After Johnson finished speaking, not only Azu was stunned, but even Madeleine looked at him thoughtfully.

"But the rescue target is a plane, and a two-person partnership is the most suitable choice.

Madeleine raised her arm and made a gesture of hugging left and right, indicating that Azu would not fit the image of a hero if he flew with two people.

"If the "Motherlandman" takes two people on the plane, this posture is somewhat ...

"No need to bother so much, then it's good, I'll rush to the sea where the plane is."

Joson waved his hand and complimented: "I'll go up and help when the invincible 'Motherlandmen' solve the battle, or when the plane needs to evacuate passengers in a forced landing, what do you think of this plan?"

Can you get it?"

"Motherlandman" looked Johnson up and down suspiciously, the man's heartbeat in his super senses was particularly powerful, obviously a superhuman with great power.

Other than that, even he couldn't detect more useful information.

Azu then remembered that until now he didn't even know what superpowers this new member wearing a cap.

"Of course!"

Johnson straightened his chest confidently, just like Azu just now.

"How can the Flash not fly?"

"Then it was decided, gentlemen, we have limited time."

At Madeleine's urging, Azu nodded.

The group turned to a terrace dedicated to the take-off and landing of "fatherlanders", and Azu looked at "Queen Maeve", who went up to his body attentively, and his right hand was habitually resting on his strong pectoralis major muscles.

Azu smiled with satisfaction, reached out and put his arm around the queen's slender waist, bent his legs, and catapulted to start.

With a violent roar, Madeleine covered her ears with difficulty.

Just about to remind Johnson not to force it, I saw him shake his index and middle fingers and make a goodbye gesture.

The sound of ziz, like the chirping of a thousand birds, sounded, and blue electricity wrapped around his body.

The next moment, the whole person instantly disappeared in place.

Madeleine opened her mouth, suddenly feeling that it might not be a good thing to let this mysterious man go with the past.


On the Atlantic Ocean.

A blue light and shadow flashed, and Jossen's figure appeared in the stratosphere tens of kilometers.

In order to maintain the character, he just launched a teleportation in front of Madeleine, and he also added a lightning particle effect that was useless.

It was so gentle that even he wanted to cry to death.

In the distance, a passenger plane is heading towards the North American continent, and further away, a UFO that is far faster than a fighter is approaching at great speed.

It is Azu who holds the "Queen Maeve".

The show is about to be staged.

Johnson smiled slightly, the invisible force field spread along the surface of the body, and in a blink of an eye, optical imitation was used to hide the figure.

In the sky.

"That 'The Flash', is he coming?"

"Queen Maeve" withstood the impact of air currents several times the speed of sound, looking at the endless sea below, and did not find any figures.

"What about him," Azu snorted, "whether he comes or not, the result is the same."

The two quickly found the hijacked plane, and Azu picked up speed again, made a big circle, quietly adjusted the speed and direction of his flight to be consistent with the plane, and entered the tail flight companion mode.

Reaching the right distance, "Queen Maeve" patted the hand of the motherland around her waist, and the latter willingly threw her on the roof of the plane with a gentle force.

The "Queen Maeve" who landed on the ground rolled lightly, eliminating the momentum while actually making no sound, showing strong body control.

Azu immediately approached the cabin door, activated the perspective ability to scan the situation in the cabin, reached out to hold the cabin door, and pulled sharply between turns.

Due to the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the cabin, the cabin door during the flight is pressed by a huge air pressure, and there is basically no possibility of opening from the outside.

But in front of the "motherland", this resistance is like a child's play, the cabin door opens out without pressure, and a figure caught off guard screams and is sucked out of the cabin.

Azu flexibly leaned sideways and watched him freefall as he confronted the high air current.

This person is one of the robbers, before Azu opened the door, he was threatening passengers with a murder weapon all the way, but he did not expect that the action of not wearing a seat belt actually directly killed him.

The plane shook violently as it lost its balance, and a figure in leather armor rolled over and jumped into the cabin, reached out and grabbed another sucked robber, and twisted his neck without hesitation.

The third robber, due to the distance, stood hideously in the distance, as if he wanted to pull out a gun.

Two red rays crossed the chest of the robber when Queen Maeve hit, and he looked at his chest with two more scorched black holes and fell down in pain.

The hatch was closed by Azu, who calmly walked into the plane, and the howling air flow was instantly blocked out of the cabin, and the plane quickly regained its balance.

"It's okay, guys, it's over.

Azu and the "Queen Maeve" who turned to look at each other looked at each other and smiled, and the passengers who reacted burst into enthusiastic applause and cheers

! "Oh, "Motherlandmen" are amazing!" "Motherlanders

" and "Queen Maeve", they came to save us

!", "I love them to death, from today I am a die-hard fan of this pair of CPs!"


The atmosphere at the scene was jubilant, as if things had been perfectly resolved.

As long as the plane lands smoothly at Chicago Airport, the Waters Group will successfully take a historic and crucial step.

The "Motherlanders" enjoyed the cheers and praise of the passengers, and gradually lost themselves in the endless applause and the shouts of "Long live the Motherlanders", while "Queen Maeve" maintained restraint and calmness, and keenly detected the abnormalities.

The door connecting the cockpit was locked deadly, and the crew inside did not react in the slightest.

""Motherlanders" is not over yet. Hearing

Maeve's words, Azu was stunned and followed her to the cockpit door.


asked Queen Maeve, listening against the hatch, tentatively.

No one in the cockpit responded, and she immediately raised her shoulder and slammed the hatch.

The small space was filled with a thick bloody atmosphere, and the fourth robber outside the intelligence trembled and raised his pistol to the captain's head.

The co-pilot sitting on the right fell backwards, and had already been cut by the robbers with a dagger, and died in his seat due to excessive blood loss.

"No, no, stay calm

!" "Don't come!" Seeing

that the robber became emotional because he broke into the door, "Queen Maeve" was shocked in her heart and quickly tried to appease.

As long as you are willing to cooperate, we promise not to hurt you!"

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