From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 3 Killing (Thanks to the leader

Ji Lan was startled.

This moment reminded him of his childhood experience of being bullied at school.

Because of his disabled legs, bad students always like to bully him. Beatings were common, and more often they insulted him in public, laughed at him, even took off his pants, and made fun of his deformed body, making his personality and dignity become worthless and distorted through repeated tramplings.

Coupled with the teacher's indifference and the parents' indifference, he suffered profound psychological trauma.

As a result, he became taciturn and unsociable as an adult. Even after many interviews, being scorned, and repeated setbacks in life, he developed severe paranoid personality disorder and delusion.

Even after receiving long-term psychological treatment and following the advice of the psychiatrist, Gilan reluctantly began to face a broken life, and finally chose game live broadcasting as a means of making a living.

In virtual networks and games, he can vent his emotions at will.

However, what no one knows is that due to his unstable mental state, he often falls into extreme emotions and can explode at any time.

‘No one can take away this healthy life that I have started over! ’ Ji Lan secretly thought in his heart, murderous intention gradually aroused. ‘If you want to harm me, you should die! ’

He looked at the strong male prisoners and nodded silently, as if accepting his fate.

Under the intimidating scrutiny of several people, Gillan passed them and walked to the front with the short man.

"Don't play tricks, everyone just wants to escape." The long-haired and bearded man said coldly.

The short man seemed to be extremely frightened, breaking out in a cold sweat, but he did not dare to disobey the will of these strong men, so he had to tremble and explore the way ahead.

He hunched over and slowly stepped forward, his narrow eyes wide open, staring at the ground in front of him, for fear that he would accidentally step into a trap and have his calf cut off on the spot by the insidious animal trap. .

Gilan walked side by side with him, not so nervous, but his eyes swept through the surrounding woods without leaving a trace.

The long-haired and bearded man followed behind the two of them. His originally tense expressions relaxed, and he even started chatting and laughing in a low voice, discussing how to find a few women to vent his anger after escaping from here.

However, before the few people had gone far, a strange cry came from the dense forest:


"Huh?" Several prisoners looked confused and looked around. "There's someone nearby."

Only Jilan's pupils shrank.

He knew that the monster was coming soon!

Jilan scanned the ground in front of him and saw a flash of shiny black seven or eight meters away. He already had an idea in his mind, so he stopped hesitating, took a step forward, and ran forward.

"Damn it!" The long-haired and bearded man looked at Jilan's back and was furious. "Don't let this guy get away! Get him!"

With that said, he took the lead and chased after Gilan.

Anyway, the opponent is running ahead. If there is a bear trap, the opponent will be hit first.

However, what the scumbag man didn't expect was that the blond young man who was still running ahead suddenly stopped and turned his head.

At this moment, he saw the other party's extremely cold eyes, and there was also a crazy killing intent in his eyes.

This look in his eyes reminded Hu Scumbag of a friend who was shot for murder a few years ago. That man was mentally disturbed because his wife had an affair. His eyes were so intimidating.

Jilan swung his arm, and the wrench hidden in the cuffs flashed an afterimage, and suddenly hit the bearded man on the chin.

Snapped! !

Bones shattered, skin ripped open.

The bearded man didn't even have time to scream, before he tilted his head and fell to the side.

Ji Lan stretched out his hands expressionlessly, grabbed the guy's clothes, and then threw him in front of him.

With a plop, the bearded man fell into the grass, and his head fell right in the middle of a bear trap.

Bang! !

Upon impact, the two jagged iron pieces suddenly closed together, squeezing the bearded man's head out of shape and causing blood to flow out.

Without even looking at him, Jilan stamped on his chest and used his strength to escape deep into the forest.

Several other prisoners, including the short man, were stunned when they saw this.

All this happened so fast that they didn't even have time to react. The seemingly ordinary blond young man suddenly took action, killing the bearded man who was obviously taller and stronger than him, and then ran away.

"anyone there--"

At this time, the weird shouts all around were getting closer and closer.

As soon as the short man turned his head, he was startled by what he saw. His legs gave out and he fell to the ground screaming.

"Oh my God! Don't come over here!"

He turned pale and screamed in fear.

I saw strange monsters the size of lions, covered with gray and black hair, but without heads, surrounding the prisoners.

The cracked cavity was full of fangs, and an indistinguishable male or female voice came from inside:

"Hello - is there anyone -"

When the prisoners saw these creatures that subverted their cognition, they all panicked and wanted to run away.

However, in their panic, they stepped on the animal trap again and screamed in agony. They could only watch in pain and fear as the headless monsters rushed towards them until they were devoured by the cavities full of fangs.

Some people also tried to fight with the monsters, but they were just mantises using their arms as chariots. In just a few seconds, they were easily torn apart by the monsters.

The horrific sounds of bones and muscles being crushed and chewed came one after another.

The breeze was blowing, the woods were whistling, and the fog was still there.

"Ah! Ahhh!!"


A blood-curdling scream came from the dense forest behind Gilan, which made him feel terrified.

Although he didn't know why his dream could predict all this, he was glad that he knew these dangers in advance, otherwise he would have ended up like those prisoners.

Gilan did not look back, but followed the impression of that dream and continued running deeper.

‘I remember that there should be a village surrounded by wooden pile walls not far ahead, and there was a double-barreled shotgun at the door. ’

His eyes were firm, and if he could get the firearm, he would have a greater chance of surviving.

'Just be careful. ’

Gillan told himself.

Because he remembered very clearly that there was a terrifying man with pale body near the village.




In the closed screening room, the gas lamp flickered on and off.

The prisoners sitting on the chairs stared blankly at the movie screen on the screen. Suddenly, these prisoners twitched without warning, foamed at the mouth, and rolled their eyes.

"Ho! Ho ho!"

A prisoner with long hair and stubble seemed to have phlegm stuck in his throat, and he made a painful sound as he was about to die. Immediately, his whole body suddenly straightened up, and he died in extreme fear.

Although the remaining prisoners were not dead yet, they were almost there, struggling and twisting their bound bodies unconsciously.

"Sir, what on earth is this movie?" A young police officer looked at the hell-like projection room and couldn't help but swallowed. He even couldn't help but want to look back and take a look at the content on the screen. "It's just terrible."

"Don't be too curious. This is not something you should know. Just obey the order and execute it obediently." The middle-aged police inspector gave him a cold glance. "Don't look directly at the movie screen. Although your 'gnosis' is too low to see it and you can only see darkness, that mysterious power will affect you to some extent."

"Only those death row inmates who have passed the 'gnosis' test and qualified can see the real movie scenes... If you want to become a madman or a vegetable, just stare."

The police inspector said calmly.

"Ah - yes, I understand, sir."

The young police officer was startled and quickly looked away, not daring to look at the curtain again.

The inspector's eyes swept across the screening room, watching the prisoners in pain, but he was indifferent.

But he secretly speculated in his heart that the orders issued by the superiors were becoming more and more stringent. For that kind of unknown film, the "Purification Department" seemed to be more inclined to invest the lives of death row prisoners in large quantities as a test. After all, the cost was low, but the "souls" of ordinary people "know" is too low. It may be difficult to gather the number of death row inmates for the next time.

The inspector felt a headache.

But soon, he thought of the local Oak Gang. Under the current harsh "Prohibition" environment, the group of guys selling private liquor were the best choice to gather the number of people.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged police inspector showed a sneer on his lips.

At this time, his eyes accidentally fell on the prisoner in the corner, and his eyes narrowed.

Among the twelve prisoners, only this blond young man had no expression of pain on his face.

"Is this guy?!"

The inspector thought of something and narrowed his eyes.

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