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The sound of mournful scream resounded over the Giant Dragon Mountain, and the 6-person face looks sinister of Chahman and Zacas, suffering from the inhuman torture brought about by the soul search.


It hurts too!




Nagya and the others saw the eye socket cracked and wanted to rush up to fight the 6 Overgod desperately, but they were crushed on the ground, basically impossible to move even a little bit.

A few minutes later, the soul search came to an end, and the screams of the 6 people gradually stopped. Like the fatty, their eyes became dull, their pupils were dull, and they were obviously shocked by the violent soul search and became idiots. They will never be impossible anymore. back to normal.

Bados and other 6 Overgod randomly lost the Chahman 6 who became stupid, and looked at each other, they all saw the horror in each other’s eyes.

“Did you get the answer you wanted?”

Frozen God Race Overgod solemnly asked.


“That guy must die!”

“He is not dead, the disaster of the Boundless Sovereign King will surely repeat itself, and the entire universe will be destroyed!”

“He must be found and brought to the Overgod Court to be executed, otherwise, it will be the next Boundless Sovereign King, even more terrifying than the Boundless Sovereign King!”

Overgod Bados waved his hand, shouted in a deep voice: “Look! I have to find him anyway!”

“Yes, Your Excellency!”

The 6 Overgod bowed slightly, and quickly spread out to find, Overgod Bados turned over the palm, and a pale-gold leaf appeared in the palm.

With the power of Overgod pouring into it, the golden leaves suddenly burst into brilliant golden light, and the golden light soared into the sky, converging into a majestic silhouette.

She has green long hair like a waterfall, and she exudes the terrifying aura of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, like the sky, like the earth…

Ruler everything, control everything!

“Great Ruler of Life!”

Bados bowed slightly, full of reverence.

“Have you found the murderer?”

Ruler of Life spoke slowly, and the sound was like a March spring breeze, warm and gentle, and like Dingdong spring water, washing people’s hearts.

“Back to Ruler, I haven’t found that person, but…”

Overgod Bados respectfully opened the mouth and said: “But I got reliable information. The potential threat to that person is extremely great, even worse than the Boundless Sovereign King. I request all Overgod to be dispatched. Be sure to find that person and put him to death! “

“Bados, is it so serious?”

Ruler of Life Pico astonished!

Who is the Boundless Sovereign King?

That is the body possession of the young Boundless Giant Beast, and grown into an adult Boundless Giant Beast, the horror of strength is not inferior to 4 Rulers, if it weren’t for Four Rulers and more than 100 Overgods to encircle and suppress him, it is unknown whether he can be killed!

Such a tyrannical existence, who can compare to him?

“Back to Ruler, that guy is currently under 45 years old, but he has already comprehended Law of Time and Law of Space. The level of Monster is unprecedented!”

Overgod Bados bowed back and said, “If he is allowed to grow up, he will definitely become a disaster even more terrifying than the Boundless Sovereign King!”

“Bados, is this true?”

The voice of Ruler of Life increased by 8 degrees.

“There is no falsehood!”

Overgod Bados respectfully reply.

Ruler of Life was silent, and it took a long time to say: “His situation is different from Boundless Sovereign King. It cannot be generalized. You need to see him to make a correct judgment! Bados, you will find him immediately! I will talk to other Rulers later. , Overgod here!”

“Yes, Ruler!”

After that, the Rule of Life dissipated, and Overgod Bados didn’t dare to neglect, and hurriedly searched for it. With her High Overgod’s horrible Divine Soul, with the increase in Earth God World Planar Power, the envelope of divine sense is terrifying.

Finding someone is not too easy!

But the sad thing is that after searching for a long time, I still couldn’t find Monray, which made Overgod Bados very angry: “Where is this damn bastard? Has he already left Earth God World? If so, then it will be troublesome. !”

“Do you have any news over there?”


“Not found!”

“No one at all!”

“This guy seems to have disappeared!”

Asked other Overgod, but also failed to find, Overgod Bados is even more provocative:

“Find! Be sure to find him before Four Rulers and the Overgod arrive!”

Where is Monray at this moment?

He is in the void!

The Space Annihilation was different. The Transmission Array returned to the temple was naturally destroyed. Monray was exiled in the void. He had to find a way to return to Earth God World.

But this can’t trouble Monray!

As long as he senses Earth God World, he can directly Tearing the Void and Teleportation back.

It’s easier to sense Earth God World. The Divine Soul Source of Chahman and the others is in his hands. He can sense Chahman and the others.

In a short time, Monray sensed the specific location of Earth God World, and Teleportation appeared above Niederhogg Dragon Mountain.


“Really strong aura!”


“Is it that guy?”

“Looking at the past!”

As soon as Monray appeared, it was discovered by 7 Overgod.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

The 7 Overgod appeared instantly and surrounded Monray.

“7 Overgod?”

Seeing the 7 Overgod suddenly appearing, Monray raised his eyebrows and was not surprised.

He killed 3 Overgods including Titan Overgod, Niederhogg and Angel Overgod, and other Overgods came to seek revenge on themselves, which was completely reasonable.

Monray looked at the 7 Overgods, and the 7 Overgods were also looking at him. The Overgods were full of curiosity, doubts, and incredible…

“Master !!!”

“Master is back!”

As soon as I saw Monray, Nagya and Spider Goddess and the others were ecstatic, each and everyone was inexplicably excited and completely obscured by the excitement. They have never looked forward to seeing Monray in this brief moment!

“Why are you so embarrassed?”

Monray looked at Nagya and the others who were crushed on the ground. His face was a bit ugly, especially when he saw Chahman 6 with dull gaze and puppet-shaped Chahman, his face became gloomy as water: “By the way, fatty, he Where did you go?”

“Master, fatty was killed by him!”

Nagya pointed at Frozen God Race Overgod Zild and said angrily: “He searched for Fatty’s Divine Soul, turned him into an idiot, and then killed him cruelly! There are also 6 people from Chahman and Barbus who were also searched for their souls and became completely Stupid!”

“Master, you must avenge them!”

“Master, kill these Overgods, they are so hateful!”

“Good good! Good good!”

Monray looked at the 7 Overgods coldly.

“Niederhogg, is he the murderer?”

Overgod Bados ignored Monray, but with a big wave, released three Overgod Remnant Souls including Overgod Niederhogg, and asked coldly.

“Your Excellency, it’s him!”

When Niederhogg saw Monray, his eyes were full of resentment: “This thief killed me and Dawson and Raphael! Your Excellency, take revenge for us!”

“You thief who got 1000 knives, I can’t wait to eat your flesh and sleep your skin…”

Titan Overgod and Angel Overgod also exploded, cursing hysterically.

“Remnant Soul only, Ann dare to bark here?”

Monray is coldly snorted, an extremely violent divine sense shock wave burst out, instantly annihilating the Remnant Soul of the three Overgods, making them disappear into the vast world.

“impudent !”

Overgod Bados was furious: “Thief, you dare to kill the 3 Overgods, it’s completely crazy and ridiculous, it’s outrageous! Those who know it will immediately return to the Overgod court and accept the trial of Four Rulers, otherwise, call you die without a burial site !”

“Call me die without a burial site? Hehe, I will let you die without a burial site now!”

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