You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Do you think I would be afraid of Four Rulers?”

Monray looked at Overgod Bados as if looking at an idiot: “There is never an idiot who can train to our realm! Of course, except for you group of Overgods, after all, you are just a group of lucky people that integrate with Overgod Spark that’s all!”

Overgod Bados pretty face changed drastically, crying out in surprise: “Can you compete with Ruler?”

Monray faintly smiled, with two fingers, he pulled out the Overgod Spark of Overgod Bados. Looking at the irregular crystal that shone brightly, Monray smiled.

“Earth God World’s 11 Overgod Sparks seem to be in my hands! Mora, you say… If I now integrate these 11 Overgod Sparks, will I become the Supreme God?”

“It’s completely possible in theory!”

Mora replied in the affirmative: “However, you have not yet become a god, and you cannot integrate Overgod Spark! So, you should find a way to become a god first!”

“I can become a god at any time!” Monray slightly nodded: “What I care about is, after the integration of Overgod Spark, will it affect my understanding of Law of Creation?”

“Of course it will affect, but it is a positive effect!”

Mora without the slightest hesitation said: “Once you become a god, your Divine Soul will become extremely powerful, and the Divine Soul will become stronger, so the difficulty of comprehending Law of Creation will naturally decrease. There is no doubt about this!”

“If this is the case, then become a god!”

Monray laughed, his eyes flashed, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “However, it seems that there is no time now!”


Mora raised an eyebrow.

“Great Ruler… here it is!”

Monray’s voice had not yet fallen, a terrifying aura came from a distance, the void swayed slightly, and one person stopped 100 meters away.

This person is wearing a bright silver robe, embroidered with Supreme Law rune, a pair of bright silver pupils are cold and indifferent, without a trace of emotion, looked towards the scattered Overgod corpses around him, his brows suddenly frowned, and hurry Slowly, are you still a step late after all?

Then, his gaze fell on Monray, which was Overgod Spark from Overgod Bados.

“Great Ruler of Space, help…help me! Help me!” Overgod Bados’ panic cry for help came from the Overgod Spark.

“Overgod Bados!”

Ruler of Space’s expression was so gloomy that even Overgod Bados was killed. What about the other Overgods in Earth God World?

What about other Overgod Spark?


Ruler of Space’s heart sank. Of course he knew what would happen if all the Overgod Sparks in a God World fell into the hands of one person. He never wanted to see, and he didn’t want to see it!

Why is there “Overgod Agreement”?

The surface is to prevent Overgod from killing each other, its main purpose or for is to prevent the birth of Super Overgod, the birth of Super Overgod in 10000, and even… the legendary Supreme God, will definitely threaten the status of Four Rulers!

This is what Four Rulers don’t want to see, so there is “Overgod Agreement”!

But now, the thing Four Rulers most worried about still happened!

“You must kill him before he merges all Overgod Sparks! Otherwise, waiting for him to merge all Overgod Sparks in Earth God World will have disastrous consequences!”

Ruler of Space has sharp eyes like a knife, staring at Monray coldly: “Ant, are you convicted?”

“I know guilty?”

Monray smiled: “I want to know what crime I committed. If hunting Overgod is also a crime, then I would rather commit the crime to the end!”

“impudent !”

Ruler of Space was furious: “As a Great Perfection, but slaughtering Overgod wantonly, it is absolutely heinous, now immediately surrender obediently, otherwise…”

Monray hehe: “Great Ruler of Space, needless to talk about unnecessary nonsense, see the real chapter under your hand, let me see, why can you be ranked as Four Rulers and overlook the gods?”

“If you persist in your own wrong doings, then go to hell!” Ruler of Space stared indifferently, coldly spit out 4 words: “Space Imprisonment!”


The Law of Space came down instantly and landed on Monray. Imprisonmented the space around Monray. It seemed that even Monray was left in place by Imprisonment.

“Space Blade!”

Ruler of Space casually pointed, and a broken blade shining bright silver rays of light appeared in the void, lasing out, taking Monray’s head straight.

“Attack me with Law of Space?”

Monray almost laughed, his eyes staring, and the Space Blade that was originally shot at disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Afterwards, Monray shook his shoulders slightly, and the void of Imprisonment dispersed.

Ruler of Space slightly frowned: “You have such a deep understanding of Law of Space?”

He only learned about Monray comprehended Law of Time and Law of Space from Ruler of Life, but didn’t know to what extent.

However, after a short confrontation, Ruler of Space has already noticed that Monray has a deep understanding of Law of Space, at least more than 50%!

Monray indifferently said: “I am fully comprehended if you comprehend it, and I am comprehended if you don’t comprehend it, so don’t display one’s slight skill before an expert in front of me!”

“Display one’s slight skill before an expert?”

Ruler of Space’s face sank, and the silver light flashed to Monray. The right hand turned into a Space Blade and slammed Monray’s neck.

“Don’t dare to come?”

Monray coldly snorted: “Space Annihilation!”


Tone barely fell, the void in front of Monray suddenly annihilated and turned into a black hole. The air, magic element, basic law, and even the space itself were completely twisted into a paste and turned into a black hole.

Ruler of Space accidentally plunged into the black hole and suddenly let out a scream.

Then, he quickly retreated, and when he retreated a few kilometers away, he stopped.

I saw that the robe on Ruler of Space had disappeared, and even the eyebrows and hair had been damaged to a certain extent. If it weren’t for Ruler of Space, the Divine Body would be extremely tyrannical, and something must have happened just now.


Ruler of Space breathed fire in his eyes, and a robe quickly appeared on his body to cover himself. Looking at Monray, his eyes were filled with endless killing intents: “how many years, you are the first to make this Ruler so embarrassed. People, I will smash your corpse for 10000 paragraphs!”


An extremely violent aura erupted from Ruler of Space, and the surrounding void seemed to shatter like fragile mirrors. For a time, with Ruler of Space as the center, the void of 10000000 million kilometers was completely reduced to a black hole.

Ruler of Space is in the center of the black hole, and the body emits bright silver rays of light. The whole person has become a bright silver. This is the physical manifestation of Law of Space.

“The humble ant, you will understand how stupid it is to provoke a Ruler!”

Ruler of Space a long whistle, the right hand grabbed it out of thin air, and a bright silver giant sword composed entirely of Law of Space appeared quietly. The surface of the giant sword was engraved with the mysterious Law of Space rune.

“Spatial Sword, cut!”

Spatial Sword let out a low growl, and the bright silver giant sword disappeared abruptly. In the next instant, it was already less than 3 inches from the top of Monray’s head.

giant sword ……Teleportation completely appeared!

“I said, this kind of attack is useless to me!”

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