the mountain, you are so bold, you dare to deceive Overgod!”

Frozen God Race Overgod coldly said: “Dead!”


Emery Fillmore as if was struck by lightning, his head exploded and he was killed on the spot.

“Emery Fillmore!”

“It’s over! It’s dead today!”

When Chahman and the others saw this, the soul flew away and scattered, Frozen God Race Overgod started so very ruthless, they could not escape today!

Afterwards, Frozen God Race Overgod grabbed it and grabbed the fatty in the crowd: “Say, where is the thief now?”

“just kill me!”

Although fatty was scared to the point of shivering, but facing the question of Frozen God Race Overgod, he turned his head up and sneered: “I fatty admits that I am not your opponent. I have nothing to say! But Old Brother must Will kill you to avenge me! Hehe, I can pull an Overgod back, fatty I’m so worth it! hahahaha…”

“Want to die? How easy is it!” Frozen God Race Overgod’s face was cold and severe: “Do you think I can’t know if I don’t say it? Naive!”

After speaking, Frozen God Race Overgod released the strength of Divine Soul and began to forcibly search for the soul of the fatty, and the poor fatty immediately issued a mournful scream.



When Chahman and the others saw this, their eye sockets were cracked. They followed Monray together over the years. They boasted and chatted with nonsense. They had already established a very deep relationship. Now that they are in such pain, how can they not feel sad?

Fatty’s screaming not at all lasted for as long as it was over, but when he stopped struggling, his eyes were dull and his pupils were godless, and he became a puppet.

Obviously, he has been shocked into a fool by a violent soul search, an idiot!

Violent soul search is the easiest to destroy Divine Soul!

“It’s just an ant!”

Frozen God Race Overgod coldly snorted, a cold current gushes out from the palm of the hand, and the fatty whole person instantly becomes an ice sculpture, and then gently rubs it, and the ice sculpture turns into a sky full of icy debris.


Chahman and the others trembled with anger and their eyes were red. However, the Frozen God Race Lord God Statue did an insignificant thing, looking towards Overgod Bados, frowns said:

“Your Excellency, you have to find that guy as soon as possible, and then kill him! Otherwise, there will be endless misfortunes and repeat the Boundless Sovereign King!”

What about the Boundless Sovereign King?

Overgod heard that eyebrow raised, proud and arrogant Giant Elephant Divine Race Overgod disapproved: “Zild, are you alarmist?”

“Helsa, if you knew the life of that guy, you wouldn’t think so!”

Frozen God Race Overgod slowly said: “You know, that guy is not more than 50 years old, but he has understood Law of Time and Law of Space?”

“what did you say?”

“Not over 50 years old?”

“Comprehend Law of Time and Law of Space?”

When the six Overgods heard the words, they were shocked all over, with a terrified look in their eyes. God, who is not more than 6 years old, completely believed it.

But Great Perfection, who is less than 50 years old, cannot accept it anyway, let alone this Great Perfection also comprehended 2 Supreme Laws!

This is simply a fantasy story!

“I know this is hard to believe, so I don’t intend to convince you!”

Frozen God Race Overgod reached out and grabbed Chahman, Sanir, Barbus, Galen, Zacas and Mervin.

“Search your soul yourself, and you will get the answer you want!”

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