From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 1 Strange Dream

Gilan felt like he was being dragged back to the cold cell.

Perhaps because of the blood loss, he felt cold and huddled up.

The iron door slammed shut.

There were also vicious curses and harsh ridicules from the scarred-faced police officer outside.

Guillen lay weakly on the ground, bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound in his left leg. This was the result of his attempt to attack the police and escape.

‘Is this hard-won new life coming to an end? I can not be reconciled! ’

The slender fingers were clasped tightly on the floor, and the eyes under the messy blond hair were cold.

‘I’m not willing to give in…’

He vaguely remembered that as a game anchor, he was live broadcasting at home. Due to a mistake in pouring water and his disabled legs, he accidentally fell and spilled the water, resulting in electrocution.

When he woke up again, he inexplicably appeared in a dark and cramped interrogation room, shackled and tied to a wooden chair, with scars left on his body from the violent forced confession.

Two brown-haired police officers sentenced him to death on the spot for "trafficking bootleg liquor."

There will even be a firing squad tomorrow morning.

Gilan's mind went blank at the time. He guessed that what happened to him was probably the so-called "time travel", but he did not expect that he would be shot as soon as he came over.

According to the incomplete memory of the original "Guilan Iros", he only knew that he seemed to be a member of the local "Oak Gang" and was responsible for selling the private wine brewed by the gang. However, the laws of this strange country are quite strict, especially The so-called "alcohol prohibition" is outrageously strict.

Just the amount of two bottles of whiskey allowed Gillan to skip the court sentence and wait to be shot!

Gillan huddled up in the cell, raised his hand with difficulty, and placed it on his left leg, which was in severe pain.

His eyes were lowered and he glanced slowly over.

The pants are made of cheap linen, and the brown dye has faded after washing, and a few patches can still be seen.

But what the pants covered were the legs he had dreamed of in his previous life!

As a disabled person who lost his legs since childhood, he had spent countless days and nights wanting to become a healthy person, but that was just an unrealistic dream.

Now, God gave him a chance to regain his life, allowing him to experience the beauty of having legs... But what followed was a bolt from the blue of execution.

Like a sweet dream, it’s time to wake up.

‘I don’t want it to end like this! Even if it’s just a dream, I don’t want to wake up! ’

Jilan's eyes burst with a strong desire for life.

'I want to live, live well, and experience a wonderful life with a sound body...I really...want it so much...'

With this belief, his consciousness gradually became blurred.

At the last moment before falling into sleep, he seemed to see a beam of colorful light falling from the sky in the darkness. The colored light gathered into a ball and seemed to be twisted into a few crooked words——

"Apocalyptic Dream"




Gillan had a strange dream.

In the dream, he was sitting on a moving train. The scenery outside the window was lush, but the sky was dim.

The strange thing is that except for the other eleven passengers in the same carriage whose faces are unclear and dressed in different clothes, there is no one else.

The train drove slowly into the forest, but soon stopped midway, as if there was a breakdown.

Gilan was forced to get off the train and walked into the misty forest.

He stepped on the soft soil and looked at the psychedelic scene around him.

'Is this a dream? ’

Gilan was full of doubts, and some mysterious intuition drove him deeper into the forest.

But just after taking a hundred steps, he suddenly felt something hard beneath his feet.


Jilan's left foot was instantly caught between two curved iron hoops full of sharp saws!

Bear trap!

He looked down and couldn't help but feel frightened.

But the expected pain did not come, and then Jilan remembered that everything in front of her was just a dream.

‘I think about it every day and dream about it at night. Maybe this corresponds to the reality that my left leg was shot, right? ’

He shook his head mockingly.

Looking up, Jilan found that in the 120-degree field of vision ahead, the knee-high weeds were dotted with shiny black outlines... turned out to be animal traps arranged one after another!

The number is dozens or hundreds.


At this time, a strange shout of indistinguishable male and female came from all directions.

Even if Gilan knew that he was in a dream, he could not suppress his uneasiness.

He did not respond to the call, but followed his instinct, forcibly lifted his left leg that was caught in the bear trap, and limped forward.

The injured left leg was splattered with blood, and the rustling sounds were getting closer and closer.

"anyone there--"

The strange cry seemed very close.

Jilan turned around reflexively and saw a scene that shocked him——

One after another, the gray beasts were chasing after him. The hair on their bodies was shaking as they ran and jumped. It was eye-catching, but there was nothing on their necks. They were actually headless monsters!

The monster's neck was broken and a gap of flesh and blood penetrated the chest and abdomen, revealing the densely packed ferocious fangs inside!

In that pitch-black cavity, a human voice actually came out:

"Hello - is there anyone -"

Dozens of monsters made human noises almost at the same time, and the scene was quite strange and terrifying.

Gillan suddenly felt terrified.

These monsters seem to be luring humans to come closer so they can hunt and kill them!

Gilan instinctively turned around and ran away, dragging his seriously injured left leg and running deep into the forest.

I don't know if he got rid of the headless monster's pursuit. After running wildly for a few minutes, he vaguely saw a wall made of wooden piles appearing in the distance, with a gate in the middle.

The door was open, and an old-fashioned double-barreled shotgun lay beside the door frame.

