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The black hole hangs in the air, like a huge black sun, which is clearly visible even if it is countless light years away, which has attracted the attention of countless Gods.

“What’s that? The black sun?”

“There must be a super powerhouse fighting over there!”

“That’s not Niederhogg God Race…”

The gods discuss spiritedly, pointing fingers.

On the other hand, the Overgods headed by the 3 Rulers finally arrived at Earth God World. Because they weren’t their own Plane, the Overgods could not Teleportation and could only travel by flying.

The flying speed of Overgod is undoubtedly too big, but Earth God World is too big. Compared with two, the flying speed of Overgod seems to be relatively slow.

“There is …”

During the flight, Ruler and the Overgod also noticed the battle over Niederhogg Dragon Mountain, and their eyes flashed differently.

“Depending on the situation, Adela is already fighting with the thief!”

Ruler of Life, with long green hair like a waterfall, said slowly, her expression was not pretty, especially when she mentioned Monray, she breathed fire in her eyes.

Upon hearing this, the Overgod was overjoyed: “With Lord Adela here, the thief must be obediently surrender. When we arrive, the battle is probably over!”

“That is…”

Ruler of Death and Ruler of Destruction were indifferent and did not express their opinions, and instead quickly flew in the direction of Niederhogg God Race.

“We are also gone!”


“I said, this kind of attack is useless to me!”

Looking at the bright silver giant sword appearing out of thin air above his head, Monray shook his head slightly, a silver glow flashed in his eyes, and a Space Crack appeared in front of him, swallowing the bright silver giant sword in one bite.

Monray looked at Ruler of Space and said separately: “it’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives, you also taste the taste of your own Spatial Sword!”

Before the words fell, a crack abruptly cracked behind Ruler of Space, and the Spatial Sword that had just disappeared was cut out from it, directly towards Ruler of Space.

“You actually completely comprehended the Law of Space!”

After several moves in succession, Ruler of Space basically tested out Monray’s understanding of Law of Space, and couldn’t help being both shocked and angry. It was shocked that Monray, a silent and obscure person, could fully comprehend the Supreme Law of Law of Space!

The one who is angry is that Law of Space was originally his exclusive Law. He is the only one who understands 100% of the whole world. Now there are people who are completely comprehended. Ruler of Space feels that his things have been taken away, and he is extremely angry.

“I only noticed now, it’s too late!”

Monray is coldly snorted, the bright silver rays of light disappeared in the eyes, replaced by an unusually soft golden divine glow.

“Do you think I will be hit by my own attack? Ridiculous!”

Ruler of Space did not look at the Spatial Sword behind him, staring at Monray like a blade, coldly said: “Since you have fully understood the Law of Space, then you must die, the vast universe, only this Ruler is qualified to understand the Law of Space !”

With that said, he prepared Teleportation to leave the place to avoid the Spatial Sword coming behind him.

However, at this brief moment, a heart-wrenching pain suddenly came from behind, and Spatial Sword was cut on Ruler of Space, cutting his indestructible Divine Body into a crack.

“How can it be?”

Ruler of Space was dumbfounded. He knew how fast the Spatial Sword was moving. According to his estimation, Teleportation would just be able to avoid Spatial Sword’s attack. But why was he still hit?

“Time accelerates to understand!”

Monray indifferently said: “Forgot to tell you that I not only completely comprehended Law of Space, but also Law of Time! In addition, there are Law of Life and Law of Destruction! In other words, I completely comprehended the 4 Supreme Laws, just ask Are you afraid?”

“Comprehended 4 Supreme Laws?”

Ruler of Space froze for a moment, and then sneered again and again: “Ant, don’t talk big words there! It is rare for you to fully understand the Law of Space, let alone the other three Supreme Laws, you are not afraid of being laughed out of! “

It’s not Ruler of Space that I look down on Monray, but Supreme Law is too complicated and mysterious. To understand how difficult and time-consuming Supreme Law is, he, Ruler of Space, has the most say!

Manpower is limited!

time is limited!

Limited talent!

Not to mention 4 kinds, 2 kinds are almost impossible!

“Love Believing or Not! Anyway, most of you have to explain here today!”

Monray shook his head and smiled: “Speaking of which, I have killed Great Perfection, I have killed Overgod, but I have never killed Supreme Ruler. I have to say that it is a pity! So, today I will take your Ruler of Space!”

“Kill me? It’s up to you?”

Ruler of Space laughed wildly like he heard the funniest joke in the universe, and the laughter shook the sky like thunder!

“Is it funny?” Monray raised his eyebrows: “I’m going to die, still laughing?”

“I laugh at you as a mentally retarded, idiot!”

Ruler of Space stopped laughing: “Tell you, even if you comprehended all 5 Supreme Laws, you can’t kill me. Do you know why?”


Monray raised an eyebrow.

“This is because of Supreme Heaven!”

Mora’s voice sounded: “Supreme Heaven is different from Ten Great God Worlds. It is not High Level Plane, but Supreme Plane!”

“What about Supreme Plane?”

Monray looked suspicious.

“Supreme Plane, what is Supreme?”

Mora seems to be asking herself: “In addition to the vast territory far beyond the High Level Plane, and the almost endless Planar Power, there is another thing that the High Level Plane does not have!”


Monray wondered.

Mora explained: “I told you before that the Plane Core of ordinary Plane consists of ten basic Law + ten Source Strength!”

“The heart of High Level Plane is composed of ten basic Laws + ten Source Strength + 5 Supreme Laws + 5 Supreme Law Power! The Plane Core of Supreme Plane is different!”

“How different?”

Monray is even more puzzled.

“Supreme Plane Core has ten five kinds of Law and ten five kinds of Law powers, there is one more thing, this thing is…Eternal Energy!”

Mora slowly said: “Eternal Energy, like Supreme Law and Supreme Law Power, is also a kind of immortal substance. Eternal Energy will never decrease, never disappear, never extinguish, Eternal Inextinguishable, absolutely eternal!”

“Eternal Energy!”

Monray murmured.

“Because it contains Eternal Energy, Supreme Heaven’s Plane Core is different from Ten Great God Worlds’ Plane Core! Therefore, Supreme Heaven’s Ruler, Overgod’s Overgod Spark and Ten Great God Worlds’ Overgod Spark are also different!”

Mora indifferently said: “Of course, for Supreme Heaven’s Overgod, Overgod Spark is actually indistinguishable because they can’t mobilize and use the Eternal Energy in Overgod Spark at all!”

“Why not?” Monray wondered.

“Because they didn’t comprehend Supreme Law!”

Mora chuckled said: “Eternal Energy is an immortal matter. To mobilize and use Eternal Energy, you must use the same level of immortal matter as the medium. However, all Overgods have not fully understood the Supreme Law, so Eternal Energy is useless to them!”

“Ruler is different!”

Mora continued: “Ruler has fully understood Supreme Law. With Supreme Law Power as a medium, Eternal Energy can be mobilized and used!”

“They will use Eternal Energy to transform the Divine Soul and Divine Body, so that their Divine Soul and Divine Body will have Eternal Inextinguishable and absolutely eternal characteristics!”

“So, I can’t kill at all!”

“Can’t kill?”

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