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Monray is very angry now. The time he has come to this World is not too short. He has no relatives and no reason, alone, just a few friends!

It’s alright now. Even these friends are abandoned. How can Monray not be angry, how can he not be angry?

“Damn! Damn you all!”

Monray let out a low growl, within both eyes overflowing with bright silver rays of light, coldly spit out 4 words: “Space Imprisonment!”

“shua ——”

As far as his eyes could be, the Void Imprisonment, the 7 Overgod were horrified to find that they could not move, their hands and feet did not listen, and the Divine Body was out of control.


“This is Law of Space!”

“He really comprehended Law of Space!”

“Quick! Use Overgod’s power immediately!”

The 7 Overgods hurriedly mobilized Overgod Spark to mobilize the Planar Power of Earth God World. In Earth God World, the Planar Power of Earth God World was naturally very scary. Under the confrontation of Planar Power, their bodies were gradually moved by the Imprisonment. .

However, before the 7 Overgod could breathe a sigh of relief, Monray unexpectedly appeared in front of Frozen God Race Overgod Zild: “You killed the fatty?”

“You… what are you doing?”

Frozen God Race Overgod turn pale with fright, crazy urge Planar Power to want to stay away from Monray.

He is the same as Niederhogg, just a Lower Overgod. Facing Monray, the demon who killed Lower Overgod like a pig slaughterer, he was terrified as a tiger.

“Dare to kill the fatty, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

Monray’s eyes were cold: “I want you to put all the pain you have imposed on the fatty body, complete it, and taste it yourself!”

Before he finished speaking, Monray lightly pressed his palm to the center of the eyebrows of Frozen God Race Overgod, and then pulled out the Overgod Spark of Frozen God Race Overgod with a hard stroke. The poor Frozen God Race Overgod struggled wildly, but couldn’t shake it at all. I can only watch my Overgod Spark being picked out by Monray in the endless pain!

Other Overgods saw their souls freak, and Overgod Bados shouted: “Your Excellency, killing Overgod is a big crime. You have killed 3 Overgods. It is too late to rein in the cliff, otherwise Four Rulers will not let you go!”


Monray slapped it directly, the Overgod Bados pretty face changed drastically. He wanted to avoid it, but his body seemed to be in a quagmire, and it was difficult to move a little.

“I’m High Overgod, and I can’t resist his Law of Space when urging Planar Power!”

Overgod Bados was shocked and horrified: “Is the complete Law of Space so scary?”

How strong is the complete Supreme Law?

Overgod Bados didn’t know either, because she only comprehended 50% of the Law of Life. Being in the mid-levels, she naturally couldn’t appreciate the whole scenery.

So now by Law of Space Imprisonment, Overgod Bados feels 10000 points horrified. Half of her comprehension of Law of Life is by no means so scary.

“What are you doing?”

“Damn! Let me go!”

“Four Rulers won’t let you go!”

On the other side, after being pulled out of Overgod Spark, Frozen God Race Overgod was in horror and yelled hysterically. He didn’t want to die, let alone end up like the three Overgod.

“Feel the pain of fatty, idiot!”

The strength of Divine Soul surged out, poured into the Overgod Spark, and then rammed, left and right, like a flood that broke the dike, madly impacting the Divine Soul of Frozen God Race Overgod, the screams suddenly resounded through the void, listen I got other Overgod scalp tingling.

How painful is dignified Overgod to scream so badly?

“Ahhhh …”

The scream of Frozen God Race Overgod continued for a full ten minutes before it gradually stopped. It took a full 3 to 4 times longer than that of Fatty. Only then did Monray completely erase his Divine Soul and completely kill Frozen God Race Overgod.

“You searched for Chahman’s soul?”

Monray appeared in front of Fire Phoenix Divine Race Overgod Vardy and asked indifferently.

“Don’t… don’t kill me!”

Fire Phoenix Divine Race Overgod scared his face deathly pale, repeatedly begging for mercy: “I am willing to give everything to redeem my sins, and ask you to let me live!”

“Now beg for mercy? It’s too late!”

Monray did the same, picking out the Overgod Spark of Fire Phoenix Divine Race Overgod, and then began to attack his Divine Soul, violently searching for the soul.

It was another scream for ten minutes…

“Devil! He is the devil!”

“Isn’t he afraid of Four Rulers’ trial and punishment for killing Overgod like this?”

“Your Excellency Bados, hurry up and notify Four Rulers and let them come right away! Otherwise, this devil will kill us!”

Overgod Bados is also frightened. If at first she is not afraid of Monray, but after experiencing the complete volume of Law of Space, she knows that she is definitely not an opponent of Monray. If Monray is allowed to slaughter, perhaps her High Overgod will also be… …Kill!

“Right right! Notify Ruler! Let Four Rulers come right away, only they can save us!”

Overgod Bados quickly took out the golden leaf, poured the power of Overgod into it, and began to call the great Ruler of Life.


The reappearance of that majestic silhouette is exactly the Ruler of Life.

“Great Ruler, come and save us! This terrible devil is killing us!”

Overgod Bados shouted.


Ruler of Life slightly frowned, his soft gaze swept away and fell on Monray, and he saw Monray who was searching for his soul, and his face suddenly became cold: “How dare you slaughter Overgod wantonly, and stop quickly?”

“What are you?”

Monray glanced at Ruler of Life.

“impudent !”

Overgod Bados shouted: “This is the great Ruler of Life, do you dare to be disrespectful to her?”

“Ruler of Life?”

Monray sneered: “If the Ruler of Life’s true body comes, I might give you 30% thin face, a wisp of Divine Sense projection ……get out of my sight!”

As he said, Monray was coldly snorted, and violent sound waves burst out in circles, and the divine sense projection of Ruler of Life suddenly exploded, turning into a sky full of light and disappearing into the sky.


Overgod Bados was trembling with anger. She absolutely did not expect Monray to be so bold, and even the divine sense projection of Ruler of Life was smashed. This is no longer what boldness can describe, this is simply regardless of the law and of natural morality, completely crazy and ridiculous!

That’s the great Ruler of Life of Supreme! ! !

“Although call Four Rulers!”

Monray glanced at Overgod Bados: “They’d better come here, and save me one by one to find them!”

After that, Monray continued to search for the soul slowly, without paying attention to the upcoming Four Rulers and other Overgod, which made Overgod Bados furious, but helpless, Monray was too strong, and strong made her despair!

“You searched Sanir’s soul?”

“You searched for the soul of Zacas?”

“You searched for the soul of Barbus?”

After Fire Phoenix Divine Race Overgod, Giant Elephant Divine Race Overgod, Nature God Race Overgod, Behemoth Divine Race Overgod, Scarab Divine Race Overgod, Giant Elephant Divine Race Overgod were also searched for souls, and then fell.

Whether it’s Lower Overgod or Intermediate Overgod, they all fell into Monray’s hands, leaving only one Overgod…Overgod Bados.

“Now, you are left!”

Monray came to Overgod Bados.

“You kill me, but Four Rulers will avenge me!”

Bados witnessed the killing of 6 Overgods with his own eyes. He experienced panic, despair, fear, and unwillingness. Now he seems to have seen it off!

“Do you think I would be afraid of Four Rulers?”

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