Ji Lan ran towards the door with all his strength, but just when he was about to cross the threshold, he suddenly felt his arm being grabbed by a strong hand!

Turn around and look.

It was a pale smiling face with distorted features and covered with corpse spots!

A bloated and naked bearded man was standing behind him with a crazy smile on his face.


The man made a strange sound in his throat, raised the bloody hatchet in his hand, and struck down at Gilan——


Gillan woke up with a start.

After opening his eyes, the moldy corner of the wall suddenly came into view, and there was silence all around.

Only then did he remember that he was being held in a cell and that everything just now was just a dream.

However, Gillan's body soon froze.

Because he was horrified to find that his arm was being held tightly by another hand at some point.

Just like a dream scene.


Gilan was frightened and wanted to throw away the hand.

However, the next second, a police baton hit him hard on the back.


Jilan screamed and looked up, seeing the ferocious-looking policeman with a scarred face grabbing his arm with one hand and holding a baton with the other.

"It's time for execution, you damn mad bastard!"

The scar-faced police officer sneered and brutally pulled Gillan up from the ground.

Before Gillan could speak, another police officer placed the linen hood on his head.

His vision was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

A sour stench came from the hood and penetrated into his nose, making him feel suffocated.

Later, Guillen felt as if he was being dragged down a long corridor by two police officers. In the silent environment, there was only the echo of footsteps and his dull breathing.

Gillan didn't know where the police were taking him, but what he was sure of was...

He is going to die soon!

He wanted to put up a fight, but the severe pain from the gunshot wound to his left leg and the fatigue caused by blood loss made him despair.

Not long after, he realized that he was taken to a room and then forcibly tied to a chair.

‘Are you going to shoot me from behind, in the head? ’

Ji Lan couldn't help but have such an idea, and strong fear surged into his heart like a black wave.


The foul-smelling linen hood was ripped off.

Gilan's vision was restored, but he was blinded by a burst of blurry yellow light.

A long while.

Only then did he realize that he had been taken to a secret room.

The source of the dim yellow light was the gas lamp on the wall directly in front, which made the walls and ceiling black.

In addition to himself, there were eleven chairs around, on which sat prisoners wearing linen hoods. These people wore striped shorts or blouses commonly worn by the lower class. They were all tied to wooden chairs, struggling and begging for mercy. There was endless yelling.

"The number of people is gathered, let's begin." In front of the prisoners, there were several police officers and several strange people wearing bulky protective suits. The one who spoke was none other than the leader, a middle-aged police inspector.

"Yes, sir."

Police officers and epidemic prevention personnel responded and began to work together.

The prisoners' hoods were removed one by one by the police, and the dishonest ones were beaten with several sticks and screamed repeatedly.

At this time, Gillan noticed that two epidemic prevention personnel worked together to move an old projector and placed it on the wooden platform directly in front.

‘What is this going to do? ’

His heart was beating fast, and the unknown and death were making his nerves tense.

The leading police inspector adjusted the dome police hat on his head and raised his hand to make a gesture.

Upon seeing this, an epidemic prevention person immediately stuffed a silver cube into the hidden compartment at the bottom of the projector, and then carefully took a disk from his companion.

The disc was wrapped in three layers of leather, inside and outside. After slowly opening it, an incomplete black film was revealed.

Jilan's pupils narrowed.

He recalled the scene when he resisted before. It was an epidemic prevention person who took a strange piece of film and stuck it between his eyebrows for some kind of detection, which gave him the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

The scar-faced police officer who was on guard at the time shot him in the left leg under stress reaction, and then planned to shoot him directly. However, the epidemic prevention person said, "This guy is qualified." He put away the gun angrily, thus escaping his own life.

Guillen didn't know the true purpose of that test, nor did he understand what "passed" meant.

But he always felt that it was related to what he was seeing.

‘Could it be that the film affixed to my forehead was cut from this reel of film? ’

He couldn't help but guess.

The epidemic prevention personnel quickly placed the strange film on the old projector, and then flipped the switch on one side.


The projector made a crisp sound, followed by a crackling noise.

The shuttle begins to turn.

A beam of light was projected from the light box of the projector and illuminated the curtain on the wall.


The police inspector had a light on his back and couldn't see his face clearly, and a cold voice sounded in the secret room.

Twelve prisoners, including Gillan, were suddenly grabbed by the heads and forced to face the curtain.

Even if some prisoners were unwilling to obey and wanted to close their eyes, they soon learned a bloody lesson.

The police would hang their eyelids with small iron hooks and pull them up hard. If they resisted, they would be beaten with batons immediately.

‘Not a shooting? What do they want? ! ’

The strong unknown frightened Gillan, but he did not struggle pointlessly. The police officer behind him pulled his head away and looked at the curtain in front of him.

Soon, he was stunned.

The movie picture projected by the old-fashioned projector first went through a black screen with noise and flickering, and then the specific scene slowly appeared.

Although the picture quality was blurry and the colors were low-saturation, Gillan felt inexplicably familiar.

It was an old-fashioned train slowly driving into the forest...

It’s been a long time, all you dreamers, please take care of and praise you for the new book.

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