Gillan stared at the flickering screen and listened to the crackling noise from the projector.

His vision suddenly blurred for some reason, causing him to reflexively close his eyes.

The next second, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because Jilan actually felt a cool breeze blowing on his face.

‘Where does the wind come from? ’

He smelled the astringent smell of grass and earth in the wind.

What followed was a vibration that could be felt all over the body, a rhythmic vibration, accompanied by a huge clanging sound in his ears.

Bang, bang, bang...

‘This is the sound of a moving train, isn’t it? ! ’

Jilan suppressed the incredible speculation in her heart and opened her eyes to see——

The secret screening room where I was originally disappeared!

He was sitting on a leather bench on the left side of the carriage. The window on the left was open, and he could see the lush scenery of the countryside, but the sky was gloomy and melancholy.

‘Am I...entering that movie scene? ! ’

His pupils shrank sharply.

It was all too real, too real for him to believe.

Ji Lan tried to touch the metal frame of the window sill. It felt cold and smooth. When he raised his hand, he saw that his fingertips and palms were covered with dust.

He suppressed the shock and looked up.

In front of the line of sight, there were the eleven prisoners, who were looking at their surroundings in surprise and uncertainty, as if they didn't understand why they suddenly appeared in this strange carriage.

The sense of déjà vu generated by this scene instantly reminded Ji Lan of his feelings, and his face changed slightly.

'Dream! That strange dream is so similar to everything happening now! ’

Although he didn't understand what the people at the police station did to allow him and the prisoners in front of him to get on the train, he knew that if what was happening really went like that dream, he would face an extremely terrifying situation next. Danger!

"Damn it! What kind of place is this?!" A tall, short-haired prisoner wearing a sleeveless shirt stood up and looked around in surprise. "What did those 'Bobbys' do? Evil hypnotism?!"

The "Bobby" in this prisoner's mouth is a derogatory name for the police officers from the lower class civilians, and its meaning is similar to that of a stupid dog.

"Or, maybe it's some kind of experiment." Another short prisoner with dark skin and skinny monkey shape shrank on the bench and trembled. "I heard that the empire has some terrible departments that specialize in capturing death row prisoners for inhumane experiments. We must have become guinea pigs!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Several more people stood up from the benches, and a bearded man with half-long brown hair scolded. "You all look around carefully. This can't be any kind of hypnosis or experiment. It's probably the Mangrove Street Police Station who knocked us unconscious and then quietly moved us, intending to exile us to another place."

"That's probably the case." The short man realized something and couldn't help but murmur. "On the surface, they sentenced us to death, but in fact they asked us to go mining elsewhere."

"Even mining is better than death." The short-haired man seemed to believe this statement more. After heaving a sigh of relief, he asked again: "What about the guard?"

As he spoke, his eyes searched the entire carriage for the police officers.

However, except for the twelve people present, there were no other living creatures in this high-standard VIP carriage.

It was empty and quite strange.

"Let's go and check out the other carriages."

The long-haired bearded man thought for a moment, then called on the people around him to go along the aisle to the car in front.

The other prisoners had different expressions. Some looked out the window, some looked around in the carriage, and some looked nervous and communicated in low voices.

Gillan sat inconspicuously on the comfortable but cold leather bench.

He had no idea of ​​communicating with these prisoners. He just grabbed the window sill and bent down, with his head lowered and his face looking thoughtful.

‘What to do next? If the development of that dream is really consistent, then once the train stops, you will have to face the terrifying monsters in the forest...'

‘If I die here, will I really die? ’

Although Gilan was unsure, his instinct told him that it was best not to gamble.

This hard-won new life, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will fight for it with all his life.

'However, the gunshot wound on my leg disappeared. ’

Gilan looked at his left leg and reached out to pinch the area where he was shot. It was intact.

He was full of doubts, but also a little happy.

If you have a leg injury, you will have difficulty resisting danger.


At this time, everyone in the carriage heard a loud whistle.

Then the train inexplicably slowed down until it came to a complete stop.

"What's going on? Why did the train stop suddenly?" the short-haired prisoner said in surprise.

Ji Lan, who lowered his head, his eyes narrowed, and he secretly thought that it was true.

Just at this time, a group of long-haired and bearded men who had gone to the car in front to investigate the situation also came back. One of the square-faced men said uneasily:

"No one! No one!"

"I couldn't find those 'Bobbys' at all, and I didn't see any other passengers, not even the driver or the flight attendant!" He said, his body shaking. "We're the only ones on this train!"

"How can this be?!"

The other prisoners' eyes widened after hearing this.

A strange and uneasy atmosphere suddenly spread.

"Fuck! Don't worry about so much!" The short-haired man turned his head. "The train has stopped now. Since there is no one to guard it, why don't you run away!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly stepped forward, opened the door on one side of the carriage with a bang, and hurriedly ran out.

Seeing this, other people realized that this was a good opportunity to escape, and jumped out of the carriage door one after another.

Gillan watched all this with cold eyes.

He did not get out of the car in a hurry, but got up and walked around in the quiet car, and then found a wrench in the corner.

Guillen hid it in his sleeve and jumped out last.

Stepping on the soft soil, you are surrounded by a dense forest environment filled with mist.

‘Exactly like in the dream. ’

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gillan's heart beat faster.

The eleven prisoners were running forward unsuspectingly. Only Gillan knew that these people were bound to die.

There are animal traps all over the surrounding grass, and there are also headless monsters hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

He didn't intend to remind these people out loud. Firstly, it was meaningless, and secondly, he wanted to live.

‘These people can buy me time. ’

There was a coldness in Jilan's eyes.

Click! !


Suddenly a scream broke the silence.

The other prisoners were startled and quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

The fastest running man suddenly fell to the ground, his hands desperately tugging at the jagged iron pieces on his feet, his face distorted by pain and fear.

The bloodshot eyes were widened, and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

His taut hands were covered in blood, and one leg was directly bitten to death by a trap. Even the bones and white tendons were faintly visible.

"There's a bear trap!"

The short man gave a shuddering scream.

"Help me! Please help me!" The short-haired man begged in pain. "My legs! My legs!!"

The prisoners around him held their breaths and quickly glanced at their feet. Sure enough, they saw many animal traps hidden in the grass.

Seeing this, they took in a breath of fear.

But after a while, no one was willing to help the short-haired man who stepped on the trap.

"You, go ahead." At this time, the long-haired and bearded man who was supported by several prisoners raised his hand and pointed at the short man. The latter's expression changed. Just as he was about to speak, he was pushed forward by several people. Walk. "If you don't want to die, walk faster!"

At this time, the long-haired man turned his head and looked behind him again, his eyes falling on Ji Lan who was walking at the end.

"There is also you, let's go ahead."

He scowled and gave a threatening smile.

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