"The Motherland" has a fan meeting in Manhattan, "The Invisible Man" has a TV show to record today, "Xuan Se" has just gone out on a mission, "Queen Maeve" and "Starlight" are on the ground floor for a family-themed signing, clearly requiring no announcement" The Flash also came to headquarters today. In

the face of Madeleine's inquiry, Ashley blurted out almost without thinking.

She speaks extremely fast, but her logic is clear, and she can even tell the current work status of the members of the group of seven.

In the position of assistant, it is indeed a rare talent.

"You go and call Queen Maeve up and go to the command hall.

Madeleine thought for less than two seconds before deciding on a candidate.

"I came to contact the "people of the motherland". With

that, he picked up the phone at hand.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Seeing

Madeleine's performance, Ashley, who had been her assistant for many years, immediately understood the urgency of the matter.

Immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call, and at the same time stepped on high heels and rushed out.

For a while, the corridor was filled with the sound of footsteps of "Tatata".

Five minutes later.

Receiving a whispered notice from the staff, "Queen Maeve" immediately got up, left the fans on the scene and this time her partner "Starlight", and quickly left the scene to board the elevator.

"Starlight" glanced at her hurriedly departing back, with a bright smile on her face, and took over the rest of the signing work.

In her heart, being able to make children or their families smile is more in line with the work of heroes than wearing revealing clothes and making movies to entertain the public.

The elevator stops on the floor where the command hall is located, and "Queen Maeve" meets Ashley, who has been waiting for a long time.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Don't tell you, Queen, I'm confused too.

Ashley led her quickly to the command hall, "Lady Madeleine will be there soon, and she will explain it to you."

"Queen Maeve" nodded and said nothing more.

She easily kept up with Ashley's almost trotting footsteps, and the two walked through the corridor covered with posters of the group of seven to the command hall with open views.

A tall black figure stood in front of the glass with his back to the gate overlooking the city at his feet.

It's "The Flash".

Ashley paused at her feet, remembering that Madeleine had designated two members and did not call this uncle-like "Flash".

—What should I do, do you want to ask him out?

—But he was recruited by Edgart into the group of seven, what if I don't buy my account

?" "What's wrong, two ladies, are there any private meetings going on?"

Johnson turned around with the brim of his hat pressed, the backlight making it impossible for them to see his face at all.

"If so, I think I can recuse myself.

"Queen Maeve" looked at him without speaking, crossed Ashley, and came to sit down in the hall.

"That's right, Your Excellency The Flash, Ms. Madeleine..." Boom


there was a rapid air explosion outside the window, and Ashley was so shocked that she shrunk her neck and suddenly realized that it was the "motherlander" who had arrived.

"Maeve, you're here. "

Ms. Madeleine. There

were footsteps outside the door of the command hall, and Madeleine hurriedly walked in, greeted the "Queen Maeve", and then saw Joson, who should not be here, and immediately looked at Ashley suspiciously.

Ashley, who was stared at by the boss's death, helplessly spread her hands, and her heart was full of grievances.

There were powerful footsteps in the corridor, and Madeleine suddenly knew that it was the "motherlanders" who had returned, and immediately did not think about Ashley.

"Okay, you go out, remember to bring the door with you."

"Received, boss. The

"Motherlandman" strode into the command hall, and the moment he saw Madeleine, a sunny and hearty smile suddenly appeared on his originally serious face.

"Hi Madeleine. "

Hello, "Motherlander".

Ashley had a big smile on her face, though Azu didn't even glance at her.

She quickly pressed the close button and backed out.

The door slowly closed, and Madeleine clapped her hands and said.

"Well, everyone, ladies and gentlemen, including Your Excellency The Flash, if you are interested, please listen together. Hearing

Madeleine emphasize Joson standing by the window, his tone seemed to be quite important, and Azu instinctively felt a little unhappy in his heart.

But listening to Madeleine's tone, what was to be said next seemed important, and he quite sensibly overcame his anger and prepared to settle the score with the new member afterwards.

"I just received an insider alert from the group's NORAD headquarters that just five minutes ago, transoceanic Flight 37 from Paris to Chicago was hijacked by gangsters in mid-air.

"According to the available intelligence, the number of robbers should be three."

"I want you to bring all 123 passengers back intact before the military arrives." "

As long as it is done, no member of Congress will have the guts to continue to oppose our proposal to enter the defense system."

Azu nodded thoughtfully, Madeleine approached him, and said softly and gently: "This is our opportunity, an unprecedented opportunity, you can do it, right?" Azu

smelled the milk fragrance on Madeleine's body intoxicatedly, and nodded very confidently: "Of course!" Madeleine

touched his handsome cheek secretly and quickly, and the mother's Buff blessing the sunshine big boy's combat power suddenly swelled to the limit.

He even felt that if he met the bastard from last time again, he would definitely be able to beat him out of shit.

"Remember, you can't move on foreign territory, you will be caught.

"But intercepting hijacked planes in international waters, no one will protest."

Madeleine put the plan out one by one, and Azu nodded again and again, listening carefully.

"Queen Maeve" also came behind the two, although she was messy every day, she still attached great importance to rescue missions involving hundreds of lives.

"Okay, let's get moving.

"Since it is an air operation, the "Motherlandmen" can only carry one person, so Maeve, or your golden pair, is there a problem?"

The "motherlander" glanced back at her, showed a perfect smile, turned to Madeleine and smiled: "Don't worry, I will protect her."

"Oh, of course I don't worry, you guys pay attention to the time, it's about to leave." "

Interrupt. Qiao Sen didn't know when he came behind the three, "Can I participate in this mission?" The

"motherlandman" smiled frozenly, his brows furrowed, and he just wanted to reprimand, but heard Qiao Sen continue.

"Half of the current seven-person team members are involved in the rescue, which can better reflect the importance that the Walt Group attaches to people's lives, doesn't it?"

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